New developments abroad


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

New developments abroad
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) April 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
,.,_~-----~-.... RiLIPPINis ARMED FORCES JOURNAL New Developnaeats GREAT BIUTAIN • Light Helicopter An uftralig~t helicopter powered by a compreued air generoiO< wflicll oupplieo compreued air to preuur•·i•l unito of tipt of a 2·blod.t rotor war dioployed il't Great lritoin recently. Jloe·plone which con be on o l·ton In•<~ lloo bun flown. "f']yin2' saucer" developed for .\ir Force. Til• pilot and ob•••"'' 1it fodng forward or oft with o 360-d.tgru field of vioion. UNITED STATES ' Flying Saucer' The Air force rectnlly reported that it wo../d ooon ho>'.t o >'.trlicol-rioing, man· btCiring plane reumblin11 o flying oouctr. II woo reported that the ovlolion induJiry hoo reached a period olt.tdonolo11r in which aircraft of"""'""' configuration and flight dtorodtriJti<O will b•llin to opp•or. n •• or1i•t'• conc•ption ol w~ol th• pion•, b•in11 dn•lop•d by o Conodion conc•rn lor th• Unil•d Stolu Air fo"•· will look lib d•· piclf o hull• diJI< wit~ o roio•d c•nlrol plot•ou thot I• ••rrot•d on on• 1id• by mony von•• Surmountin11 th• plot•ou i1 a tron1por•nt codpil lih thot in o connn· tionol pion•. Th• Air Fo"• ;, up•cl•d to b• tulin11 onoth•r nrtlcal·ri•ing pion• b•· lor• th• Conodion product if cornpl•t•"d. Tl•• Air Fo"• 1oid thot •~c•pt lor r•duc· in11 runwoy r•quir•rn•ntr, it did not •~p•cl v•rlicol-riJinll oircrolt to hov• mor• ouiJiondinll mllilory choroct•ri1liCJ thon conv•ntionol typ••.-N•w• r•l•o••· Ullralig-hl helicu111er disphl}~ at show