Shall we reduce the Philippine navy?


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Shall we reduce the Philippine navy?
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 5) March 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Shall We Reduce The Philippine Navy? =• By Lieutenant (ig) Fernando L. Edralin ·.t' rr~--~ (~~ ~JJ HE ROLE OF A NAVY in gest and most powet·ful nav)' in thf' the fmmework of our national defense is underscored by the numerous activities performed by our Philippine Navy. The Philippines is so located geographically that it would require a would-be invader world. Enough Craft Needed From the standpoint of modern. developments in warfare, all m~]or powers invariably depend on their tu cross the seas before he can land navies in transporting men, supplies his men, equipment and supplies and equipment because it has been here. This calls for an active patrol proven to be most economical. While of our coastlines by PN water- our defense structure does not en. craft over an area covering 14,700 vision lhe use of our armed forces miles about twice that of the Unit- as an offensive force, we should not ed States, the country with the big- lose sight of the fact that the PhilI} • ippines is composed of more than 7,000 islands. To successfully deCend these islands, we must. have enough naval vessels to prevent enemy ships from approaching very close and to provide our forces trans. portation to insure mobility. Militarily, the Philippine Navy's main mission is national defense. To accomplish this, naval planning and operations lean heavily on the successful prosecution of the peace and order campaign. This has called for naval blockade, fire support and amphibious action against dissidents in certain sections of thl' Philippines and outlaws in Sulu. ~n conjunction with the O\'era\1 structure of national defense the. Philippine Navy is continuously engaged in the active patrol of our sea lanes :igainst any unlawful or aggressive infiltration. It has check· ed and rechecked reports on the presence of unidentified watercraft lurking in Philippine waters with effective results. In one year of operations the Philippine Navy has apprehended a total of 2<1 alien ves. sels trespassing across Philippine territorial waters. These have been dealt with and disposed of in accor<lance with our laws. While it i~ true that these foreign surface craft have not been linked with any sort o{ military aggression, the fact re· Imminent danger of having an unprepared, under-strength mtd under-developed naval arm to cope with any eventuality must be forestalled and given serious thought by Congress From !he slondpofnl of modern worlore, ell mo;or powers depend en rhe<r ncv;e, m ' ftCnfpOrfing men Pholc cbove •howf c PN veue/ lrcn•porting AFP troop• 111ains that our country'!< wat..:rs, if not properly guarded by all.'rt navy ~hips on a 24-hour basis, cau he il'l filtrated any moment. Operating with a limited budget i'III UI'!'IN~:s AfiMIUI' <norn•m••NCo 'o---~since previous years the Philippin" J<.::....~ ......... T Navy has performed various servi(o('.,. indispensable to both national ~··cu- ~ rity and reconstruction. These sen·~ , ic:es consisi of the active patrol "' :~~ ~~;\l!~~~s en~::~:~n~~~ ~~ 1:~:~ ~~~~~-·Ill'! toms, immigration, fishery, and neutrality in the territorial and contiguous waters of the archipelago: support and assistance to the armrd forces in the successful prosecutiou of the peace and order campaign; aid in the rehabilitation of national industries such as the animal in dustry, cement production industry, railroad transportation, maritime in· dustry and manufacturing industry; distress and rescue missions; transportation of relief and welfare food supplies and commodities; ferrying of artesian wells and pre-fabricated school housing units to various places in the Philippines; and the resettlement of settlers on varioUI; points in the Philippines. These sustained and vigorous efforts of the Philippine Navy in the furtherance of the national welfare and security have been made possible because the Na''Y has the presBudget Slash Bad Naval operations for the fiscal year 1956-1957 will be reduced by abQut 20% if the reduction in tht> Philippine Navy budget as errlbodied in the 1956-57 Appropriations Act is not restored. This would mean less ent number of trained personnel, patrol coverage in the enforeeml.'nt ships and equipment allowed by the of customs, fisheries, immigration budgetary outlay given by Congress and neutrality Jaws, limited na'·al as in ]Jre,·ious years. While naval reconnaissance missions, and less. if appropriations do not amply pro- any, support and assistance to gov .-ide for any incrt>ast> in strength or ernment social or welfare projects. Commodore Jose V Froncisc<> •n ph<>l<> <>b<>u re•iews " b<>ll<>llon ol PN ooilon during '"'• celebrol•on ol P"} Dor recenllt ol lht PN headquarlo~tr on Oewer loulevord PN oll•c•" <>boord o Noq •tutl porl•c•polt in tutciou iuolving omph1biaus opttOI•ons. 1'1111.11'1'1/<o'~:S AII~H: u FIJIICF.S J(Ot'IINAI. c; l'horo above shows the turnover by ohe US govern"'""' ro rhe Reoublic ol 4 vrssels The drastic reduction in the Phil- sels consisting of two minesweepers ippinc Na\'Y budget will result in two patrol gunboats, two coastthe immediate separation of appro- guard cutters, and a floating dryximately 800 officers and men. This dock which the United States has ' will not only have an adverse ef- committed to deliver this fiscal year feet on the morale of personnel, but would have to be laid down in mothalso reduce further the compliment balls until the budget is replenished. of naval vessels by from 75% to These naval vessels are new with 60% of their normal table of or- modem f'quipment and are intendganization requirements. In tu1·n .,d to augmtlnt our present naval this will result in less maintenance defensP and coastguard capabilities. und greater deterioration of equipment and eventually decreased com- Big Question bat efficiency. · At least four naval vessels will be Whether we will reduce the 'Phil. decommissioned for lack of the nee- ippine Navy or not is a big questiou essary personnel if the drastic cut which will categorically be decided in the Navy budget goes through. by the amount of budgetary outlay Likewise the activation of some Congr, will authorize for the Naexisting projects, including those in vy this fiscal year. the Sulu Sea Frontier for the de- Aware of the serious consequence fcnsc of the Philippines' backdoor, of the reduction in the naval apwiH be disrupted Six naval ves- propriations, Philippine Navy thorilies are seeking restoration of thf' reduced amount in the interest oC national welfare and security. The imminent danger of having an unprepared, under-strength and under-developed naval arm to cope with any eventuality must be fore· ~tailed. Th .. St'a around us lieemingly Jlrovides a barrier against any aggl·ession by an enemy that does not use ships. But all potential aggresson use ships today. The fortune of geography can be an effective deterrent to aggression only if have the naval force to take advantage of it.