Silliman Alumni Association


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Silliman Alumni Association
The Philippine Gazette 2 (6) June 1947
Bernardez, LorenzonV.--Correspondence
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SILLIMAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Dear Re\·. Zambra: "' e ha\·e just received the latest issue oi the Philippine Gazette edited by you and I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate you for the good publication you have. I ha\·e looked it o\·er \·ery throroughly from co\·er to cover and found it to be very interesting. full of news and articles. \Ve have lost contact with ~·ou due to the "" ar and we are \·cry happy to ha\·e your address again so that we could mail to you our Silliman Alumni Bulletin. a special issue of the Sillimanian. l.' nder separate co\·er. we are mailing you past issues of the· Sillimanian. By the wa\". I recall that you finished your High School Course at Sillim::n, But I do not recall just now the year you graduated. I would greatly appreciate it; if you could furnish us the data about the years you spent at Silliman, the course you took and what you have done since you left Silliman as well as what you are doing now. I note that you are Minister of the Philippine Protestant Church at Sacramento and I'm sure you must have a thriving and a deeply spiritual church. I am veri• happy that you are in the active ministry helping our people in the United States to be closer . to God. Please note that the Alumni Constitution makes High School graduates as full pledged members of the Alumni Association upon payment of the Alumni fee of P5. I hope that you can help the Silliman Alumni and former students in the United States, especially on the Pacific Coast, to organize yourselves into a Chapter of the Silliman Alumni Association and thus promote the comm'?n interests of our Alma '.\later. I shall write to Dr. Primith·a Demondante also in California about this same matter. Smee liberation, the Silliman Alumni Association assumed the responsibility to raise Pso·.ooo to finish the '.\:Iemorial Building in honor of Dr. Hibbard. \Ve are appealing to all Alumni and former students to help us raise this fund by asking them to contribute and share with us honoring Dr. Hibbard this way and also to solicit iunds irom friends. Our old man at 2889 San Pascual, Pasadena, California, will be 80 years old next Octover 31, 19+7. Their Gold-. en \Vedding Jubilee was last April 28, 1947. \Ve, Alumni, have pledged to raise the P50,000 during the year 1947 and make it a double gift for the Hibbard's on the occasion of their Golden \Vedding Jubilee and the old man's 80th birthday. May we ask i•ou to share in this privilege of honoring Dr. Hibbard by contributing to the Hibbard Hall :Ylemorial Building? The little we can do for the Hibbards fades into insignificance as compared with what they have done for our people in founding Silliman. We, therefore, appeal to you to help us express our gratitude to them by helping us finish the :Memorial Building in honor of Dr. Hibbard. Your church must be ·in need of financial help, as most churches are, and yet at the same time it must have projects of benevolences to which it gives and contributes. Will you not include Silliman, particularly the Hibbard Hall, as one of the objects of your benevolences? I close with your friends of the faculty, Dr. Chapman, Mr. Magdamo, Mr. Utzurrum, Rev. Rodriguez and (Continued on Page 12 -!!-· ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP BECOMES PROTEST ANT A bishop oi the Roman Catholic Church, Dr. Julio Garrett, \\"aS receiYed in the Episcopal Church, '.\"o,-ember 5, 1930, is now a missionaD· in the little tO\rn oi :\Ianati. Puerto Rico. Dr. Garrett was a former Catholic bishop at Bolivia. CADENA DE AMOR FESTIVAL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES The C ni,·ersity oi the Philippines most coloriul iestirnl. the traditional pre-graduation senior to junior ceremony called cadena de .'\mor will be held April 21st, at the uni,·ersity quad angle on Padre Faura Street, under the auspices of the C. P. ""omen's Club. Ameurfina :I.I elencia. l'. P. \\•omens' Club president will preside over the ceremonies; Pacita Guevara. E,·e Gonzales and Betty Vergara \\·ill deJi,·er the traditional speeches. GRADUATION RECITAL AT VILLAMOR HALL A graduation recital was held last Sunday at Villamor Hall, University of the Philippines, :'.\fanila, by the U. P. Conservatory of lHusic, featured new pianists Misses Luz Quiazon, Honora Gezum-Teves, and Ester Alcid. The music graduates took turns in interpreting popular classics bl' Grieg, SaintSaens, Debussy, Beethoven and Lizst. SANWAL PRINTING CO. THE PHILIPPINE GAZETTE IS A PRODUCT OF OUR PLANT TELEPHONE 2-1949 617 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO (Continued from Page 5) :\Ir. Somera joining with me in extending our regards and best wishes for your success. Please let me hear from you as we shall be veD· glad to be in tourh \\·ith you and communicate with yon about your work from time to time. i Fratet nally yours for a greater Silliman, LORE'.\"ZO B. BER~ARDEZ, Alumni Exec. Seery. and Treas. GARDNER'S SHELL SERVICE OPEN ALL NIGHT 300 CAPITOL AVENUE Sacramento NITZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE New ond Lowest Prices in Town 1230 4th STREET SACRAMENTO l -12