Communication techniques for modern warfare


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Communication techniques for modern warfare
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) July 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
By Captain Cesar Hechonova, SigC I HE conduct of warfare to- offensives in Korea, for example, inday is characterized by side the iron triangle of Chorwon, maximum mobility. Modern Kumhwa and Pyongyang, no-man's warfare operates on fixed land extended as far as ten miles. tactical p;inciples whtch terrain or Reinforced patrols had to be disweather cannot alter. Varying con- patched as deep as they can peneditions, however, calls for specific trate to gain intelligence. At nightsolutiol1s. time, listening posts were assigned Success in battle, among other to strategic points as far as seven things, can be attributed to effective miles beyond the frontlines to gather direction and control of units by much-needed information. command elements and perfect co- Often, during the daytime, light ordination of combat elements. Con- artillery were brought in line with trol, in turn, is dependent on com- the Main Line of Resistance and were munications. pulled back during the night in orDuring_ one of the United Nation's der to make them more effective for Modern warfare, which gives stress on sound coordination between combat elements and mobility of troops, favors the use of lighter and handier communications equipment in place of the heavy and bulky pieces borne by troopers in World War 11 enemy concentrations which normal- fully planned signal communications ly were beyond the range of small system. This system must be effiguns There were instances when, cient, tightly knit and must be f\exibecause of "fluid" situations, combat ble enough to be adoptable to any elements were abnormally deployed situation that may arise. Equipand units had to displace frequently ment therefore must likewise be and move as rapidly as possible. suited to all situations. Similarly, lack of troops dictated In the early days of World War II, that units be given extended sectors there was an almost frantic search of responsibility far beyond the nor- for adequate signal equipment capmal tactical employment basically conceived on desks and in classrooms. In a situation previously presented, the span of control has been widened by material distance. Such distance can be reduced however by a careable of supporting operating units. The equipment at the start of the certainly not suited for '· ' which was accelerated during the Korean War, is an integrated com· munications system. This means that radio and wire equipment may be used together so that a soldier in the frontline may be able to talk to employment. So, while engineers were a rearmost soldier with a "Handie busy planning, inventing, and testing Talkie." Along with integration, new equipment, a wide variety of equipment were standardi:~;ed, conso· signal equipment appeared, as field lidated, and miniaturilled in order expedients, not as standard. Main· that maintenance would not pose a tenance was a great problem. The great problem. Similar or the same conduct of war developed new signal equipment were developed to meet communication techniques, and these the requirements of all the combat in turn required the development of arms; and equipment for combat new oquipment. troops were made as light as pos· The goal in the development of sible. modern Signal Corps equipment, Modern warfare has given addo:>d PHILIPPINES ARMED FORCES JOURNAL ''Hondie-Tolkie" ;, one ol lloe mo.r lmpodonl equipmenl ol a 1aldler ot a unlr Tltrou111t il imparlanl meuo;u con be reloyed 01 w-eU 01 r•uiud w-lten Jhe nud ari••• Sltow-n above is a 1er•ic•mon in action wilh o "Hondlt·Ta/•1•" importance to telecommunications However, because present day equipwith radio, wire, and television as ment are also operating within the the main facilities. The integration UHF range (ultra high frequency), of these facilities evolved new tech· this has appropriately been redesigniques in combat support by the Sig- nated as radio relay. na! Corps. While wire communica- The system integrates radio and tions is normally the primary means wire facilities and is normally used of communications, this may not be as an alternate facility to wire comso in certain situations. Present munications. In displacements o£ users will benefit much to know some CPs, wire construction teams must of these new techniques which are have to be given considerable time gradually replacing the old system. for installing a line. In orde'r that Inasmuch as the division is the telephone communications will be basic unit of combined arms and available at the new CP immediately services, the following examples will upon occupation, radio relay terminals mention units of the division: should be set up as a "bridge" to the 1. Radio relay - This term was missing wires until the lines shall have popularly known as VHF (very high been installed. Thru this system, a frequency) during World War II. telephone user will not be able to tell whether his voice is transmitted ties. It has been used by commerthru wire lines or thru radio waves. cia! companies. However, numerous Radio relay may become the pri- improvements have appeared since mary means of communications be- then. tween units separated by areas where In carrier system, one pair of tele. wire laying is impraetiu! or when phone wires may be made to work displacement is frequent (fluid situa- as four or twelve pairs with the aid tions). At present, however, th1s of supplementary equipment. In this facility is available only as far down connection, radio relay circuits may ns the regimental CPs. be made to perform likewise. The 2. Carrier system - Otherwise carrier system will make available known as multiplexing, this system enough communication channels for involve the simultaneous utilization the ever growing needs of communiof a number of communication chan- cations. nels over a single transmission path. 3. Automatic retransmission techThe system was invented by Gen. nique - In this system, a soldier George Owen Squier, one time Chief with a "Handie Talkie," capable of Signal Officer of the US Army and transmitting only up to a distance of who is referred to as the "Father of one mile, may be able to communiModern Wireless." cate with another at a dist ce of The technique is not new - hav- twelve miles by using ed1 y "~ '--··. ~ "" '--q~7 ;/'6b '"'~ /d3 •o••:::// \.-__ / ( AUTOMATIC RETRANSMISSION J IW /m "'~'""' Above pltolo •Ito,., o commonde• communkoling ,..;rh hi• unil cu onoth• r oflicer ond on • nli1le d mon 1lond by, With walkie-talkies, a distance of 5. Radii) Teletype technique- lntwrnty miles can be covered. Thus, tegration of teletype with radio (fora commander who wants to control merly basic to wire systems only) his combat elements can directly talk will provide teletype systems between with subordinate commanders with a units where wire is impractical - small, compact, and lightwAight Ta- between islands for example. This will dio set - without being trailed all solve the problem of transmitting the time with bulky and heavy equip- long administrative messages. ment. Widely used by the press and comThe present equipment in use are mercial communications companies, it the most versatile yet developed and is available to the military as fnr can be adopted to the needs of all down to division headquarter~>- Its the combat arms. use for air requests cannot be over4. Teletype- This equipment, for- emphasized. merly available to division headquar- 6. Modern Wirt> Laying technique ters only, may now be employed with - The system, designed for the comregimental CPs with the dovelop- bat elements, was conceived during ment of lighter equipment. H~; use World War II and perfected.,shortly in the regiment is limited only to before the Korean War. With the personnel available. new method of "reeling" combat wire, To increase communications facili- it is possible to lay lines across seemties, this equipment can be integrated ingly unapproachable areas by use of into radio relay circuits with carrier the bazooka, rifle grenade and even making it possible to handle more light aircraft, in addition to the conmessages aside from speech trans- ventiona! method of wire laying by mission. foot or motor. '· This technique is highly effective nating station, a message may be refol· river crossings during an assault, layed to a terrninal station without or across densely forested areas and the need for trained operators rugged terrain. (typists). In a tape relay station, 7. Television - The adoption of one man is enough to handle six or television for combat use will enable more circuits. Attendants need not commanders to observe factually the be highly trained as compared to teteprogress of an operation by use of typewriter operators. This technique small TV cameras distributed among may be employed by a division headcombat elements. quarters to a limited extent. ~- Facsi~i~e -. Th.e technique _of Signal Corps communication techusmg f~cs1m1_1': _w1th mteg1·ated w1re niques have mushroomed during the a~d ~adw fac1ilt1es enables the trans- last decade and as long as there are miSSIOn of m~ps, phot~graphs or armies, they will continue to grow sketches over w1re or rad1o channels. and mature with the development of Commonly called "Radiophoto" or other combat arms and services. Tech"~irephoto" by new_spapers, facsi. niques have always been geared to m1le w~s a-dopted dunng World ~ar aiding command elements to direct II. Smce then the numerous 1m- and control their units effectively. provements made of the equipment has greatly increased the speed with With the rapid development of elecwhkh documents are transmitted. tronks equipment today, armies have This facility is available to units also been developing methods to desdown to division headquarters and troy their effectiveness for the miliprovides JOCs with photographs and tary. By observing the proper secur· sketches needed for air requests. ity measures recommended for elec9. Teletype Tape Relay technique tronic equipment, you contribute to - Employment of this technique in the accomplishment of the Signal large headquarters where messages Corps' mission. The "electronic war" are numerous enables the transmis- is on and only with your help can sion of sixty (60) words per minute the signal systems be utilized efover teletype. Except for the origi- fectively. Coptoin Cesar G Hechono•o is o "e'''"" of monr compaigns. He "'"' Auiotont Com· municotiono Olficer ond lofer Auislonl Sn S-2 of the lOth SCT IPfHOKJ in 1951. Our. ing hisPonoyguerrillodoy•I1942-194.Sih• wo• Communicoliono Officer of rhe 64rh ltegim•ntol Combot Teom, 6th Milirory District. Sen! lo lhe US Se"'i" School /The Signal School) Ft. Monmo11lh, New Jero•1 ;, 1954, h• i1 th• pre,.nl Commonding Of· Hcer of the 3d Signal Camponf, 3d lnfanltf oo ... Jriot~, PA.