Resume of activities in the District of Visayas


Part of Khaki and Red

Resume of activities in the District of Visayas
Khaki and Red : Official Organ of the Philippine Constabulary Volume XIII (No. 7) July 1933
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
July, 1933 KHAKI Clfttl R&D PAGE 32 Resume Of Activities In The District Of Visayas Despite the depression, 'which had been raging throughout the district, the locust infestation :which in some localities Jtad caused damages to crops a.1J the IU(nusual big army of unemployed, peace and order con~ <.lition.s in the Visayas during the last twelve months had been very satisfactory. Crimes of the usual kind, not the result of organized or combined lawlessness but of personal differences, land troubles, joolousies and immoderate indulgence in an alcoholic beverage, locally called tuba, were committed and in almost all cases, the 1 erpetrators t h e r e o f were readily apprehended and de.:tlt with according to law. Through continuous, unrelenting and system· atic efforts, the Constabulary in this district . I l DISTRICT STAFF succeeded in accounting fo:· three dangerous criminals. Garramino N. @ Gramino N., one of the Montescos who murderej Serge:.tnt Ramon Gayanilo, 2rd Company, Left to 1·ight: Majo1· Eliseo B1·irngac;, District Surgeon, Visaya.<>; Col. G. B. Francisco, District Commamder, Visayas; Major F. G. Oboza, Assistant District Com,mander and Inspector, 2ncl. In.crpection Division, Visnyas; 1st '.Lieutenant Basilio Fe1·na.ndo, Dist1·ict Adjutant. and Sgt. Fernandez Cebua, 44th Co., Jat Mount BaJ.oy, Calinog, Iloilo on January 7, 1929, was shot to death for resisting arrest by a patrol from the 25th Co., Calinog on July 22, 1932 in the mountains of Calinog. Valentin Malindog wanted for murder since 1914, w~s surprised by plain c~othes men from the 65th Co., Borongan under Lieut. D. U. :renazas in the mountains of Salcedo, Samar on Aug. 24, 1932. He did not have a chance to use a 12-gauge home-made shotgun, one 32-caliber revolver and one 25-caliber Colt pistol-all with ammunition found in his possession. Jose Salamorin wanted for double murder by the Justice of the Peace of Tolong, N egros Oriental, was shot by Lieut. Pedro Sumu1ong while evading arrest at Sitio P.angi, Tolong, on September 21, 1932. He died on October 3, 1932, of the wound he received. The labor Rituation in the district was a sore spot to peace and order. Sporadic strikes or attempt to declare walk-outs were registered. Among the most important strikes duuring the last twelve months were: On December 20th, 1932, about 500 seamstress working in different. dealers of ready-made trousers in Iloilo, Iloilo declared a strike due to reduction in their w,a.ges. There was no disorder reported. On May 15, 1933 about 3,000 men and women, members of Federacion Obrera, working in different Chinese corn mills, soap and shirt factories in Cebu, Cebu declared a strike on 'account of the dismissal of two girls working in a corn mill. ''llhe strik~ was settled on May 18 through the intervention of tho P ~·ovincial Commander. In spite of the activities of Hs leaders, the Federacion Obrera in Iloilo which caused most of the strikes in Iloilo and Negros Occidental in 1930PAgE 34 KHAKI and RED July, 1933 1931 is lo13ing. its prestige and is now headlong• bound f~L9~S.):m.nrlment. The insular trC'::tsurer decid,ed that i{Ts a communistic organization and cancelled its license on November 4, 1932. There had been an attempt to to the district the tentacles of communi~ m. On O:::tober 12, 1932, a communist agent, arrived at Pulupan-· dan, N egros Occidental and tried to organize a bi·anch of ·the "l{)atipunan ng mga Anak Pawis sa Pilipinas" (Society of the Sons of Labor of the Philippine I.slands). ·The laborers, however, did uot pay much attention to him, so that he left the province without accomplishing his purpose. Some labor leaders in Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental received during the month of March 1933, printed propaganda from the Communist Party of the Philippine Islands, Manila, but the~e did not, in the least arouse their interest. In s11ite of its depleted strength, the Constabn·· lary shouldered and performed i·tls multifarious duties with as much zeal and devotion as in t!1e past. The people still respect it as a dependable organization for the protection of individual rights, life and property. Its relation with the other official's has been excellent. Greater good-will and mutual confidence existed between them. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. When Traveling in the Visayan Islands and Mindanao, remember that we are owners of FAST, 'COMFORT ABLE AND NEW MOTORSHIPS with weekly 9ailings from Cebu to the principal ports of Visayas and Mindanao. Rates and dates of sailing gladly furnished on request. LA NAVIERA FILIPINA INC. Tel. 673 Cebu, Cebu 41 Martires St. Agents in Manna: L. 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