Veterans fund drive swings underway


Part of Khaki and Red

Veterans fund drive swings underway
Khaki and Red : Official Organ of the Philippine Constabulary Volume XIII (No. 7) July 1933
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Ju'y, 1903 KHAKI and RED PAGE 41 Veterans Fund Drive Swings Underway - - · 0 - - - The fund raising caimpaign of the Veterans of the Constabulary is off to a "flying start, and from all indications it is going to be just about the biggest tlhing that ever happaned. About June 20 the first delivery of books of tickets w1as received from the printer and the mailing of them was started on the same day. Within ten days the entire first order of books of tickets were mailed out, yet before the mailing was complet.ed some of the books from thooe first. delivered were already sold and the proceeds turned into the Campaign Headquarters. According to officials in clharge of the campaign who have had previous experience talong this line, this had never happen·• ed before and it is remarkable to see the books of tickets being turned in at such an early date. There are several reasons for this outburst of enthusiasm which should not be overlooked, the, first as well as the most important of which is the BulJ T a morrow's Car T odalJ l The Newest Mode] 40 V-8 fact that the Veterans of the Constabulary is one of the outstanding organizations in the Philippines; and when it comets to producing results it is second to none. Another good reason is the facl that the Gift Distribution Committee ha.s worked night and day for months to secure the right merohandise at tht. right pric~, with the result ·bhat the gifts in this campaign are the greatest ever offered. In fact it can be said that prizes offered during this campaign are almost double :any that were ever offered before in a similar undertaking. Col. Juan Dominguez, Major Telesforo Martinez, Capt. Rafael Ramos and other officials are proud of this wonderful offering and are extending their sincere thanks to the many :friends who are russisting so nobly in this affair. As to the prizes the greatest interest center~ on the two automobiles that are to be given away. Combining the manv advanced features that you have always wanted in a motor car. I Sa lea & Service YOU GET- J New Speed New Beauty New Comfort New Economy New Smoothness New ReliabilillJ AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES A NEW FORD V-8 CONVERTIBLE SEDAN is to be given away by the Veterans of the Philippine Constabulary in connection with the Fund Raising Campaign. "After We Sell We Se1·ve" . MANILA TRADING & SUPPLY COMPANY Maliivfl'irP~ and Display Room: Port Are&'\:M'.alecon) ~ MANILA ··. · PAGE 4~ KHAKI and RED July, 1933 The committee selected two cars: a Ford DeLux V-8 Convertible Sedan and an Essex Terraplane. 'These two automobiles are only two of the 100-big gifts that are to be g·iven away on the last night of the celebration. In a previous undertaking of this kind there was only one automobile and about 50 last night gifts offered. T n previous campaigns of this kind there were about six or eight prizes be given to the individual ticket buyers. But the officials of this campaign demanded bigger and better inducements be maJCle to offset th'e much-talked-of depression, therefore there are thirteen ( 13) prizes given out with each book sold not counting an extra special prize which brings the total up to 14 prizes. Those of a superstitious nature should note that the committee has adopted that famous lucky number thirteen. Over P50.00 worth of merchandise is being given out with every book of tickets, therefore, any one who desires to purchase the entire book of tickets may do so and they will receive more than their money's worth in actual merchandise besides contributing to a worthy cause and also having the opportunity to participate in the distribution of those 100 big last-night gifts. The books; also contain hundreds of admission tickets to the fair grounds in December which promises to be one of the greatest events of its kind ever held in tha Orient. Several persons have already taken advantage of this most liberal offer. Another set -of prizes that is <ttusing quite a stir among ticket sellers are the three big prizes offered to the person who sells the greated num, ber of books. But it is not generally known that to compete for these prizes all you have to do is to have your friends who are selling tickets to men·• tion your name when paying for their books. In this way the ,seller as well as the ticket buyers reIt Tastes Good! Just like sweet cream I II Eastlp digestible. Powerful re~onstructive for CHILDREN and ADULTS, who suffer from general debility, malnutrition, anemia, rickets, BERI-BERI, scrofulosis, netlll'asthenia, and other ailments caused by lack of vitamins. Formula: Codliveroil 40%, Yolk egg 10% Calc. !act. 0,3% Calc. hypopho->ph. 0.:~%, Trag canth 1,2% Aq. dest. 45,2%. Examined by Bureau of Science · laboratory No. 172,372 ApproYed by Board of Pharmacy Permit No. 321. ceive their premiums just the sarne and the party who encourages such 'Sales and is mentioned as such, receives the credit and has an opportunity to participate in three prizes that are valued at over P200.00. It seems as though there is no end to the prizes that are offered during this campaign. Last week the Gift Distribution Committee got ttheir heads together and purchased 13 \additional musical instruments and tennis rackets and are going to give them away as additional prizes to the Constabulary Company who sells the greatest number of books of tickets. And again it might be well worth mentioning that these prizes are separate from all other prizes and all that a company has to do is to have their friends mention their company when the book is paid for and credit will be given to that company. This i'S not only sounds easy but is easy. The Queen ·Contest Committee has been hav1ng numerous meeting]s to formulate the plans for tllat most important feature of the campaign. There are 1,000 votes that go with each fully sold book of tickets. This Queen contest ~hould create a great deal of interest as the lady selected as Queen will not only be wined, dined and feted and will reign supreme during the nine gala nights of fun, laughter and joy, but will also be offered an opportunity to appear in one of the forthcoming Philippine Talking MotiO'n Pictures along with the biggest motion picture stars in the Islands. Taking the campaign as a whole the officers in charge such as Col. Dominguez, Major Martinez, Capt. Ramos and their many assistants are to be congra:tulated on working out and formulating the plans for such a gigantic undertaking and afThe GERMAN Codliver-Oil-Emulsion combined with Yolk of Egg. The only codliver-oil-emulsion containing the four vitamins A., B., D. and E. Suld at all Drug Stores '· or by C. 0. D. from Agents: lnhelder, . Walch Co., Lt.d. China Bank Building P. 0. Box 1JS2 Manila C. 0. D.-P2.50 postage paid per original bottle of 300 grams. July, 1933 KHAKI and RED PAGE 43 ter December 31 they should be entitled to an unanimous vote of thanks from the Constabulary Veterans and the Constabulary organi~a.tion as a whole. Following is what Secretary Teofilo Sison, Secretary Quirico Abeto and Chief Columbus Piatt have to say about the fund drive: 1inJ• ~o&tnnnenl of I~• JIJUijrpin• ;Jolanba ihpnrtm~rrt o£ :Ju~tic• ~lemUR l!ltpnrlment of tqe ~nterior mtb 'lfut1wr ~nnil4 In view of the growing body of the Veterans, Philippine Constabulary, it has become necessary that a Charity Festival Benefit fo~ the widows• and orphans• Welfare Fund be undertaken 1n order to give aid to. all needy members and I heartily indorse the efforts of the vete~ans, Philippine Constabulary in connection with the Festival Benefit which is to be held this coming December, 1933. This occasion will constitute an outstanding event in • the history of the Association because it will be the first of its kind to be undertaken by it. The Association needs the full support of a·ll public spirited citizens in order to make the affair a successful one. It has also devisea a way by which all those who assist the organization in its undertaking will be rewarded for their interest and work. The Constabulary Veterans need money to carry on. A little help from the many will work no hardship upon the individual, yet it will enable the veterans to promote their work effectively. tamili es. The Veterans are appealing to you for cooper at ion and support, which in turn wiH also help you. The management is offering you a wonderful opportunity in connection with a novel scheme whel"eby ~ou may use your spare time to profitable advantage. The Veterans organization iB undertaking a BlG CHARITY FESTIVAL in December, 1933. The proceeds from I. his affair w Ul be used to help every ex-constabulary soldier, widow and or-. phan. The little help you are asked to render them will be fully compensated. I hope that every government employee as well as the public in general will give this cause his very best Secretary of Justice POLICE DEPARTMENT CENTRAL OFFICE efforts and support. 1HE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CITY OF MANILA May 17, 1933. I desire to subscribe wholeheartedly to the mo~­ ~ent or the veterans, Philippine Constabulary, in openng a oharity-restival benefit tor the welfare tund or the widows and orphans or members or the Philippine Constabulary. It is sincerely hoped that other organizations and the publio in general will unite and make this testiv~ an unqualified suooess. I understand that the funds or this veteran 0 ani~a:~on are not suttioient to help all needy memb~s an eir families and the publio owes its assistance to this errort to raise tunds tor this worthy purpose. a1 The lives or the members or the Constabulary are ways in danger, and vhen a member or this organizatio:agives his lite in the line or duty his widows and orpd ns need and are entitled to the aid or their oomra es and the general publio. I ainoere~y hope that this testival will be a hug~ s~o~e~s as I know the veterans or the Philippine cons a u ary merit our moral an4 material support. Yours most sincerely) &~(7~ (Ch1et or Pol1oe) LO SISON secretar of the Lnteriot and Labor PAGE 44 KHAKI and RED July, 1933 +++++---------------------------------+•+++ +++ +++ ++ ++ + + + BONDS + + + ++ Firea1·m Ammunition Customs Inte1·nal Revenue Fiqelity Various Judicia' .Contr~ct INSURANCE Fire Marine Ea1·thquake Typhoon Rent Compensation Accident Automobile Plate Glass Flood Our bonds are acceptable to the Government of the Philippine Islands and the United States Government. We are the Agents of the Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ltd. and the Great American Insurance Company of New York. CALL OR WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Fidelity And Surety Company Of The Philippine Islands INCORPORATED MAY 8,1912 AGENCIES-Cebu, Iloilo, Davao and Zamboanga GEO. C. DANKWERTH 'PreJident Monte de Piedad Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Manila. P. 0. Box 150 Tel. 2-12-55 +++ +++++----------+ + ++ +++ ~------------+++++ '·