Spiritual rehabilitation in the Philippines


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Spiritual rehabilitation in the Philippines
The Philippine Gazette 2 (6) June 1947
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SPIRITUAL REHABILITATION IN THE PHILIPPINES The Philippines needs spiritual rehabilitation. It is becau;e the FilipinM a-'! alo flesh and blood. They han undergone great suffering as a people. The spiritual leaders of the Philippines and the Republic of the Philippines should join in bringing about the spiritual and moral message of Chirst to the people. For the people are still bewildered and uncenain on what course to rake. whether that of righteousness or that of lawlessness. In this war great masses of people ha,·c lost their moral ,·irtues of Christianity. Instead of Ji,·ing a happy normal honest life they indulge in stealing for a living. That shows that they ha,·e not regained their lost moral standard. It is therefore the duty of the moral leaders and the Philippine's \\'hole population to campaign against this disease of the mind. The homes, the churches, schools and clubs should all join in putting this out. Put all those racketeers in jail. If they are in office see to it that they will never come back:. That is the straight deal with those who will put the country in disgrace. \Vhen the hand grenade was hurled at President Roxas after he delivered his speech on the pla::a, here in America and perhaps throughout the world it was headlined in the newspapers. Thank: God that President Roxas was not hurt. But that is a national shame. Filipinos i~ America and a great portion of the American people were sorry. Here and there Filipinos that have been in the Islands not many months ago testify to the fact that there are grafts and corruptions going on in the Philippines today. There are robbers on the highways, and the lonely places. Government officials put on pressure for red hot tips. These things that has been mentioned are the fruits of corruption. The real sickness is in the soul. It is the duty of the church to preach the Gospel of Christ so that our people will be one of the best and finest people on the face of the earth. Now is the time to combat against this evil an dcorruption in our country. Let us teach our people that it pays to be honest, to be pure, to be kind and to love our fellowmen as we love ourselves. And also share some of what you have to your less fortunate brothers. By this, our country will be in peace and the Philippines would be a little heaven on earth. BIBLE TRANSLATED INTO 1080 LANGUAGES NEW YORK-Translation of the Gospel of St. John into Maguindanao brings to a total of 1,080 languages and dialects in which the Bible, in whole or in part had been translated. The American Bible Society will distribute 500 of the Gospels in Cotabato, Mindanao where the dialect is spoken. The ::ilipino Church Of Christ ~ Six·~1 S:·rco:, Socror:ien:o, Calif. Sunday SchooL _____ .. .10:00 A. M. Morning Servke.---··········---11 :00 A. M. R.-·1. Viconte A. Zombro, Pastor Phone 2-7064