Pictorial : hail to the Commander-in -Chief


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Pictorial : hail to the Commander-in -Chief
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) June 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Pictorial Pre .. denr Ramon Mogooyusy, in ~is copocily 01 C~rel Euculi>'e of the Republic and 01 Comm•nder-in-Chiel of lht Armed Force• o/ the Pl>i/ippineo, will be honoted !~is July 3rd by members of the ormed Ioreto, with !he trodilionol ltllimoni<>l ptuode ond "'•it w in Camp Mlltphy, Quezon City Already o mil!tory tradition, the rtYiew <lands for the loyalty of ollice" and men ol the AFP to the Pr.,ident of the Republic The occooion is one of the biggeJI offoirJ in the armed forces every year Courtesy Colis • ... Middle phoro above 1how• Gen. Jo .. ph Harper, reviewing an compoud of Philippi~>• ftelow, Commodore francisco listtn• inlenllr lo uttain I'IIII.IPI'INt:S ARMED t'ORCt:S JOURNAL -I I'HIUI'I-'!Nt:S ARMED YOI!Ct:S JOURNAL Commodor• Jose Francisco tol right) welcomes Commodore Yang Woon lee fleW ol PN l!eodquorlen during the )oiler's coudesr col/ hlow, Commodore lee rui•w• honor guard oi Philippine morin•• Jrd Division Trainees Pholo obov• ohow• S•crefory Soloo oword•"9 •••erol !toine•• lor m»rkomon1h.'p one •flici•ncr toohng on ;, Col 7 G fo1ordo, Di•01ion commond•r S•low, 1econd from righ!, Cop! Cirioco tucente, CO, "H'' Co, 8th lnf hgt, receivu pennon! from !he Secretorr for obtoining !he high••• uni! roting lor "'"'~'"'""'hip I'IIILII'I'INES AKMED FORCES JOUI!NAL. Top pltoto S•<••lory of Notiortol O•f•rts• Eulogio l!oloo lot middltl with, Col. 'f." G fojordo /ol ltfll, OiYision commondtr ond Col. Niconor Vtlordt /ol rigltll, PATC com· mandtr. ttYitws graduating lraintu of tlte Jrd Infantry DiYirion_ Middle photO, A comp<>nr of lrainus solutu the colors as ;tpautf '" ,.,;,,.. Photos btlow' S•d•taryl!alao for leiU, dtliurs a speech befor• !Itt groduatin9 troinus Stondin9 ol right is Col fa. jardo dtliuring ""' .. ttmporaneous •pttclt. earfoer lhi• manlh. llelaw, Jhe Pruocl•nf• wole on•p•c" the new/1 inslaflecl eq.,;pmenl on ane aJ the wards