Medal for valor


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Medal for valor
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) May 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
f>IIILlPPINES ARMED FORCES JOURlU'L ~~Tv!~ Corresponding to the Congressional M edal of H onor in the United States, Medal for Valor is the highest local military decoration which, so far, has been awarded to only five soldiers, two of whom were enlisted mer. of the Scout Ranger Regiment I . By Captain Jose R. Fariiias, lnf. \'1!:11 SIIICt' th .. day~ <Jf yutr •·:u·e, extrao>rdiluuy and •·xcmjJhn·y when mau fir~t M"l HUt for tho· wa-r~, contribution to th"''lll~ of h1~ tht:n· has h.-t·Jo chl'<~nid~-<l tlot· •·ustom gn)UfJ or nation. Th•· "'-~TIIll'tiv•· rlf•. of awanlin~.: sum•· toh·n of "l't•n·cl<t- sire in th"' huma1• t)l-,·ast 1<1 •·xct•l tiun for t•crsonal ,,.-b of uubtandinv hnd,.; st1mulat1on thrnug-h r .. co~ition 1whi.,,-,.n1ent by th• ~oldi.-r on tho· ut unusual pcrformanct - .t truism b< Thi~ poacticP 1" a miht ·~hlCh i:; th .. basi" vf all ")"stems of ary t1adition and is carnetl rlow11 to military dccoratiou~. th<' pr<:>S••nt in the annt.--d fore<:>~ Kind, of D('corations Awat·ds anrl rk>corattuns a:J·•· lw~tuw•·d In tht· Am1 ea F"urctc» ,1f th•· Phil by the go•·etnment to rt•cogulz,promptly and fittinl(ly any officer u1 t·n!i~ted man iu th" military who ha~, e1thc1' in pean· ,,. in war, cuntdbutcd ippines, lhtc!'c arc two !rtclwo·a! elus~.,s uf r!ccurattons. On.- •~ j,,, 111'1-" uf gallantry; the othc1·, for d1.stin~ui~h ed St!I"ViC!!~ of other tn>e~. lu the unusual and cxc.,ptional m .. nt tu lh .. Unite(! Stat<.•» th" hlgh.,~t'dcCOI'atinn country. Tht psychological va]u., of is tht! Congt·essional M.,rlal nf Honor. this practiu· is i11 th._. fad that mi!i· Most famou~ awa1det!s of th" Am..,tary decorations can IW\""'t hl· ac 1 -ican Congressional Meda l of Hono1· quircd throu.dt purchase nor spec1al ar" Alvin Yo1·k and Audif- Murphy privilege but that the recipient must of W01·ld Wars I and II. •·espectivehl• an i11rlividual whu has made some ly, whose individual exploits .a1-e !lUI\ 1-' ) ~'"" lcg-<•udary. In thl' PhiliJIJ>int·~ th;·n IS th•· A Fl-' Medal for Valor which, likt- th• Con tht· act f<>l wh1ch tho· ;'th·<lal for Valor ~an b,- JHOtJl'rly awarded mak .... 11 th" nl<ht htg-hly-prizt•rl "f all A~~l' ot.•co· gressivnal Medal uf Honor is awa1 ratiou~ and tht· on(· mns! :wldon• dcd by the hight·st lllag;iStll>lt· ,,f th• bestow,-d, land to each pt•rson who, whilt· an offic .. r or >Ill t'nlistt•d man 111 acti'''' in vul \' i ng' actua 1 cun t'lu~t \\' 1 t h tho elwmy, dn;twl{uishcs hunsdf tunspi cuously hy l{alluntl·~ <J.nd wtr .. pidlt~ Local Awardccs Hy nrtUt· t){ (io·rw.-al OHh·L' t;7t, GHQ, AP'P <laud Ucc. ~2, J95f:>, AFP, the Pn•sirlPnt of the• l'hllip at tht.- risk of his lift· aho\t· ·u1d ht· pines rlin•ct.>r\ th•· St•Cr<'t!H) of Na your! tht· call of dutr. Tho· m;;ny tional Udt:nse to awan1 th., Ml"dal conditions surrounding the natut• of fur Valor to Master S··nwant Fr<~n l'reJidenl MogJay<ay oworded ll!e Medal far Valor, lligl!e<l military award, to twa 1ca~l rang~r< who ~Wed Hu~ Commonder Eddie VWapondo and twa al loi1 oidu. hlow, durin'} the decoration rile< in •he Malocoo'ionSJ parade 9rovnd• are lle/1 fa riglotr Former Oefen<e .Secretory Salera B Cabahvg1 the l're<idenl; Mfl- fxpedocion Comocho, who ••· ceived the medal far her hu1band, M/Sg!. _ Fronci<ea Comocho, who died in the light, Cpl. MoriiHono, who <Urvived the fight: and lt Gen F. M_ Comocho l\h·dal for Valor. Thev now join tho· t'lile ranks of tht: nation's ~fJidier~ who have won this highc~t decom tion. Tou~rh Hequirements The act fo1· which the award i& made should have met thl' tough requirements. Before any General order is issued authoritin2: the award of th" Medal fot· Valor, a thorough investigation of the circumstances of the case is made. Things taken into consideration are manifold, amongwhich are gallantry, intrepidity, supcisco 111. Camacho, !)0473!1, PA (Pos criority of enemy forct• and ann~. thumous) and to Corpoml \\'('cnie daring, stability under pressure, calm Marlillana, f>2222'i, PA for distin- judgment on crises. sheer disrl'g-anl guishing themselves conspicuously by of personal danger from treachet·ou~ gallantry and intr{·r>idity at the l'isk enemy, and skill. of th('ir lives above and beyond the All wars have been attended by call of duty. The citation ~tales fm·thcl· "that the extraordinary heroi~m ~:~s:\:~1.0°:ter::onaalle~~!~~;atehe:.:;~~ ~:~:~;~~mi::~le ~:~-~:~:] di~~~~~~~~a~~ of p1esenling oppot·tunity. will inevitably form a pa1·t of the It was in the early morning of Dec glorious traditions of our Armed ember 21, !9(i(i which, incidentally, was Forces". the 20th anniver.«aLy of the Armed The Medal for Valor had been Forces of the Philippines, whe'n Col. awal'Cied to only three persons before Erncsto S. Mata, commanding officer the late Master Sergeant Camacho of the Scout Ranget·s, woke up with and Cot·poral Martillana. They are a stan and grudgin~ly ~t•(•tched his ' -1 Lieut. Col. E:gmidio Crut under the arm to answer the strid• nt ringinl'!" direction of the late Pt·esident Mm1ue\ of his telephone. The call came from Quezon fo1· exemp]aJ'Y wa1· services, Second Military Area Headquartf'J'~ the late Capt. Conrado Ya11 for hero· at Canluba-ng, Laguna. For a S]Jiit ism in Yultong, Ko1·ea and ~l:lj.Gf'n. second, what Col. Mata heard from Madano Castaneda fot· kicking away the other end of the line stulined him a grenade hurled at, and intended He muttered half to himself: 'This for, President Ma-nuel Roxas. The is it". He continued: "If you say late Master Sergeant Camacho and four of my men were ambush.od, that Cor·poral Martillana, both of the 1st could ha1·dly be. Only two of them ' Scout Hanger Regiment, an.• thl' only may be my boys." The Colon.-.1 had enlisted men of the Al''P awarded thf' in minrl Camacho and Martilla•u1 "·hn I'IIIUI'I'INES ARMED FORCES JOURNAL• ''"'' ho<t <f•oo•d he• huobo"d' <off,., M .,.,,~me felt " t1 G•"· Jesu> Votgoo In r~• fo••SJ•ound o•• two ol rhe '"'" ol Comocho - fede,.co. S o"d ftoncuco It, 6 The "''""d""' o''""' d Co..,ocho, .,dow r~ol ~~~ 1/o•n hero' <on ••II h• odm•lled ,lo !he Pholopp<ne Molffot, Acod• m1 w<ll>ou< '"~'"9 on, uam1no>oon •hen •~• fot1e1 comet ol age w•·r" tht·ll f,,,. somf'tlm•· a~~ll!ned 1r h!'alnchiltl th.- Scout R~ngcr unit I· ··OJH.:Iatinn:s S<·cn-t'" tuba).! Eddit· Vii Why, that ;~ simpl~ im)ll>~-~iblt·' l..n,1 lupandu, tho•n I<"!Jurh•tlh- th,- !'i,·lrl ~u- S<HIII Martillaua, l>c(\l·und•·ti CLtld pcn·i~o• of Huk Fwl1l C'umrmwd :\o~. hn1iwd but nundhdoc~s 10-1 arut HI,) anrl concunt·ntl) ht•ad fur h1s t•xnct·itnc.,,, cam•· nul "~ 1f uf H<'I!IU11al Command :-\u. Ill cnn- from nowhcn· ""d tt·r~t:ly rtw•r·tcd J>ri:sirr)! ('._.,-n,·, La)!una '""I Ha th<·< mt· ol hi> mission F.n••m1 It \\'U~ SU UUt•rl~- "Uill"Ull).!t'f likt concurn·cl tho,. •·oc)!imocntal ~taft t• hav•· mor-" than unt· o·an~ott•l' ~ol<lit·l down and out in om· COUll!. No, i• could nut bt·, .tcclan:tl Lt. Col Rafa<'l M. llctu, .-l(<:cutll'.- .,ffkn. whOS\• ~11h·- II 1mmadu c..Ju.-van-a o~J""' 1-:t~ dit· \'lll<tpandv, atdt;~ Cummau•!.,l'.• 1\•cldy and \"u·in,.:, sl1:11n. Scout Harr~~:cr sit!.- - f'nmc1~Co C;mnu·hl> hcJ"OIC>tll)-· killed 11• actiuh ThJ·uugh army iut.-llilt"cl"·t upcrativ~s. C'amachu lt·llt ll<·tl that ) -'\ Huk commander Vitlapando, because clangeJ"Ous miSSIOn, Camacho am] of tho: intens.- lllilitaJ'y operation~ in Martillana left for the d••stination. Cavitc, decided to slip from tht' arm) Camacho was playing a long shnt; cordon thrown in the area. Camacho also gathered the information that Vitlapando wa~ bcin~ cal!cll bv th .. Huk top-brass presumably to rec .. tvo· a field promotion and assignment tv command a bi~Kf'l fore.-. Snnwh''" Camacho chanced to come across Vii If Japando way back in 1!151 when th•· he was not sure that Villapand" got his meSsage or. if he -lid, wh••thc1 he woulrl ap11ear at \h., n:ndt>zvuu." point. He was just ~~ambling on th" cham't' that Vil!apando would ·~p pear. Of f:OUrse Cu.macho and Marti Ilana were adequately armed but thl'r kn<!w the Huks would kill tht latter was still a neophyt•· on the soldiers anytime Lhey wished t<J•: As Huk organization. The fot·mer then tuck w6Uid have it, Villapandu and tried to pcrsuad"' tht' up-and-conHrtl! several of his henchmen appeaFcd at Huk to mend his ways and follow the de!:lig-nated Jllace and again on the 1111th of peace. On th., uthet December 18, Vil!apa·ndo d(•sn·,.cl hand, Villapando mad~: similat· a\.. another pow-wow. The fin;t medltlg tempts to enlist the sympathy of lasted for une-and.a h.1lf huul"s. A~ Camacho in tht' Huk movement, and the Scout Rangers left th .. hut "tth continued doing 'SO down tht· v .. H"l".'- their backs to the Huks, Camacho through communist propag:anda t.-af and Martil!ana felt a~ if lht· •\issi\· lets sent to tht· soldil·r. Villapamio dents' guns wen: trained ''" ltwio believed that Camacho, being a Scout backs. During .:h(• S(·cond m.-etirg-, Range1· with militarv t•xpericncc, it was decided that Camacho would would be an asset 'o >he Huks. As provide the get away j<wp fn1 tht· a former 21st BCT detachment com- planned cscap .. lo! Villapandt>. Tlwn mander in Cavite, ho· wuuld, Villa was men·ymaking, with wine .uod pando reasoned 011t, JISychulnKica:IJy food passed wround by th•· Huks whu enhance the H\lk rau>w. A ... sJgned told tht• ;;oldien ,h<" <ll]>ply on oPerations Seen·\ tu bajt Villa :'donated" hv svmnha•izers. Tht· !Jando, Camacho had 110 ch<llct" but Scout RanJ,!ers •hen could nut !Jell• to launch on a hold aml da1·ing plan. but fell! ~hal i.hey wt·rc bl'lll)(" wim·ol - He sp1·ead the word through thc Ca :.nd dined bt•fot·•· ch~: killing. Thc vite l!:rape\·ine that. ht· wanted to little pat·t~ ll'a~ " ~ol"t •1 ,.,.J,•hno meet Villayando personatl\ and, if tion which •1la!k ,he Huk~ hat•P~· the Huk chieftain wa~ wiltin).!", to Camacho and MaJ·tillana at th•· <noproceed to a tunc tUUa ~hack '" •.hl· ment scn~cd that mayb<: it wa~ oP• centeJ of a ricefietd somt·whct·•· ill of i.hos<: raJ·•· 'llOillt~nts wlwtt:Jh th< Palanguc, Naie, Cavite, a JJiac.., known Huk~' lon)(illl>( for -;nnpathy ~nd to Camacho f1·om his old l:lCT ,\ay.~. <"Ompanionship was ~atisfi+'d. Th•· Camacho spedfied that ht· would ho> lll<:rrim<:nt that ~\·cning ~··•·med t• waiting fo1· Villapando at !! n'cluck era~r· the lonclinl'sg cf th .. u huntl·d in the night of Deeembct· 16. t9.)5. iifl·. All ,h., while, Martillu.n;~ fi!W'<I With tht' blessing of th•· C"ntnoand- .t.S Wi!liam Camacho, Jr.. ,VnUill!<'l" ing Officer for the succe~s ,,f th• lHuthcr ot" his tcaM-m<>tl·. 'T'ht· ft" mer could easily pasS for one becaus~· of his striking resemblance to Ca· macho from the Chines.. featu1·e~ to the lt,an five-foot.thret: built not to mention fl·om the swagger to th•· The Commanding Officer agJ'f'("<l to dispa«:h an army jeep. There followed a briefing as to tht· plan of action to be taken. It wa, decided to Lake Villapando in th~ iecv and kill him at the fin;t opportune time on 11 likely spot. The passw01·d "nwyinaw" was picked as the liignal for the killing as th., night~ tht•ll were cold. At the rendezvous point, the Scout Rangel'S waited for Villa· pando with their fingers ct·osst·tL Roth wer.· armed with cocked I('I'Cast·guns with safl'ty latches on, and a .45 calibet· pistol "ach. Anxio:>t} &Tipped the soldiet·s' hea1·ts as tht·y waited alongside huge trees and do•nst· undergrowth on a dese1·ted side road. When Villapando appear~·d lat••J' with his cohorts, strong and heavily armed, Camacho and Martillana tried to appear calm and composed. Villapando decided then and there to leave immediately. It was early evening of December 20, Hl55, dark, with the moon just se \'Hal days old. It was indeed very favorable for escape. Villapando took along with him his trusted aides, Cnmmandl'rs Viring, Teddy and Ruby. Viring, in fatigue untfo1·m and armed with an automatic carbJne, sat in the mirl1lle of i.he back Stoat. Teddy, in khaki with a car bine, sat at the i-il:'hl of V•••nl.". Ruby, also in khaki and armed w1th a Garand rifle, sat at tht! left. Vil!apando, weaJ·ing fatigue uniform PHIUPPJNES ARMED FORCES JOURN,\t, Weenie Mort.Jiono tolung ~ .. ool~ 01 "" olloce• Selooe berngdirecrlrc""""iutoned rn•o •~• ••guloo Fo•ce, 2nd treul MGr!rr/gno "'"' o CorpO<gl poomoled IO permGnenl S.r 9eonl ond •~•" o ••mP"'"'1 Slgfl Sergeonl ofler r~e Villopondo ourgnmenl !C>~ dtlt'"9"''1oing l~emoelve• con•plcuouoly by 90/lontr, ond intrepidity ol l~e rio~ of rloeir li•eo obo~e ond beyond l~e coJI of duly, lwo lton9et1, MIS91 froncioco Comoc~o o"d Corporal W Motlillono, "'"'" oworded rhe covnlry's ~~g~eol military oword, t~e Medal lor Volor, ol Molocoiiong, Mrs. Camoc~o fin doric dreul "'""P' oo AfP ltoopo pan in te~ie"' and armed with an automatic car. bine, sat between Camacho who was at the wheel, and Martillana at the other end. Camacho instructed the Huks to pose as soldiers. The jeep drove off, leaving the rest of Villapando's men as rear-g-uards to cover the escape. At Naic, and Calamba, there were chances that could have ,, ' ,..liquida_ted Vi!lapando and his me_n. But Villapando was a sort of Robm Hood in Cavite. Camacho feared that other Huks, who were not far away, or sympathizers, might retaliate if the plan were carried out there. In Calamba they stopped for some snacks, with the Scout Rangers fea:l'ing t.hey might endanger the lives of innocent civilian bystanders. Martillana, the surviving pines' agricultural college in Lo,; Bailos, and only a few kilometers from Barrio Tahon, the jeep slowed down and Cama:cho complained that there must be something wrong with the clutch or engine as the vehicle could not go up the low incline of the road. The jeep stopped and Camacho told me to check. I bounded out canying my greasegun, opened the hood and by the light of the jeeps headlight, I tinkered with the engine. I was certain now that this was to be the place. The terrain was ideal: the concrete highway was deserted, the•·e we1·e no houses nearby, on both sides of the highway were ricefields slightly below the level of the road. It was about 10:30 p.m. and the moon was beginning to set. 1~., member of the two-man team, will carry on the story in his own words: 'Past ' the University of the Philip. 'So as not to make the Huks suspicious, I got a tin can of oil un .. PHILIPPINES ARMED FORCES JOURNAL der the front seat, punctured two started to crawl towards the j~p. holes into it with my huntinl{ knife, I circled the jeep towards him,' firing and poured its contents into the my gun as I went. He Wa'S putting oil gauge. The headlights went off, up a fight. Then my grcasegun and Camacho got off the jeep also stopped firing and I knew that its cat·rying his greasegun and, walking magazine was empty. I had no ex· towards me, said loudly: "Arreglado tra magazine so I drew my pistol and. na ba?" fired at him. I ran to the shoulder · I said "Yes" and we lowered the of the road and from my cover exhood and fastened it at the sides. changed fire with the. man behind As I tm·ned to board the jeep I ut- the jeep. tercd the password, "Maginaw'' and 'I knew he was one of the three acted as if I was shivering. aides in the ba:ck seat, but I did not • "Oo-ngu," replied Camacho. k11ow then who he was. Later, it 'Even the Huks 11odded in assent, ~;r::s o:tbl:o :: ~:!~ t~:o::~io;hs~ uttet·ing "Oo-nga.'' canvas covering the back of the 'As I put my left foot on the run. jeen while we were finishing Villa. ning board a'S if to climb into the pando and, crouching behind the jeep, the magazine of the greasegun jeep, had shot Camacho. I was savresting on my thigh, I quickly n•- ing my ammunition as I had no ex leased the safety lock and squeezed tt·a magazine fot· the pistol. I kept the trigger. Camacho was standing moving, firing at the flashes of his ;itr:~e :th~~r:!dea~f ~~~ll:~d:~d a~~: gu·~uring a lull in the shooting, yelled in pain and surprise but man- when both of us were waiting for aged to jump out of the jeep. Bad the other to shoot first so he would ly wounded, he fell beside the jeep t-eveal his position by the flash of just in front of me. I finished him his gun, 1 heard the sound of an on the ground. Camacho, meanwhile, approaching jeep. I did not know had swung his gun at the others. I who were in the jeep and I was stepped back and fired through the afraid they may be Villapando's rearwindshield at the others in the back guard. If they were a-rmy soldiers, seat. Above the roar of the guns, 1 was afraid they would mistake me I could still hea1· them yelling. fot· one of Villapando's men and 'Suddenly, I heard Camacho grunt. shoot at me as I was in civilian I glanced at him and saw him fall- clothes. If they were civilians, they ing, clutching his chest. Then I saw may think I was a Huk as I did a- flash behind the jeen and hearri not have any identification papers the bark of a Garaurl rifle. In the with me. flash, I saw the out. <e of a man 'I crawled to where Camacho fell crouched behind one of the rear tires and dragged him to the shoulder of and taking pot shots at me. I dropped the road. I felt his pulse. He was to the ground and fired a burst at dead. The bullet had hit his. chest him. He 1·etumed the fire and I after e:razing his left hand. I pulled ,, ~I 4 ' ~ > him rjown tht· steep incline toward« raised in the controversy are th•· ri{·, rmridie~ and left him then•. purely academic. Rut the coM fact I hid m~· e:r·•·a~<')!Un amonl!: the rict•· still remains that it took just twt• .<talk~ and crawled thmuj!,"h the rin· srmple soldiers strictly on their own patldics tn Ranio Tabon. It wa~ and without any contact with fru·nd about ~ ::lu of ~he dawn (If Deeem- ly troops to consummate tht• ht•roi(' bcr ~1st. I ~aw a bu.<: moving up. exploit. Aware of the Kl'aVf.' dangt•rs On th1- road, I hailed a bus and pro. and the perilous risk!. involved, thf'SC cccdt•d to Manila .. ,' two Scout Rangers cfff'cted hazar·d r 4 Th"' scf'ne of the bloody encounter nus infiltration into the heart of a was along a rlesolate stretch of road lawless territory swarming with olis in Barrio Tabon, Calauan, Laguna, sidents and other bandits whn;:{' whel'f' Villapando and two of his ruthlessness, cunning and l!:llilt> '\re aides Wt•re mowed down to their ig~ only too wcU.known. Once out th1·n•, nominous rll•ath late in tht' ni~tht of Master Sergeant Camacho rrnct CflrpDec. :m, 1955.. Much hulabaloo was oral Ma1·tillana cnuld not ht'lp created in the press on the pro and but expect the worst to happt•n, con of tht· manner in which thPSP th(' place being naturally ont' wh1•re notorious outlaws have h~n elimin· the hono1· code is unknown, when· un. 11t•·rl. How(''''-'l, the discussions then principled men wou\rl kill 111 th•· <nar >:- "'"" .. ''" '''"""' """ " "''" "' '"' Coo M/,odo ''""' o/ '"• 2od """''I Atea , Caj O•oodado • odrig.,u, deputy clt•el al oto/1; former Oelense Secretory Cobah .. g; •It• p, • .,d. nt wiflt Mr. Ca.,oclto ,.eeping; tt Gen Je'"' Vorgos, ron~ing AFP olfkero, and ., • .,beu al 1/te l ot Sco"t ~o ng•• llegi.,ent oo 1/te colors pou by -~ PHILIPPINES ARMED FORCES JOUltNJlL medled f01 tl>em no leu tl>ott tl>e Medal for Valor ,.fa fing-o:r without compunction at all Martillana cho,;., lu stakt ._.v.,t·ythinp::, o•· S<l much a'S batting an eyl'la$:h. true to the Scout Ran~er Code, hn Tht·~•· two ,·aliant woulrl han• cho~en one swtft effort to l'ithct win •11" tn tanr aurl await th .. natural tmn lose. But in killing nnt<>l"ious. Hul\ of .,v<-~Jts, usm~o: th"" routmat·y ar·m) Villapando and his henchmen. Cama rnf'thods to pur·su" th .... n.,mv. But cho paid th._. supreml' sln:rifice. Sput·they knew they hall " iul.> t1> do red by patriotism, he gavt- th" fullest There wa~ their duty to e:et theit measure of devotion to his countr~'· main auatTv - a man who struck Why the Two Ei\1? wanton tt't"T"Ot" in tht' countrystdt: for yeat-s. Thet·{' wa-> theit· dut)' to UJI The late Master Sergeant Camachn hold the maiest~· of the law and 111 and Corpot·al Martillana wf!t"l:" handstilt in the ptopl" a ~ens .. of security picked fot· Operations Secn;:t to ~otet -a faith in the efficacy of the armecl ~~~a;:~~~~t,b:c;~.~:li~hnet :~~~~ q~~~~~ forces to pt·eset·ve peace and main· tain order. With extraot·dinary heroism and indomitable coura)l."e above and be. yond thf> call of rluty, Sergeant C a m a c h o and Corporal acting. They possessed the condction of principle, discipline, tt·on coura~e ~~:e. s~;~:~o~:d~~·;:t~;h ~:::;:in~ lin:d ~' possessed of an intellect dev~loped by constant learnin~, each had ready t command of t>XJ)E><iwnts. It was b<>. mination. DurinJ:" thc ton~:. watrhful li .. vt~l that tf thE'~' WE't"~· c"'·nE't"ed, waitin~~: in theu asMe:no·rl the) would fi!lht ba<:k wtth all th .. they had ~hnwn tltftntto• patt~•n<:•· tlesp••rattun of a p~:~oth<>t h••lrl at ~o~n.-J th•· utmust pl!rSf'Vl'ranCl' agatnst bay. ~l·t•nllng-ly 1n1pussiblo· <~dd~. )fen ""tlh \\'hl'll thi'S<' tWO NthStt'd ml'll Wf't·•• lt:~S!;:t fibf'r WC"IUid hi!V<' quitll•rl. Rut ~•·nt uut tt> th<' ftt>lrl, they kn .. w "'hat th1·y W<>t·•· up a~~:amst. Despttt• th•· tro'tnl·ndnus risks utvolv1•d, thry "'"'"'' dE'h'l"tntnPrl tu Clll"t"Y "Ut tl"\etr llliSI:IIOil Surely, a moti\"P powerful and fat· n·achtlll/ prontpt .. d thts b.,M, h.•;Hl .. s~ tht• r·••stlo·~~ lon~tnl.! tu ~:~chu•v(· ~Ontf'­ thlllfo(" drovl' them I"E'It•ntlf'!<SI} on. It sl'emrrl Bl' if they n•~O'Iltl•d tho· I"E'tT u.l<>a uf a limit. Th('SI• twv so\dwrs rl<>fi<""rl all th. hat·rlshtpl', and lauJlh•·cl tff all flt'l"tl~. ''"termination, and b .. n .. ath rh.. mn Th., atltturh· alone calll'<l for pluck of til'o- thPro- ... .,, . ., tn lw fnuml lnft\ 111 thf' hi.R:hE'st nnll•1·. Tht• nobl.,st h•·•·ut:<m ct"ntu·•·s actuattn~~: tht!><+· o~olclwt·s. ts that which r·emains ~··n•tw at tlw WhaT was tho- ll<'~ua•tOn that monwnt;;: of tt·Pa-<'h•·•·r ancl <hsa:<t.·t mAn.. t h "m accnmphsh th<>11 With consummato:- skill. th.. I at< mtsl'ton d+'SPII" <>ver·ythtn£' It Ma!'t.-t· SN·g .. :.nt \amachn •·t>l!tt"''''·•·•1 ~ ~4' :~:1hlo-bt·~p~t~tt~~~~;h 1~ni~~=~~nqt;,~,l :,i;o~:~t ~~.:·"·~~~ "~::;.1::·,',~1 "~;~~-·;:~~::~ •lrnl"{· thrm nn tn unf11lto·rinl! <f.-\,..1 t:':l:t"CUterl th .. 11lan. A~ lnn~t ~~ 1-wro" Comodoo " '"""'" t>••"O born• o, comtodo•·•"·Otmo •llo <><••d "' P<tli·O•atlto 01 htto "'"' <ok•" •a ~ .. ••"'"0 p/oc• '" ,,,. ll••a•• <•m••••r Comoc/o.o 0.,., ..., toca1d 01 <>~I of '"" t..-o onl10t• d ml" I<> bl OWO•d•d M•dol IO< VoJO< ami tht:iJ· deeds are told, this heroic Frohman while on the deck of the achievement of these two Scout Ran- sinking Lusitania. And pausing, th~· gers will be recounted. Their exploit Master Se1·geant pointed to an inscl·ipi» an integJ·al part of the great story tion beneath the glass-top of his table. of thf' Armed Forces. It is a classic statement of a famous At one time before Cam&· soldicJ·. It read: cho left for his last mission "Soldier, above- all other men, is ligious teaching- ,;acrifice. In th•· as he sat calmly blowing smoke rings required to perform the highest re. at his 1st Sergeant's table in tht> Headquarters and Headquarters Company, lst Scout Ranger Regiment face of dange1· and death, h., di:-~· (GHQ) AFP, the boys grouped a- closes those divine attributes which 1·ound him. Suppose th.., mission fails? H1s Maker gave when He C!"eated man one asktd. He rtplied that i11 the in His own image. No physical courmilitary lexicon, there was no such age and 110 brute instincts can tako· word as "fail". "Rut suppose," the place of the enunciation and ~:~~~;e ~n~~~er, f~·Is:i~ethii~g- :~e: spiritual uplift which alone would you fall in the night?" "Then", sustain him. Howeve1·, the soldier whl) he said, "l shall l"arn the is called upon to offe1· and to give his r<o>st of that beautiful adventure we life for his country is one of the all must make", quoting Charles nob_lest developments of mankind". 00000000000000000 MEDAL FOR VALOR Recently, Pre~ident Ei~enhower wes prennted a letter from the National "•chl~el wriHen by the l~te President Franklin 0. Roo~evelt on behalf of Colin Kelly. Jr .• for hi1 adminlon lo the United Stale1 Military Academy at We~! Point. Hi~ litther wu awarded th~ Congrenional M .. dal of Honor for exlr11ordinary herol5m abo~e and beyond the call of duty durin9 th Japan•~• inve•ion of the Phllippinfl. Pre•ident Me9uy1ay enured the widow of M/S9t. Franci1co Camacho. that he< elde1i son will be admitted to the Philippine Military Academy in 8a9uio withovt I e•amin .. tion when l~e latter come• of age. ~'\,