Grand encampment elects officers for 1933


Part of Khaki and Red

Grand encampment elects officers for 1933
Khaki and Red : Official Organ of the Philippine Constabulary Volume XIII (No. 7) July 1933
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
July, 1933 ·KHAKI and RED P AGE 49 · crarutincampment Elects Officers For 19 3 3 General Orders No. 12, s. 1933. 1. The minutes of the Fifth Reunion of the Glland Encampment are hereby published for the information of all concerned. 2. Opening of the Grand Encampment. - The Fifth Reunion was formally opened at 9 :30 a. m., on February 19, 1933, in the Social Hall of the Manila Garrison, presided over by the !Commander - in - Chief, Comrade C. E. Nathorst. The Commander-in-chief designated Comrade Felix Llorente as 1st Vice Comm:mder - in ,_ ·Chief and Comrade M. N. CasCastaiieda as 2nd Vice Commander-in.!Chief. 3. Delegates and Alternates present were: For Gen. Bandholtz Post No. 1-Manila: Comrades F. de Guzman, R. Lorenzana, L. Arellano, D. Valmores, and J. Y. Bato. For Capt. Rickar® Post ·No. 12-Dagupan: No delegate. For Capt. Juan Post No. 3-Laoag: Comr• ade Bernabe Nicolas. For Col. Mair Post No. 4-Iloilo: Comrade Nazario So to. For Lieut. Maynes Post No. 5-Dansalan. No delegate. For Capt. ·Rosado Post No. 6-Bacolod. Comrade Filomeno B. Cabrera. For Lieut. Magno Post No. 7-Zamboanga. No delegate. For Lieut. Ward Post No. 8-J olo. No delegate~ · . · For Lieut. W~1lker Post No. 9-Cebu. No delegate . For Gen. Crame Post No. 10-Davao. No delegate . . Comrade JUAN DOMING1JEZ C ornmander-tin-C hie! For Major Logan Post No. 11- Bayombong. Gomrade Ricardo L. l\1adamba·, and Comrade A. F . Abell ana . For Capt . Vandam Post N J . 12-Tuguegarao. Comrade Florentino Pagulayan and Comrade Juan Ifurung. For Sgt. Agsi1o Post No. 13-Cabanatuan. Comrade Amando B. Pineda and Comrade Antonio V . Sayson . 4. Morning Ses:oion. -The Acldutant General read the annual report of the Commander-in-Chief for 1932. PAGE 50 KHAKI and RED July, 1933 Comrade FELIX LLORENTE Fi1·st Vice Comm.anr/c?·-in-Chief Comrade MARIANO N. CASTANEDA Comrade ALEJANDRO YANCE Second Vice Comma.nde?·-in-Chief Quarte?·nw,ste?" General 5. The Adjutant "General also read the letter of the Commander-in-Chief, Comrade Gen. C. E. Nathors·t, tendering his resignation as Commanderin-Chief due to the fact that he is t•o leave with his family for a trip abroad. 6. Election of General Officers. -Comrade Felix Llorente moved that the election of the Commander-in-Chief be made by acclamation. The moti•on, duly seconded by Comrade M. N. Castaneda, was unanimously approved. Comrade Juan Dominguez was nominated and unanimously acclaimed Commander-in-Chief. The election then proceeded with the fbllowing results: First Vice Commander-in-Chief Comrade Felix Llorente . . . . . . . . . . 23 votes Second Vice Commander-in-Chief G.)mrade M. N. Castafied~a . . . . . . . 2.1 V'otes Qual' ~ermaster General Buy _____ _ Good Printing and Lithographing /rom Comrade AJejand1~0 Yance ....... . 26 votes Judge Advocate General Comrade Francisco de Guzman Grand Chaplain 15 votes Comrade Juan C. Quimbo ....... . 16 votes Surgeon General Oomnide Basilio J. Valdes ....... . 24 votes Members of the Council of Administration: For .Northern Luzon Comradte Bernabe Nicolas ......... 28 For Central Luzon Comrade Antonio V. Sayson 21 F• or Southern Luzon Comrade Domingo Valmores 21 For Visayas Comrade Nazario So to ............ 21 For Mindanao and Sulu Comrade Elias Dioquino .......... 17 Lithographino, Printing, folding, Boxes, Bookbinding, Electrotyping, Wrapping Paper. Tels. 2-33-31-2-33-21--2057 Azcarraga vote& votes votes votes votes July, 1933 KHAKI and RED PAEE 51 The f.ollowirg Staff Officers were appointed: Deputy Commander-in-Chief-Comrade T. Mar·tinez Deputy Commander-in-Chief in the U.S. A.Comrade 0. A. Hansen Chief of Staf:( . . . . . . . . Comrade J . A. Hernandez Adjutant General ........ Comrade Rafael Ramos Inspector General & General Installing Officer .... Comrade M. G. Olympia Asst. Adjutant General . Comrade Alejandro Yance As~t. Ql'~rt s rmaster IGen~ralComrade Justo Y. Bato Aide to the Commander-in-Chief Comrade Rosendo Lorenzana Grand Historian ........ Comrade Jose Velasquez .Grand Patriotic InstructorComrade Lucas G. Baviera Grand Trumpeter . . . . . . Comrade A. J. Fresnido Sergeant-at-Arms .... Comrade Francisco P• Jlotan Color Sergeant ........ Comrade Gregorio de Leon Color Bearers . . . . . . 1. Comrade Leon Abando 2. Comrade M. del Rosario 3. Comrade Zacarias J.V.Iatreo 1 . Comrade Eugenio Alano Color Guards 1 . Comrade C . Ilermocilla 2. Comrade P . Caballero Guard Comrade Benito Espejo "GASTAHLA" Combustible For Internal Combustion Engines - - 0 - ~~Gastarla", used for automobiles, autobuses, tractors, launches, etc., with a slight adjustment of the carburetor, will give first class service, great econ«)iny, and absolute safety. - CENTRAL AZUCARERA DE TARLAC P. 0. Box 143 Manila T"AAUE Mark ~ West Point i~ KHAKI OF REGIMENTAL FAME There are certain things everyone in the regiment comes to know like their squads right and squads left Such is West Point Khaki, a Khaki manufactured expressly for the tropics. You'll save money by wearing West Point Khaki! Sold exclusivelf) by L·R:/IGU/JY/ILIJO 514-520 Juan Luna, Manila Cebu-Haeolod-lloilo ,PJ.JEASE P!..TR0NIZE OUR AD\.1~RTISERS) EXCELLENT Autobus Service For Excursionists We offer the safest and mo:-~t comfortable means of transportation at a comparatively low cost and talm you anywhere in , . t'he Provinces of_ RIZAL, CA VITE, BULACAN, LAGUNA. TAYABAS AND BATANGAS. PASAY TRANSPORTATION CO,, INC; fllain Office: Manila Office: 55 Alejandro VI Tel. 2-26-28 Manila Tam bo, Parafiar Tel. 5-76-6/ Rizal I I / ji I r I I