Defensive combat as taught at the U.S. Army school


Part of Khaki and Red

Defensive combat as taught at the U.S. Army school
Khaki and Red : Official Organ of the Philippine Constabulary Volume XIII (No. 7) July 1933
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PAGE 52 KHAKI and RED July, 1933 VIII. Defensive Combat As Taught At The U. S. Army School (Continu~d from June Issue) (The following installment is a pa1·t of the series which is a follow-up of the series on Offensive Warfm·e which 1uaa conchtded in the Novembe1· issue of Khaki and Red. This series will prove inst·rttctive and beneficial for everyone who plans to take the P'ronwtional examinations which are based kt1'pelu on the Infantry Mwmwl of which Defensive Com&at is n pm·t. The glossary for this series m,ay be found in the Decembe1·, 1932, isstte of l':haki nnd Red.-Edito1·'s Note.) i. 'I'he organization and plan of defense of a strongpoint by a front-line company should includ'e the following: (1) Main line of resistance. (a) The deployment of one or two platoons as a holding force. (b) Location of combat posts to secure the development of the maximum fire effect on the front, covering all apr-roaches, and on the flanks covering tl:.·e fmnts of adjacent units and the unoccupied intervals. (c) Provisions for mutual fire support and cooperation with adjacent units. (d) Coordination of supportng weapons, ncludng provi~ion for the protection of machine guns and the covering of dP~H: spaces in their hands of fire by the fire of automatic rifics. (e) Observation ami concealment (f) Coordination with the support . (g) Effective use of obstacles. (2) Support. (a) Deployment of one or two as a supr..~rting force to be used primarily for counterattack and to provide the maximum fire support to the front line. (b) Cooperation with the combat posts on the main line of resistance within the strongr.{)int, ·and with adjacent units. (c) Concealment of dispositions. ( 3) Local security. The detail of a local-security detachment (when .not provided by higher authuority) with instructions as to location, mission, anU coordination with djacent units. ( 4) ·Command post and observation post. The establishment of a command post and observation post in accordance with the considerations discuussed herein (paragraph 34). ( 5) Trenches an'd obstacles (a) Construction in accordance with the instruction contained in the battalion order ·and the principles contained in paragraph 39. (b) Location of tactical wire in coordination with the final p:r;otective lines of machine guns. (c) Determination of the number and location of ar..proach trenches. (d) Establishment of the trace of trenches along the inten·als between combat posts. Compliments of Central Luzon Millin2 Co., Inc. CRYSTAL ARCADE MANILA BLDG. '· Ju~y. 19"33 KHAKI and RED PAGE 53 (e) Con\struction of wire around combat posts and . r.trongpoints. (6) Coordination of fire and shock action. (a) Coordination of the fire of the combat posts on the main line of resistance with: ( i) Each other. ( ii) Adjacent unfts. (iii) Supporting weapons. (iv) Sur-ports. . (b) Coordination of shock action to include: ( i) Support to be gi•:en a counterattack within either platocn sector by the adjacent combat post. ( ii) Support to he given adjacent combat post. (iii) Sur.port to be given by supporting weapons (iv) Assistance to be given to the battalion reserve in case it' counterattacks. (7) Plans for com1terattacks by the support. (a) Best use to be made of the terrairl features. (b) Support t'o be given by adjacent units IJ.nd sup· porting weapons. (c) Part to be r.layed by each and individual of the ! upport. 33. COMBAT POSTS.-a. A combat posts (see glossary) is the smallest organized tactical locality in the defense, its garrison varying from a few men to a rifle platoon. It is so disposed as to cover by a fire definite portion of the terrain, and its garrison is always prer.ared to resist attack from the front, the flanks, and, when prac·· ticable, from the rear, it is the orga,nlic cell of ground organization; and the desirability of unity of command and control indicates the platoon as its usual ga1Tison. In broken terrain, however, or when the platoon h• as been given a wide sector, the necessity for covering by fire the sector assigned may require the platoon to gan-ison more than one combat post. b. The usual der.loyment of the platoon in defense is in one line, but two lines may be adds:tble in situations such as the following: (1) When the platoon is located on a flank of a defensive position. (2) When the sector assigned the platoon is so narrow as to prohibit deployment in one line. (3) When the field of fire is short and brokP.n, enabling the attacker to reach assaulting distance undel:' (:OVer. ( 4) When the platoon is acting alone. c. Regardless of how the platoon is deployed (one or two lines), it is a fundamental precept of the defensive tactics of the units within the combat post that each shall be able to cover with fire its own front and flanks and the fronts of adjacent units. When it is deployed in two Jines, those units in rear must also be able to cover the flanks of =::=:=:=: ====:=: : ========== :: ::::::; : : : : >c::=:=: : =:= : :=:= :=;: LA Bakery: Compliments of PATRIA Store: 633 Legarda Tel. 2-66-33 635 Legarda Tel. 2-69-80 1' M. PAGLINAWAN, Prop. l BRANCHES: . · 723 Tabora-Tel. 4-74-03 371 Bustillos-Tel. 2-51-41 143 Vilhlobos-Tel. 2-63-91 747 T. Alonso-Tel. 4-93-21 ;==:::= ::: :: : : : : : =: :=: :. f .................................................................. -11 l!i Compliments . I I I I . • I I • . . • . I • • I • ' to the VETERANS of PHILIPPINE CONSTABUlARY -) :oOo: (I. BECK, INC. MANILA (PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS) i\laximum 1\eturns .... Absolute Security In investing your money you naturally expect good returns coupled with the assurance th:~t 'the investment is safe. Then. . . invest your money in our SAVING SHARES which are available at as low as P'l.OO per month, and pay a Fixed Dividend of 4%, 5%, and 6% depending upon time. MORTGAGE LOANS in Manila under the most favorable terms ANTONIO MELIAN MANUEL M~ RINCON President Manaoer EL ~HOGAR FILIPIN·O El Hogar Bldg., P. 0. Box 105 Manila, P. I. Hoilo-Cebu-Zamboanga-Baguio-Legaspi ,, I ,, I :PAGE 54 KHAKI and RED July. 1933 the elements to their front. In general the rifle units of a combat post are ,located in such a manner as to favor the deployment of frontal and flanking fire. In order that they may be able to deliver a maximum amount of effective fire to the front and flanks, and, if necessary, to the rear of the combat post, it may be ad'visable to locate them on a line either parallel, oblique, or perpendicular to the general front. d. In the early stages of a hastily assumed defensive (as when an attack has broken down when the machine guns not occupied their defensive positions, the plan of defense must be temporarily developed upon the dispositions of the rifle units. Changes in these original disr.-ositions will often have to be made in order to coordinate them with the dispositions of the machine guns (see Figure 5). ·when the time and means are available for deliberate organization of tl1e ground, the plan of defense must be arrived at by s~;~ch mutual adjustment between dispositions of the rifle units and those of the machi11e guns as to permit the full use of their combined defensive powers. In accomplishing this adjustment, great weight must be given to the utilization of the d'efensive firepower of the machine guns. e. (1) The rifle units within a combat r.·ost are distributed in groups of from four men to a squad, the squ·ad leader retaining command and control even though there b<! two groU})S. He stations himself where he can conduct the fight of his squad, and at the ..same time keep in commn:nication with the next higher leader. He is responsible fol' and chaTge witl1 the following: (-a) The proper fire d'istributions, fire eontrol, and fire discipline of l1is unit. (b) Pror.-er distribution of ammunition within the unit. (To be Continued) ! Save Your f Old Guns• We Do Repairs on Guns- Reblue- Restock. Can Put Your Old Gun in New Condition. And Will Sell You a New Gun. 'see' Us Before You Get a New Gun . Squires Bingham Co. Sport~men's Headquarters 15 Plaza Ooiti Tel. 2-13·01 '• =:=:=:= :"j :.: ,,, .?"';? KHAKJ and RED July. _J , .. practiced by a physician or ,,.,.....,w"1 e anai.t(spensing of ·abo·ttives.-The penalties provided in article 256 shall be imposed in its maximum period, respectively, upon any physician 1 or midwife who, taking advantage of their scientific knowledge or skill, shall cause an abortion or assist in causing the same. Any pharmacist who, without the proper pres. eription from a physici1an, shall dispense any abortive shall suffer • a1·resto mayo·r and a fine not ex1,000 pesos. SEC'I'ION THREE-Duel. AR'l·. 260. Responsibility of partic-ipants in a duel. -The penalty of reclusion temporal shall be imposed npon any person who shall kill his adversary in a due1. If he shall inflict upon the lAtter physical injures on1y, he shall suffer the penalty provided therefore, according to their nature. In case any other case, the combatants shall suffer the penalty of ar1·esto mayo1·, although no physical injuries have been inflicted. 'The seconds shall in all events be punished as uccomplices. ART. 261. Chalbenging to .a cluel. The penalty of p1·isi6n correccional in its minimum p'eriod shall be imposed upon any person who shall challenge another, or incite another to give or accept a challenge to a duel, or shall scoff at or decry another publicly for having refused to accept a challenge +0· fight a duel. (To -Be Continued) .Always .... GOLDENBERG'S offers THE LOWEST PRIC THAN ltVER! H~re is tJhe 'JYI'oof: "Gabardine" for men's Suits . .... . Raincoats "Goodyear" for '\Vomen and M·en, from- ............ . Elegant Raincoats for ·women ... . Fancy .Shoes for Women ......... . , Shoes for Children ...... . Silk Stockings . ..... ........... : .. Silk Crepes with designs, from- .. Percales and Fanltastic, from- .... Cl-:ifon Voiles with designs, from- . Poplins Estanr.ados, from- .. . ... . Plain Colored Cloths, from- ..... . Beautiful Silk Scarfs of 1 m~wr square, from- .... .... .. . ... . Etc., Etc., Etc. P 0. 70 meter 5.00 each 3.50 " 2.50 " 3.50 pair 0.75 " 1.20 meter 0.20 " 0.30 " 0.25 " 0.20 ., 1.20 each vVe cater to wholesale Buyers Yotb are welcome at 194 JUAN LUNA Near China Bank Bldg. l I _._----- ----------1 1:··-------------------------------------------------------------! Read Khaki and Red ·. '---.. --------------.. ----... ------.. _,_ _____ ..... ----------------~-- ...... 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