

Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) May 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Pictorial PVL Convention The Philippine VeleT<In> legion held tecent/y ''' on11uol notional conwenlion and election of oflice,. ,·,. a.,guio City. Defense Secretory 6ol<>o ;, shown above oddreuing rh~ le9ionnoiru. Photo below showr potl of the legion delegaliotu on porode. At/redo ludomonte, chief of the VelerOIIJ Affoir. Division, Depotlme"' o/ Notional OelenJe, "'"' elected notional commonclar of the Philippine Veteran< legion thiJ year PHILIPPINES £lHrii'!D FORCES JOURNA,L Delegolu lrom t~e •orio•JJ <~opt•" ol thu PVl .,u our t~e country ottt ndeJ tht conuntion. Conuntioni•t• posed for <1 photo /Ciboul. 8elow they .,,. shown wit~ AFP oflictrs onJ gu• •ts Juring lunc~eon. luslomonte ir shown reot•d al center in bCic~grounJ JUSMAG Chief Honored The Armed force• of the Philippine• honored on Mo1 18 Mo;. Gen. Wo1ne Smilh, out· going chief of the Joo'nt Uniled Stole• MWtorr Ad~ioorr Group in Comp Murphy, Quezon City. In photo obou Gen. Smilh /Jefll ;, ohown with !I Gen. JeJUJ Vorgoo, A.fP chief of doff, OJ honoring troop• poroded before grondolond. Officer ot righl i• lleor Admiral Mendell Swilzer, commander of U.S. no~ol Ioree• in rile Philippine•. Pholo below ohowo Gen. Smilh in rile componr of Gen Vorgoo os tiler inspecled the troop• PHII.IPPINSS ARMED PORCI'!S JOURNAL G~n S111it~ /photo oboul cong•otuloted the t•oop commondt • IO< <> •••1 •plendid " pou in •••ie w'' of the t•oopJ olte• t~e po,ode oo Gtn. Vorgoo loolted on. In photo below • Gtn Smith frig~t! ;, 1hown wUh Gen. Vorgo• inopecting coder. ol lht Philippine MUil<>lf Acodtmy who come off lht way fro111 loguio Citt Ia honor the oul&oing JUSMAG chitl Mentioned 01 hio IU<<eUO< io Mo;. Ge n. Jooeph H<>rptT, until •ecentlt commanding • gentT<>I <>I the inlonlry och<>ol ol foTf lennong, Georgia, U.S A / JUSMAG chief ol the Camp Murphy officer>' clubho.,••· Among tho•• , .. , in photo be/aw ore Admiral and Mr1. Switzer, Oefenu Secretory ond Mrf. Eulogio lo/oo, Gen. and Mn Vorgor, ond lrig Gen. and Mr1. Pe/ogio Cruz of the Philippine Air Force.