The constabulary and rural development


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

The constabulary and rural development
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 5) March 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Constabulary and Rural Development By Captain lluminado Mangako, Jnf '~~ ;~:r '~J)HE PHILI PPINE constubu- o\·er control of the anti-fli!'si•l· lary has a new job to do. The job ent. campaign last Janua1·y lfi, l!l56. is not normatly concerned with law The plan, which shifted the opera# enforcement and maintenance of Jaw tiona! and administrative control of and order. It is something bigger all AFP units in the military areas than that, a mission, a new program, and the carrying on of the peace and not ordinarily handled by the PC be- order and anti-dissident campaip;n;:. fore, as it has plac~d the entire re- from the Army to the Constabulary, sources of the constabulary's 7,000 is expected to help speed un the de ~!~~c-ers and men behind a gigantic velopmcnt of the backward re~dons The task: Ruval Development. of the country. A tremendous boost has been giv- The development of th<' rural en by the constabulary in t he large- areas, which can o11ly be done if scale development of the rural areas there is peace and o1·dcr in the fulof the country when the PC took lest extent, came ahout afte1· a ~eries of conference with PC Chief p~ace and order; Brigadier General Manuel F. Cabal 2. Extension of material assi~tand area and PC commanders ance to the barrios; throughout the country. The new 3. Maximum suppott of the rural effor·t placed the entire resources of development program of the govern the national police force behind the ment; and government's rural development pro- 4. Enhancement of cordial relagram. tions between the civilian population Considered by General Cabal as and the military. the left hand effort of the constabu- The /..eft f/u,nd effort of the con lary, the program of uplifting the stabulary primarily concerns itself plight of the barrio folks shall be with projects designed to ameliorate canied out without hampering the the plight of the banio folks through all-out fight against dissidents. The the extension of whatever aid the J;'C constabulary will implement the ad- could give. The effort consists of ministration's major program with psychological warfare action, all-out the following measures: friendship, public relations, material 1. Emphasis on the barrio as the assistance, and help for· lawless ele hasic area for a continuing analysis ments who wish to r·eturn to a lif<e and solution of problems relative to of peace. fmp~o'" on •h@ barrio "' •he boo« oreo lor o conl•n~ong anal~,;, ond "~'"''"" of probJ~''" rPio!o•e '" peace ond ordeo" ;, now !he odded re<p<>n,.biluy of !he PC The need for a concentrated action in coordination with r·elief agcncics on rural development was stressed by like the Social Welfare AdministraGeneral Cabal to all PC provincial lion, Philippine National Red Cross, commanders throughout the country. thc NARlC, etc. All thcse things Making the barrio as the target to arc being undertaken by the var·ious obtain the support and cooperation public affairs offices of the PC of civilians, thc PC chief ordered all throughout the fou1· militaJ'Y areas. area commandel'S to have provincial With the Public Aff~irs Office al commanders give assistance to vic- Camp Crame, headed by Major Matims or their· families affected by riano D. Manawis behind the con calamities or killings committed by trots, all nccessa1·y methods are bedissidents and other lawless cle- ing employed for the complete immcnts; to intensify their efforts in plemcntation of the left hand effort pAcification drives; and the protcc- of the constabulary. The psy-war tion of other people whose lives are chief is leaving no stone unturned to in danger. • All these and many more are be ing implemented by the constabulary in line with the government's rural developmcnt program. Methods to enhance the psy war activities of the constabulaJ·y designed to promote the relations between the civilian population and the military. Since the start of the new effort attain this end lies in the intensi- of the PC aimed at the impJ·ovefied campaign of information being ment of the lot of the common tao conducted within the constabulary rallies, conferences, meetings, semicommand. Among the means em- nars and community assemblies are ployed in carrying out this purpose being conducted by the different PC are the mass media consisting of provincial commanders thJ"Oughout JIOsters, lectures, house organs, films the length and b1·eadth of the archiand Jive demonstrations. pelago from time to time. All possible media of information The role of the PC in the admi .. directed at the general public and nistration's rural development prorural areas are being utilized by the gram is contained in a message constabulary in carrying out Gene- of General Cabal to army authoriral Cabal's pet project such as the ties' which said: "With the various radio, newspapers, posters, billboards, units now engaged in a combined lectures, live demonstrations, rallies, peace and order and rural developmovies, public address system, the ment effort, the full realization of printed and non printed promotions, eventual complete return to normaland rural newspapers. cy and its consequent raise in stan The program to ameliorate the dards of living th1·oughout the counliving conditions of the barrio folks try can be expected and realized in is also being tied-up with festivities complete accord with the plans enin the localities. Material aids is visioned in the policy declared by promptly given by the constabulary President Magsaysay." PteJidenl Mag<CJyJOf ;, <ilawn deH>~ering hit·nalian addreu Mandr>y r>fler noan /Jon 23, 1956) before lh& iainl teuian af file third Cangren CJI the tet>~CJn ilaH lobovel oo l~ey conve,.ed seporolefy in r~eir reopt dive Copolof fhombers Mororoly ond minoriry oofono bol~ in the Senole ond in the hou.e ho•e 1h10 uouof pledg10• of coopttotoon in lhe genetol leg;o/olive buoineu In left pholo ore ohown SenotorJ Puyor, I lonin, Ceo ond Senore Pruidenr Rodriguez In obo•e phoro ore Speoht lourel, Jr, hP• A J Perez, Morcoo. Vl/loreol, f P10ru lmonorily floor /10oderl, Mocopogol ond CorfU toter, s..,a!Ms ~•liled Caftlp M.Jrplty o11d wer• lto110<•d wollt poraft and re1'oew br tepteoenlali•• <milo of rile Atoned IO<~•• from J.fl fabO>"el Gte Defe111e Secrektty (vloglo IGloo, S.IIOfe f'relident fvlog•o lodtiiJ"•Z. Se11alor f•-nuel hlaeJ', dloitii!CIII ol Se11ote not•-• d.fe11oe «>"'"''""· t~nd A.fP Chief of SlaH U 0..0 Je1<11 VcwtJU 1alvti10g flag p<eparotorr IG in1~i11g honor etcorfl fbelowl