Press as weapon, says Paul Smith of S. F. chronicle


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Press as weapon, says Paul Smith of S. F. chronicle
The Philippine Gazette 2 (6) June 1947
Mass media
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
"PRESS AS WEAPON," SAYS PAUL SMITH OF S. F. CHRONICLE COLL\IBI:\, :\Io .. :\!:tr 9.-Thr L;nh·ersity of :\lissouri. awardt>d honor to Paul Smith. e,litor and general manager oi the San Francis,·o Chronide, on journalism week. along with a iew other leading newspaper men of the country. Paul Smith said that, " • .\merican journalism must see it:<elf. as a weapon employed on behali of the people throughout the world." He iurther stared that "the press in this country shoulder a hem·r share of responsibility for the fates oi the people of the world. and he said the American pres.• is not now discharging the iull responsibility eiiectiwly. RIZAL'S SISTER ON PILGRIMAGE TO DAPITAN :\liss Trinidad Rizal, si;ter of Dr. Jose Rizal, Philippines greatest patriot, recently arrh-ed in Cebu from :Uanila where she will ,-isit the memorable place where her brother was exiled. This is probably the last for :\I iss Rizal for her health and age is failing her. MANUEL JOSEPH ELECTRIC CENTER DISPLAYS PHONE l-3937 1020 JAY ST. SACRAMENTO BOCOBO HEAD OF CODE BODY Dr. George C. Bocobo, former president oi the Philippine Uni,·ersity, on recommendation o i t h e set·retary o f justice. President Roxas appointed him as chaim1an of the Code Commission. Dr. Bocobo is well-known in the Philippines as an educator. jurist and churchn1an. t CAPITOL CAB CO. DIAL 2-2946 Scfe S ... :-,:·-, 10D% Union STAND-922 5th VEiEf':A!'-1 OWNED ·~ HONG KING LUM AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES Phone 3-1584 Corner 3rd le Eye Public Phone 2-9797 Sacramento FOTOETTE STUDIOS Established 12 years in some location Hannah Minot,Mgr. 402 K STREET SACRAMENTO I GENE HUGHES DRUGS STH and JAY lSTH and STH AVE. PHONE l-5670 PHONE 5·2694 SACRAMENTO -JO