Pictorial : Bataan Day anniversary


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Pictorial : Bataan Day anniversary
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) April 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Vietnam / . ese Nav , y Goodwill Mission ~~~"-~ ,,...1 J1 -~ i·o;~~~.' / ..._I .. ';r:· ,,rrtb;!P Jl!i~:~f•' • • ~ -..... ·"\·s~ ~ ·, ,. ··/ eM' ... ···~·11 ,,!;: u ,-._W;~7 .. L~ . . . . . . . ~ !.: - ~Ill!: ' • • -:· Reprelf/lltotiu• ol the Phil1ppi11f: No•r ond of the AFP, among litem Copt Hector G Moyo ond Copt C Mo111o11o, AfP ''"""" oll.cer, mel Copt h Ouo11g My ond lti1 •tolf wlto were tlte11 accompanied to the AFP ge11erol lteodquorters lor o courte1y <oil on ll Gen Je1uo Vorgor, AlP ch•el ol stall, ol left in photo below Anothtt goodwl/l '"iuion in Manila r•~•ntly was that af th• Srifish lfoyol A.lr faru Campa,.d of fi•• i•' .bomb•r.fighl•r plones, the minion of 20 8rili1h airmen, com· mand•d .by Vi~• Air Ma,.hol W. H. ICy/•, was w•lcom•d by Srig. G•n. P•lo&io A.. Crull, , .. , chid, and other air fore• ond military lop bran on their arri•ol in Moni/o. Royal Air Porce Goodwill Million Fot the benefit of cwiour Filipino< ond I<Kol fngli<ll , .. rdenlt, the ~itiling IAf air'"'" perfot'"ed oeria/ dvnlt OYer the Nidtolr oir bare, ' I ~} -'