Research and budget


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Research and budget
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 5) March 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Research and Budget .Fl~ By Liwt. Col. Arturo de los Reyes, l nf J? ;J NY I~ESEARCH institu- Js not receiving the backing it rightlion, of "'hatever le\•el, cannot b<> ly deserves. A cOm]Jutation of its expl.'cted to attain a reasonable de- money allocations shows that during gree of success without a progrt:'s- the three (3) fiscal years between sive budget that increases in direct 1948 and 1951, !"30,000.00, !'40,000.proportion to its sound program of 00 and P60,000.00 were actually activities, adequate competent JJ'('r- made available and a yearly al sonnel, up-to-date essential and JH'e- J~ation of P'lOO,OOO.OO was given cision equipment, good shops and during the next four (4) fiscal years laboratories, as well as a sufficil.'nt between 1951 and 1955. The first stock or materials and/or supplies. three (3) alloc:llions wero made at Again, devoid of adequate person- a time when the Division was 11ot nel, essential and precision equip- yet operating, since start of operament, good shops and labomtories tions was only in 1951. Attention and sufficient stock of materials is invited to the fact that there was and supplies, no :>ignificant headway no increase of fund whatsoever from tan bf' achieved in spite of :1 sound the F/Y 1951-1956 to the present. program of activities e\·en if cou- Yet, the increase in activities was pled with a determination to serious- so fast that some projects had to ly implement such a program. be put of( !or lack of money to supThe Research and Development port them. Division, situated in Libis, Santolan, To make matters worse than what Que:~.:on City, is the only duly creal- they were, the performance budgtt ed resea1·ch unit of the Armed For- which was adopted in the AFP last res of the Philippines. It is almost FY, affected the Research and Denm<' (9) \'Nirs in PXistt>nr<" now but \'elopment Division i11 no small de<-••r ,,,.,. P•eudent Mog•or•or wb"''" hu onnuol bud9•• ro Cong•eu, the powetlul>n ApptOprtOiiont Com,.,111u e>l the Senole and {owet Hou•e •etulonon• ol c<"e lully lot uce uo•e ond UMeceUOtf •equonh lo• ptopooed upendotu••• ~ree. This is so because the logist- Unless a progressively increasing ical support coming from other tech- budget is programmed for the ROD. nical services before the adoption of there seems tu be no justification th<' performance budget was cut and for continuing a resf.'arch entit)' iu is now to be assumed by this unit. the AFP, But is it wise and proWhile it is true that RDD was giv- Jler to adopt this course or action? en !"225,000.00 for its 1956-57 opera- Th"' answer is definitely NO. For lions, in etrect that is only Pl25,000.· all progressh·e countries in both con00 more since PIOO,OOO.OO of it was tending ideological camps, .,,,.~thout the old item or RDD in the Ap· exception, maintain a modern, UJlpropriation Act. The apparent in- to-date research unit . backed-up by crease or PJ 25,000.00 will take care a budget that will put to insignior the pay and allowance of officers ficance the fund atlocat;on for the :i~~e;~!:te:ra~;ln, :X~~nss::,pl~:~~:~~: Hesearch and De\'e[opment Di\'ision. per diems, etc. There is in ellect Abolition or junking of the RDD, is no increase in the HOD budget for nothing more nor less than rctrothe incoming fiscal year. gression.