Site for the Asian nuclear center


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Site for the Asian nuclear center
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) June 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
CHIN . A ·~ · Site for the Asiatt s T R A L Nuclear Center t,;. JUNE !9SS Philippines was recently ed States govemment. $30 million chosen, from among South is estimated cost to "spark plug" an and Southeast Asian coun- extensive atom research program in t1·ies, to be the site for the Southeast Asia for the first fivt> ......., ·- proposed Asian Nuclear Research years. Center. With the choice of the Philippines Conceived to implement President as site for the Asian Nuclear ReEisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" search Center, experts on atomic ~~ plan, the proposed center will serve energy who conducted an "on the as a training ground for Asian coun. spot" survey of the area have attries in hm:nessing atomic cne1·gy layed fears of some people who for research in agriculture, medicine would take the center as a "center and ind\lstry. Operation of the ccn- of 1lestruction." ter stands to benefit the underdevel 'Center in the Arc' oped countries in this part of the fn a speech before the Consultawodd. To quote a Manila daily edi tiVf' Committee fo1· Economic Devel. torial, "The operation of the center opment in South and Southeast Asia, will contribute not only to the know) in Singapore, last October 20, 1955, ' ~ :~~:o!~ct :~~~;~.!ss ~~ ~~~s i;a~;dia!~ ~!:~}:\~~~io~0~:.:~:~·sed 0{ha~11!~:n;:~~::~ Asia." a\ research center for atomic enerAmong the countries intended to gy matters be established some place be served by the proposed center are: in the arc of f1·ee Asia. Pakistan, Nepal, Ceylon, Indi:r, Bur- Following the developments leadrna, Thailand, Indonesia, South Viet- ing to the survey of Southeast Asia nam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaya, Bri· for a suitable site for the proposed tish North Borneo, Japan, and the atomic center, each of the Colombo Philippines. Plan countries in the area - with Implenientation for the establis~- the exception of India which has its ment of the proposed center rt>quires own prog1·am of research - vied coordination of the decisions of the for the honor of being .>:elected as State Department with the •actions the site for the Asian Nuclear Re taken by the International C~opera- search Center. , lion Administration on advice of the The final selection of the Philip Atomic Energy Commission. pines as site fo1· t.he center goes to It is anticipated that, the cntin• show that the Philippines is just p!"oject will be financed by the Unit- tlu: irfeal site for the p1·oject. The The ehoil:e of the, Philippines as site /or the• Asian Nualear Research Center stands tG'.hene/it 1}!~ under,kl!r.I~~d As~t~re:Scllintries ilt, liarn~;;ing.atOJI\ic ener;w for res'eitrUi ;~ agricUrlure~. mediclfil ·atut indusir?f PHILIPPINE!! ARMED FORCES JOURNAL country can boost of the fact that it litary and naval bases in the isis still the "freest of the free" in lands and the over all peaceful con this part of free Asia. It is, in- ditions obtaining in the islands, in deed, the center in the arc. no small measure, may be attl'ibuted Ike Okays PI for Site to have spurred the department of Early in 1956, President Eisenho- state officials in urging the approvwer approved the recommendation of al of the Philippines as site for thl' Herbert Hoover, Jr., Assistant Sec. Asian Nuclear Research Center. retary of State, that the Philippines Designate Atom E11:perts be dcsignited as the site for the Under the Joint National Econo proposed center. mic Councii.ICA lnterdepa•rtmcntal Hoover toured Southeast Asian Committee on Atomic Energy, precountries in the latter part of 1955. par:~.tions were made for the survey The existence of United States mi- of a site for the Asian Nuclear cen ter by a tleam of atomic scientists political science department, Univcr and engineers. sity of Kentucky, and expert in InThe Brookhaven National La bora- tcrnational Organization; Dr. Harold tories was designated to constitute B. Tukey, agricultural experiment a technical panel to conduct m1 "on expert of New York State and Cor the spot'' survey for the proJJosed nell University; Dr. Victor P. Bon, centler. The team consists of ten M.D. with Brookhaven National Laleading atomic experts, namely: Dr. boratories and expe11. on radiobiolo~y Marvin Fox, senior physicist and and ionizing mamals. chairman of the Reactor Department Dr. Fred C. Vonderlage, director of Brookhaven National Laboratories; of Oak Ridge sch1.1oi of reactor techOr. Hatold Smith, senior geneticist, nology, and program director for Brookhaven Nlrtional Laboratories; training; Ralph J. Strom, division of Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of the International Affairs, Atomic EnerPiiiLIPPlNES ARMED FORCES JOURI<o'AL power Jile in /ligon, !onoo Phoro obo~e •how• a oeclion of !he gigonlic Morio l;riJrino ~rdro - eleclfl< power proje<l gy Commission of the United States; tlons for the anival of the team, Horace H. Smith, diplomatic and who were on the way fz·om Europe, consular officer; Solomon H. Chaf- the Middle East and South Asia. kin, international economist, lnterna- The projected survey spurred the tiona[ Cooperation Administration, Interdepartmental Committee on Atoand in-charge of projects under mic Energy headed by Caesar H. LaAsian Economic Development Fund; nuza, and the ICA Manila office un. John F. Hogez·ton, project manager der Col. Harry A. Bl'enn, to eoorof Engineering Division of Vitro dinate their preparations tO ensure Corporation of America, and Atomic the success of the mission. Industrial Development expert. A program of conferences and Vanguard of Team technical seminar was prepared by Hogerton and Chafkin, formed the Thomas W. Alder, control officer of vanguard of the team. The two ex- the Asian Nuclear Center mission. perts arrived on April 1956 to con. The itinerary for the surveY flight fer with Philippine officials and to be made by the Brookhaven team ICA, and to make advanced prepara- was arranged by Pedz·o G. Afab\e .•UNE l156 energy is sllcc•ulullr p•rlorming monr 11 .. 1111 fobs in bosic reseord>, med icin•; ogric11ltur•, ond industrr. Photo d•o"'s o scientist l•arning new us•• of rodioiJotop•• of the NEC Planning division. And be1·s arrived on the e\'ening of May Cool'din&tion work with Commander 23. They were met at the Manila M. E. Calinawan, assistant appoint. Intemational Airport by Col. Brenn ments secretary at Malaeaii.ang and of ICA and F AO officials. Ea1·1y Lt. Col. Emilio Bon·omeo, senior mi- the next morning, the 24th, the team litary aide to President Magsaysay made a courtesy call on President was undertaken. Magsaysay at Malacaiiang. to ~:Yt~i~a~oii~t~;~t::~~~h:o!h:.t~~: A hectic round of activities fol given to all the participating offices lowed later. An important conferto put together and secure approval ;~~e B~::khb:~:~in~a~t::~edth:Y ~~~t: ~ifes a~o~n~~g:·a::v:;,o~~:~e 0~11:c~;~~ deJJaJ·tmental Committee on Atomic teet coordination and every activity Energy members took place at the came.oCf as scheduled. JCA Building at Dewey Boulevard Other Experts Arrive at 10 o'clock in the morninQ:" of May The othe1· Brookhaven team mem 25. PHILIPPIN£S ARM£0 FDRC£S JOURNAL Site Uequirements tion was directed, emphatically an Prime conside1·ations for the site swered that there was absolutely no to be selected was the requirements danger of a dest1·uctive explosion. for an adequate water supply He assu1·ed all the Interdepartmental ( 150,000 gallons per day), and an Committee members that the water approximate area of 500 acres (llfl. contamination, if any, would b~ comproximately 200 hectares). parable to an ordinary ind~strial During the conference, Octavio plant processing non-atomic material. Maloles of the Foreign Affairs of- Sites Considered fice inquired about the possibility of Using a large map of the Philip. radiation and/or contamination of pines for reference, the conferees the surrounding area, especially the discussed possible sites for tre. prowater supply nelrr the projected cen- posed center. Three probable sites ter. Dr. Fox, to whom the ques- were considered: Baguio City, near ·~····~ . ~ ' the LaTap Mines, Daet, Camarines Sur, militated against its being in· eluded as a possible site. Accessibility to Manila was a big factor in the final select ion for the Center, since foreign scientists from the member countries of the Colombo Plan would be better accomodated in the city. Twenty conferees signed up for the survey flight, with ' most of the Brookhaven Team and their opposite numbers in the Interdepartmental Committee signifying their wishes and making helpful sug1 ,;~ ·F ... -~.,~. ,, ~~ \\ Ambuklao power site; Quezon City, near the Novaliches and Ipo watersheds; and the Caliraya power site, bordering La'guna de Bay. Final selection of the best site was held in abeyance on motion of Mr. Filemon Rodriguez, formerly head of the NEC pending the results of the Survey flight in a PAF plane scheduled for the following day. The long sea flight · to Mindanao precluded the considention of the Maria Cristina Power Site in Iligan, Lanao. The difficulty or land transportation to gestions for the route to be taken. On the Spot Survey The actual flight started at 0700 hours on 26 May 1956 from the Nichols Air Base where the PAF plane took off. The modernistic skyline of Manila, impressed the visitors, some of whom were visiting the Philippines for the first time. A few passes were made over the UP Diliman site in Quezon City and the nearby watershed in Novaliches and Marikina' hills. Mr. Jose Jovellanos of the National Power Corporation, pointed out the steel towers for the N PC power line leading to Ambuklao, which almost parallels the Manila North Road. With the line of towel'S acting as our "beam," the PAF plane flew northward, maintaining an a'ititude of 1,000 feet ' to enable the Team members to observe the terrain in Central Luzon. Cutting to the west over Lingayen Gulf, the plane followed the llocos Coast up to the Amburayan River. Taking an easterly heading to take advantage of the natural pass inW the Cordillera range of Mountain Province, the survey team fol. lowed the headwaters feeding bers were served an early lunch at the Ambuklao watershed. Even the Officer's Mess through the courat a distance, the Ambuklao tesy of Col. Brenn. Dam was very impressive. One of The return flight back to Manila the visiting scientists compared it to was made in the afternoon before Boulder Dam, and the enlarging bo. the fog from Sto. Tomas .Peak could dy of impounded water as reminis- settle on the Loakan Airport. Flycent of Lake Mead. Landing at the ing southward along the Kennon Loakan Airport, after making seve- Road Canyon, the plane took the al ral cit•cuits of Baguio City and Camp ternate route of the NPC Power Linf' John Hay, the Survey party had a through Nueva Ecija, Bulacan and chll1lce to "whiff" the cool Baguio Rizal. Vee1·ing southeast to the breeze. USAF vehicles were wait- Sierra Madre Mountains, the survey ing at the airfield to conduct the party flew over the Ipo Dam and #' visitors on a tour of Baguio and neighboring Montalban Dam. <;:on. Camp John Hay, where team mem- tinuing over Antipolo and BinangoOperolion of lhe Nucle<>r h1eorch Center in horneuing <>l<>mic energy wi/! benefil lhe underde•eloped A1i0n counlrieJ_ II• equiyo/enl energy is suffidenl lo providt complele nighl-lime electricol i/luminolion for o/J of lhe rooms in" Filipino home ,hown in pholo landing at the Laakan Ahpart, after making several circvils af lagvia City and Camp Ja~n Hay, the sur .. y party had a chanc• Ia "whiff" the cool Bo9uio breue . Author may be seen fovrth from ri9hl nan, the plane followed the northern Most Promising Sites coast of Laguna de Bay to Caliraya The arrival of the Architect-En. Power site, thus completing the aer- gineer members of the Brookhaven ial survey of all power and water Team - Edson Churchill Lee and sites in Northern and Central Lu- Colonel Lyle Rosenberg, USA (Ret), zon. started the detailed consideration of A pass over Los Baiios Agricultu- the possible sites that had been surra\ College and Tagaytay Ridge veyed. This resulted in a decision rounded out the planned tou1· for the to go on ground reconnaissance of Brookhaven Team, who expressed the UP Di\iman and the La Mesacomplete satisfaction upon· landing Novaliches areas as the most. proback at Nichols Air Ba-se. mising prospective sites. Before a The PAF had completed another road and field survey was undertakimportant Survey mission successful- en, UP and NWSA authorities were ly without accident. consulted, and detailed contour maps were obtained from Office of the earlie1· plane flight with a lower le. Chief Engineer, AFP. The water vel aerial reconnaissance by means facilities at Balara and artesian we!\ of a PAF Helicopter. possibilities were also looked into. Final survey of the approved site was undertaken by the 4-rchitectLee and Col. Rosenbe1·g conducted Engineer Team, in a PAF 'Helicop· several reconnaissance trips over ter. Engineers Lee and Rosenberg Diliman and Novaliches sites. All accompanied by this author took aerthe opportunity to observe closely ial photographs of UP Diliman and the terrain features which would en- Novaliches. UP Site for Center The culmination of the 10-day surT~• Am•rlcon atomic •uruy t•om f•d by Dr. Morvin Fa1t /to p,,.,d,nf• dgMI, ~onding ro P1u. Mag•ay•ar I~• dilf•r•nl finding• and ob•ervorion• a/ '~' Sroo~llo .. n t•om Col. Ale;ondr• /lllird /ram rig~tl, lioiJon officer for th• projected •urv•y, porlicipaled ur•n•ive!y in '~' IU<<•uful occompli•llm•nl ol r~e miuron ident Magsaysay, held at Malaca- of UP Dillman area as site for the fiang on 2 June 1956 at 10 o'clock Asian Nuclear Center, P1-esident in the morning. Dr. Marvin Fox Magsaysay approved the reeommengave a verbal report covering the dation of the visiting experts on 1·esults of the survey, and the dif- atomic energy. fe1·ent findings and observations of Thus culminated the difficult tiJSk the Brookhaven team. of selecting the seat for one of the The President asked for a fill-in most important projects ever to be about the latest developments in Nu- undertaken in this country, and in cleat Research, especially in the whole Asia for that m~o.tter. With fields of medicine and agriculture the accomplishment of the team's which are the two activities the mission comes another boon to peace Philippines is vitally interested in. -a rededication to constructive ef. With the presentation by the forts for peoples throughout the Brookhaven team's recommendation world.