A quiet and peaceful year in the district of Mindanao and Sulu


Part of Khaki and Red

A quiet and peaceful year in the district of Mindanao and Sulu
Khaki and Red : Official Organ of the Philippine Constabulary Volume XIII (No. 7) July 1933
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
July, 1933 KHAKI and RED l'AGE 35 A And Peaceful" Mindanao The thirty second year of service of the Constabulary in the Moro provinces in Mindanao and Sulu began with the activities of a new A~.a.ncat sect in Cotabato near the happy hunting grounds of ·the l<ate Datu M7a.mpurok. Unlike Mampurok however, the leaders, Moros Maguilila @ Ombad @ A~H'l.ni Saliba, Kabal @ Kasug, Linandog, Oman, S~ncho, Macacana and Marecy Mana were soon arrested and their cases remanded to the Court of First Instance of Cotabato. Moro Manangulo of lfiaraka for some unknown reason raised the red flag over his cotta at Thraka on September 20, 1932, and turned outlaw. Lieut. Fred Belli'ng, Station Commander at Tamparan, sent Datu Dianka @ Sul~an Sa Budiadingan and other prominent headmen to make an attempt to induce Manangulo to lower his flag, abandon the cotta and surrender. This he refused to do. Lieut. Belling, comman/jing officer of tthe 9101th Company at T~mparan, with twenty-four enlisted men and the Justice of the Peace, went to the cotta for a peaceful interview with the outlaws. The detachm~.qt, was fired upon at it approached the cotta and ari .,engagement followed in which Manangul0 and on~ soldier were killed and four soldiers were. woundW;· His cotta was destroyed. Oh S~ptember 25, 1932, at Lugus, Siasi, Moros Mif!l..1,9-I'Y and Majid, SO'TIS of Panglima RugaYear In The And Sulu District Of COLONEL LUTHER R. STEVENS D-istn:ct Commande1·, Mindanao and Sulu san and fourteen others .assaulted the market and killed Moros Mohamad Asadu, Arasain and Madiza. The murderers later surrendered to Captain Leon Angeles. The criminal el~ment on the island of J 0lo during the year was unuslt.a.Uy active. Many robberies, sorrie by armed bands, were committed and some were connected with murders. On the morn~ ing of October 9, 1932, a · detachment of 22 enli$ted men of the lllth Company stationed at S~it Lake, under the c0mmand of LieuL Vicente G. Alagar while on patrol were treacherously ambushed at Bud Kan Asa1i, Panamao, by Imam Ibbah, SaJ(kam and more than 70 followers armed with spears and blade weap-oll!s. Lieut. Alagar and 13 enlisted men were speared, slashed, stabbed and brutal~y massacred. Nine men of the detachment were able to escape in the jungle and cogonal grasses, leavi~:g their arms, 1 5 rifles, 6 shotguns, 167 4 rounds of ammunition ,and other equipment in the hands of' the outia;ws. MAJOR CELES'TINO N4-VARRO Asst. to D. C. and Inspector This dastardly act of the moros necessitated the assembling of pearly the whole Sulu force of j -'-· ten compJanies to recapture the lost arms which in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 time was done. Capt. Leon Angeles, provincial PAGE 36 KHAKi and i!ED commander of Sulu, with available troops at hand ~tttacked the outlaws the same day, October 9, 1932, and continued the engagement the lOth, 13th and' 20th of October ;and up to November 4. In this engagement three more constables • Were killed and eleven were wounded. Thirty-five outlaws were killed, including Imam Ibban, and many more were • wounded. On November 13 Sakkam's band fired upon an auto truck on the Luuk, Camp Andres Road, and killed chaffeur Timbre~ @ Consing. On April 3, Moros Juma, son of Sakkam, the ring leader of the outlaws who massacred Lieut. Ala!gar and thirteen men on October 9, together with Imam Tantali, Asanuddin and Anuddin surrendered with two rifles to Capt. Leon Angeles. The records show that of the more than 70 outlaw followers of Imam Ibbah's band that attacked and ma~sacred Lieut. Alagar and 13 enlisted men on October 9, thirty-five have been killed, seventeen are now in jail and eleven are still at large. The seven outlaws unaccounted for were probably killed or have left the Sulu Archipelago. On June 27 at Bakud Tangkao, Patian Island, Sulu, a band of outlaws led by Moro Butu IYaud treacherously maS!sacred Moros Amil, Apas, Had3ail, Abdurasid, Tapsi, Ampilani Akmad and Sadad who were repairing the fish tfllp of M(oro Ba) Hotrywood's MAKE-UP Secret .. ~ * F R ANCES DEB * /taturtd m Paramomli'J '"NtGliT OF JUNB 1 3TH" * Jllax Faaor'J Malu-Up UJtd •xdt11irdy. *FOR THE STARS of the screen ... and for you ... Max Factor, filmland's make-up genius, created make-up in color harmony to individ ize the natural beauty of each complexion. Amake-upensemble ... powder,rouge,lipstick, · eyeshadow and other requisites. ffiAX fACTOR'S SOCIETY ffiAHE-UP B AVE your complexion analyzed and your color harmony in Max Factor's s oci ETY MA KE-UP suggested for you br a personal representative of ~Y.fax Factor's Make-Up Studio, Hollywood. * IDAX FACTORS SOCIETQ IDAKE-UP Available at leading Cosmetic dealers July, 1933 MAJ. HERBERT C. PAGE District Adjutant and Inspector, Mi~xnao and Sulu LUZON CABARET MAKATI, RIZAL BY AUTOMOBILE GO VIA TEJERON 15 MINUTES FROM PLAZA GOITI BY STREET CAR TAKE PASIG CARS Cool, Spaciouc;, Ventilated Dance Floor, First Class Bar at Economy Prices, Courteous Service to all Party Reservations Made. Free Admission Tel. 5-61-40 C. DUFF P1·op. .July, 1933 KHAKI and RED PAGE 37 Iadji. A small boy among those working on the fish trap made hi1 c; escape by swimming out to se3.. This same band appeared in the village of Tangkao and killed Moro S:uil. The supposed motive for the massacre was attributed to Butu DJ.ud's ill-feeling toward Moro Baladji whose fish trap was near his. On July 1, 1933 a patrol under Lieuts. Ramon Angele3, .Juan Crame and Macario Asistio im·estigated the trouble and attempted to arrest the criminals who resisted. An engagement follo\\'ed in which Butu Daud and 12 followers were killrd. Between July 5th and 10th, 1933, twelve hundred laborers in the vicinity of Davao, Davao went on a strike. The strike beg\an with the Henson Orth Stevenson Co., whe·n the employees of this company demanded the dismissal of the Capataz, Manuel Medina, followed by sympathy ~trikers. ~I'o cope with the situation it became necessary for Capt. Elias Dioquino to assemble the majority of the five comr:unies • Stationed in the province of Davao to protect life and property. The foregoing, combined with other happenings not mentioned for the lack of time in the DiRtrict of Mindanao and Sulu contributed greatly to the "Peace and quiet on our Southern Front". Following are the e·nlisted men who gave up their lives in the maintenance of peace and order in the District of Mim~anao and Sulu during the year: NAME I Co. i Escalona, Demetrio, Pvt. . .. . ..... . ... I 90th I I I Roca, Teofilo, Pvt. . ..... . ..... .. .. .. 1 113th I I I Patente, Patricio, Pvt. . ............ . . 1 112th I Eugenio, Eliws, Pvt. . . . . . . . ....... . . 1 lllth I I .I Garcia, Pedro, Pvt ................ . .. 1 lllth 1 Oraye, Primo, Pvt ..... ... ......... .. . 1 lllt!1 I Aguine, Marcelino, Pvt ....... . ....... 1 lllth 1 Doctolero, Julio, Pvt ................. 1 1llth I Dasmarifi.as, Felipe, Sgt ............... I lllth I Lagarde, Jose, Pvt ................... 1 lllth I Hijastro, Aurelio, Pvt ................. 1 lllth I Cardinas, Domingo, L-Cpl. ............ I lllth I Habalo, Felix, S.gt ................ . ... 1 lllth I Lawagan, Jose, Pvt .................. 1 lllth I Yecyecan, Estanislao, Cpl. ....... . .... 1 1llth I Lopez, Cerena, Cpl. ............. . .... 1 lllth I Estorninos, Sotero, L-Cpl. ...... . ...... IG2GSBI Camania, Sofronio, Pvt ............... 1 106th I I I Mambering, Mbro, Pvt. . ............. I 90th I I I Mata, Nicolas, Pvt. . .................. 1 115th I I I Falguera, Severo, Pvt. . .............. ! 112th I I I Bruno, Timoteo, 'Cpl. ................. I 106th I I I Date CAPT. RAMON Z~'\.GALA Dental S~wge on , Mindu11ao and Sulu - - - -· - - BY WHOJ\1 9-20-32 Killed in an encounter with Moro outlaws in I Tamparan, Lanao. 10-13-32 Killed in an encounter with Moro outlaws I und · SakJ.~am in Tayungan, Sulu 10-9-32 I , 10-9-32 ! Killed in action by Moro outlaws under Imam I Ibbah in Tayungan, Sulu. 10-9-32 1 , 10-9-32 I , 10-9-32 I , 10-9-32 I , 10-9-32 I , 10-9-32 I , 10-9-32 'i " 10-9-32 I .. 10-9-32 I .. 10-9-32 " 10-9-32 I , 10-9-32 I , 10-9-32 I , 2-18-33 I Killed in an encounter with Moro outlaws I under Sakkam in Tayungan, Sulu. 2-18-33 I Gunshot wound received in action with Mol ro outlaws in 'T'amoa1:1an, L.anao. 2-26-33 I Killed by Moro amuck Mamon in South I Ubian, Tawi-Tawi. 4-30-33 I Killed by Moro Amuck Anta in Romandier, I Sulu. 5-3-33 I Killed in an encounter with Moro outlaws un1 der Sakkam in Tayungan, Sulu.