Constabulary officers' club holds election


Part of Khaki and Red

Constabulary officers' club holds election
Khaki and Red : Official Organ of the Philippine Constabulary Volume XV (No. 7) July 1933
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
July, 1933 KHAKI and RED PAGE 39 m Constabulary Officers~ MajorMartinezischosenpresml ~ Club Holds Election ident of new organization. ~ By MAJOR J. V. AGDAMAG, Vice.-Presiclent ---0·--The second meeting of the CONSTABULARY OFFICERS' CLUB was held in Manila Garrison on June 17, 1933. IJhere were approximately 60 Cons• tabulary officers of Manila and neighboring provinces wl:o attended this second reunion of the ''Khaki and Red" men and ·,a few from the District of Mindanao, Visayas and Northern Luzon. Among the ranking officers w1 ho graced the o~casion were General C. H. Bowers, Lieut. Colonel Benito D. Valeriano and Lieut. Colonel Juan C. Quimbo. The most important business transacted during this Officers' get-together was the adoption o£ the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club. Ti1e Constitution and By-Laws was finally approved and ,1dopted after several amendments • were introduced. One of those who sponsored an amendmcnL increasing the initial and monthly fee3 of the member:a hails from the Bicol region. He is no less than the fiery and eloquent speaker, Captain Zacarias lm)::erial, who, like "Gastelar" delivered a forceful and appealing oration in Spanis\ which finally won the heart and soul of everybody present. His amendment was most logically a pproved with overwhelming votes when submitted to votation. The next business of importance was 'Che cle.ction of th officers of the club. The result was as follows : ·, P1·esident, Major IT\elesforo Martinez, Adjutant, P. C. Vice-P1·es1'dent, Major J. V. Agdamag, Assistl\1.~~jor TEL.l1SFORO l\IARTJ:'\EZ PRESlDE!'\T 111aior JOSE V. AGDAMAG Vire-Preoident ant to District Commander and Ins1)ector, Southern Luzon. S ec?·et.:zry-T?·eas'IM·er, Captain F. I. Torrc,s, District Acl.i utant, South-· ern Luzon. For the information of the members, the following receipts and expenses are submitted: Balance from last get-togethel',f»28.20 From Headquarters, P. C .... 30.00 Gen. C. H. Bowers, ~t. Col. J. C. Quimbo, Lt. Col. B. D. Valeriano, Major M. Aguilar, Maj,or ·r. Martinez, Major P. E. Z'ablan, Major 1\L G. Olimpia, Q2pt. R. Ramos, Capt. J. P. Guido, '1st Lt. A.E. Fawcett, 1st Lt. L.P. Lapuz, Lt. J.V. Villanueva, M. D., 2nd Lt. R. Figueroa, Pharmacist, P:C., and 2nd Lt. E.D. Andrews. (PLease tunz tc ne;>:t page) Coptain FELlClSli\10 I. TORRES Sf'rre fary-Treasur er • PAGE 40 KHAKI a11d RED July, 1933 From Manila Garrison . . . . . . . . . . . . P26. 00 Mp.jur E.M. Panis, M.D., Capt. M. N. C::tstaneda, Capt. G. Alone., D. S., 1st Lt. D . A. Alvarado, 1t>t Lt. R . S . Banez, 1st Lt. L. Floren tin, 1s't Lt. A. J . Fresnido, 1st Lt. B. Galinato, 1st Lt. A.B . Panopio, 1st Lt. F. Sclga, 2nd Lt. T. 1 1' . Asuncion, 2nd Lt. A. V. Sayson, aml 3rd Lt. A. C. Cruz. I•·rcm District of Mindan:1o ........ P tl. 00 2nd Lt. R. T. Altm1a, M.D., and 2nd Lt. V. Orais. From District of N ortherrn Luzon . . P 2. 00 Captain M. S. Torralba Frcm District of Visayas .. . . . ..... 'P 2. 00 1st U. B . Fernando F.::m D~strict of Soulhcrn Luzon .. 'P8u.OO Col. E. BaC'bt, Lt. Col. C. Cerquclla, Major J . V. Apd:.1mag, Major I. Buenconsejo, M(l.jur A. Natividad, Caplt. V. S. Bilbao, Capt. F'. Borbon, Capt. S. F. Cacdac, Capt. S . C. Cruz, Capt . Z. R. Imperial, Cal ~t . R. J alandoni, C::tpt. E. Lasam, Capt. J. E. Mejia, ('!.:tpbin E. Mendoza, Car1t . M. Oppus, C:1pt . A. Ramirez, Capt. E. Re:Jo: a, C.~pt. B. H. Sison, Capt. P. F. Tabuen::t, Capt. F. I. To:Tes, 1st Lt. A. R. Barrios, 1st Lt. A. V. Bartolomz, 1st Lt. G. Castaneda, 1st Lt. L. D. Dizon, First Lieutenant G. F. ·j_<'Qn·eol, ·First Lieut. L. T. Javalera, Fi11·st Lieut. P. Mag3ino, 1st Lt. J. R. Men]oza, 1st Lt. R. F. Perez. 1st Lt. J . G. Polotan, 1st Lt. A.B. Pineda, 1st Lt. F. Sandi co, 1st Lt. G. P. Tomas, 2nd Lt. E.A. Abay, 2nd LL. G.N . Calicdan, 2nd Lt. A . Dabu, 2nd Lt. D. Devera, 2nd Lt. S. J uban, 2nd Lt. Z. P. Palacios, 2nd Lt. 0 . Sales, 3rd Lt. J . Celis Jr., 3t·d Lt. L.S. Tan, and 3ra Lt. N. S . Velarde. Tobl receipts ....... ....... ... .... . 'f178. 20 EXPENSES 65 plates @ P1.60 ...... ..... ......... P104. 00 43 cig·m·s Old Presidentes ... , . . . . . . . . . 4. 30 17 cigars, Good Presiclentes . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 02 2 bottles, Fundaclor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 30 1 bottle Johnny Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 70 73 bottles beer, black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 .14 50 bottles Soda, Royal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 00 [}( <D [R ~ ([)" [f-[F 50 kilm; icc Talaba .... ................ . ..... . Shrimps . ........ ... ... . ...... .. . . ''1 'ranspot·lation ................... . 1.1:1 4.60 4.30 0.50 Total .......... . ... .. ....... P148 .9D BALANCE .................... P 29.21 Ten d:1ys befo1·e the p:.1.rly was held, a circular let te:r was sent io all officers in Manila and neighboring provinces informing them that they should l:c ready to offer their pet suggest·om, motions and remarks and crack their best jokes, fire their wit~ ticism allCl explode 'their humorous selves for our wholesome entertainment. The officers who attender! proved themselves not only equal to the expccbtjon but we noted that our Capt. Z. Imperial gave everybody a surprise. He made a lengthy and eloquent appeal in English ancl Spanish for the suprort of the Clt:b. During his speech everyen::: sat down quietly a!ld seriously took notice r.f him. Someone remarked tl1at it is but ricrh l • . b that he 1s the Constabulary "Castela''. The spirit of cordiality, Harmony ancl o·ood fee1ing prevailed among the members during"' the luncheon and during the meeting. We should not close this chronicle without acknowledging the excellent ''esprit de corps" shown by the following brother-officers who, though they were not able to attend the party, paid their shares so the party might be a success : Col. E. Hactat, Lt. Col. C. Cerquella, M:.1.ior M. Aguilar, Major I. Buenconsejo, Major L. Fenaren, Major M. Nicdao, Major M. Olympia, Captain S. F. Cacdac, Capt. E. Lasam, Capt . J. E. Mejia, Capt. A. Ramirez, Capt. E. .Rellosa, 1st Lt. A. V. Ba.rtolome, 1st "Lt. J. V. ' Villanueva, M. D., 2nd Lt. M. Andrews, and 2nd Lt. R. Figueroa, Pharmacist, P. C. For your information, the manage~· of the next gathering of the Constabulary Officers' Club ~~ Capt. M. N. Ca:-,taneda to be assisted by Capt. R. Jalandoni. It is .also deserving of mention the up-to-dateness of the following officers in payin~· their initial fees. Captain l\1. Ton·alba .............. . 1st Lieutenant J. G. Polotan ....... . 2nd Lieutenant R. T. Altura ....... . P2.00 2.00 2.00 --~ Total ...................... P6.00 .· >FOR CORNS "ANO : CALLUSE-5 Form:Acitl. ori!Jo iJ.rylt;nzofc-14~ Zinc tlt/·1·s. rott··.,. . sALt 1" At.t. G·o~o· oo\Jo sToREs · Patronize Our Advertisers Distrihutors:-Botica de Sta. Cruz ----'