The dental service insigne of the AFP


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

The dental service insigne of the AFP
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 3) January 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Dental Service Insigne of the AFP by the Office of Chief, Dental Service T ~irn~::ri:i~:t 0 :! ~;~~:~~ th~~;o;n~g~~~i~:~ordingly to mytwo snakes or serpents are entwin- thology, originated from Hermes, ed around a staff. The difference is the son of Zeus, known to the Rothat the letter D for Dentistry is mans as Mercury, a messenger of placed at the middle of the staff the gods. Apollo, god of manly to distinguish the insiKne from youth and beauty, poetry, oracles, healing and music, expressed his desire to possess Hermes' or Mercury's lyre. In exchange for the lyre, Apollo t.ffered a magic wand which exercised influence ovet· all, bestowing wealth and all things good. The wand was of an olive branch with garlands - the first caduceus. One day while Hermes or Mercury was on his errand, he witnessed two serpents fighting. He separated the serpents with the magic wand or staff. Henceforth, Mercury bore with him in his daily mission his magic wand around which two serpents are entwined. Their presence on medical PHII.IPPINES ARMED FORCES JOURNAL it. Aesculapius, the blameless physician and a sage in arts and science, lived from 1200 to 1300 B.C. He was of human origin, but became so skilled that he not only healed the sick but restored the dead to life. Pluto, guardian of departed souls, soon feared he might lose his job due to inactivity. He complained to Zeus, who struck Aesculapius dead with a thunderbolt. Later on, legends es-tablished Aesculapius as a god, the son of Apollo. The new branch insigne tor the D~;ntal Service, AFP, is symbol· i:ted by the serpent encircled about New Insigne of Dental Service Draws Inspiration from Philippine History, But Retains Universal Symbols, Pro· ducing A Native Appearance in Every Res~~ect and dental insigne is associated an ancient cautery or staff, the with goodness, wisdom and ability sign of Aesculapius. The baat to heal. Hermes or Mercury, as letter "0" represents "omicron" messenger, signified speed where- (circle or lette'r 0) for "Odon~t? fore two wings were added at the or tooth. The ancient Tagal~ top of the staff. This is only one letter "Da" ( ...•.. ) are typicaliy of the innumerable portrayals of local in every respect. The serthe caduceus. Few people know pent on staff and the base letter the origin of this historic insigne. "0" which are univeraal symbols Still fewer know the story of its since the time of the ancient successor, the sign of Aesculapius Greeks are not a property of any with staff and one serpent around country or region. "Wars ore fought and won by man, not by -opono1 in the loot onolyoio it io the knowledge and coltfoge of the man who light and ofl1urs who l~od them that win1 victoriet. Take core of your men lira!, loot and alwayo." -Revillo Militar(Balivia)