The Philippine Gazette Vol.2 No.6 June, 1947


Part of The Philippine Gazette

The Philippine Gazette Vol.2 No.6 June, 1947
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
1· i President :\lanuel Roxas who " ·as i:iaugurated as the first Presid ent of the Republ ic of the Philippines oh the Fourth of Juli· a year ago. Despite handicaps brought about by the 1rnr he has succeeded in making the Philippines one of the most stable cou ntries in the Far E ast today. He will lead the nation in observing the first anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence 011 July 4th. (Continued on Page 2) THE PHILIPPINE GAZITTE VOL 2, No. 6 JUNE, 1947 VINCENTE A. ZAMBRA. Edao, and Pcb!;she· 1314 Sidh Street, Sacramento, California Sl.00 Der Year 2Sc per Copy (Continued from Page I) All Philippine consular oiiicials in San Francisco will participate in Philippine Independence Day celebration:< in diiierent cmnmunitie;; oi California. Judge Roberto Regala will be the principal :<peaker at the Filipino Community celebration the night oi July 3rd at Sacramento. From there. he n·ill proceed to San Francisco to speak at a similar celebration at the Y:\ICA auditorium the iollm,·ing night. \"ice Comul J. C. Dioni:<io n·ill accompany Judge Regala to Sacramento. Consul Tiburcio C. Baja n·ill represent the corl>ulate general at the celebration in Imperial \-alley. C aliiornia. Consul J osr F. Imperial n·ill be the principal speaker at the celebration in Stockton. while \"ice Consul A.urelio Ramon i,- scheduled to speak in AIYarado. :\I arnr Roger Lapham oi San Francisco ;nd Cor;:<ul General Roberto Regala n·ill be the principal speakers at the Philippine Independence Day celebration to be held the e,·ening oi the Fourth of July at the Y:\ICA auditorium, 220 Golden Gate .'\ ,·enue. Judge Regala announced that :'.\Iayor Lapham has accepted the invitation to address the ci,·ic-musical program marking the first anniwrsary of the establishment of the Republic of the Philippines. :'.\-fayor Lapham's address will be of special interest because br that time he will have returned from a round-then·orld aerial trip which will take him to :\Ianila. Judge Regala said he has wired the Home Ofiice regarding :\Iayor Lapham's ,·isit here and has requested that a royal welcome -be accorded the mayor n·hom the consul general described in his "·ire as "'n1ost cooperati,·e and a good friend of Filipinos enrywhere". The program, n·hich will start at 7 :30 p. m .. n·ill feature seYeral Filipino folk dances and songs. Official obsen·ance oi the Philippine Independence Day in San Francisco will begin at 10 a. m. on the Fourth of July n·hen Consul General and :\Irs. Regala will hold an Open House up to noon during which they n·ill receive Filipino residents in the city. In the afternoon. the Consul General and :\lrs. Regala will gi,·e a cocktail party to foreign consuls in San Francisco and to city and state officials. ! E. Desamito 1 LIC::!~SED AND BONDED rARM LASOP. CONTRACTOR 9-3679 License No. L-28 . RT. 3, BOX 250, SACRAMENTO, CALIF. LEON'S BARBER SHOP Alterations 1204 l•d STREET SACRAMENTO Will Coll ond Oelive1 SIERRA CLEANERS Pressing While You Weit Sehcblo Espanol end ,Jose E. Zendijos, Props. 1107 5th STREET SACRAMENTO -2 -