Pictorial : ten years of independence


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Pictorial : ten years of independence
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) July 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Ten Years of Independence On July 4, the Filipino nation celebrated a great event: the ohniversary of its independence which, ten years ago, after decades of struggle and centuries of misery, was attained, setting the nation free in the world community. The eve of Independence Day witnessed the Armed Forces of the Philippines renewing its pledge of loyalty to its commander-in-chief, President Ramon Magsoysay. The traditional testimonial parade and review highlighting the loyalty pledge was held in Camp Murphy, Quezon City. A distinguished visitor from the United States, Vice-President Richard Nixon, joined the nation in celebrating the great day which, significantly, was at the same time the 180th anniversary of U.S. independence. Photo above shows President Magsaysay addressing a compasite division of AFP troops in Camp Murphy. In sue· ceeding pages are other photos. Salute to the Commander-in-Chief All the major commands of the Armed Forces of the Philippines were colorfully represented in the testimoM nial parade and review in honor of President Ramon Magsaysoy. Shown at left, from top to bottom, ore Ill the colors and tke different emblems of all the commands, 121 Philippine Military Academy, 131 Philippine Constabulary, 141 Philippine Anny, and 151 Philippine Air Force. Photo above shows an element of the Philippine Navy blanketed by PAF planes, while photo below shows a unit of the Presidential Guards Battalion. "JHE otOCI(" - Corregidor, t~e Plu'lippine i<lond fortreu tltot oltered tlte course of ltiJtorr br proving o• o formldoble bo<lion of fii.Am.,iurn fore•• in World Wor 1/, woo vi1iled br Nl.-on o/Oflg willt Mogsor•or ond their porti•• A 9rond welcome owoited Ni.oDfl lforegtound obonJ on "lite rock". At left below lte io oltown willt Mogoor•or ond ot/ler civilion ond militorr olliciolt emerging from Molinto tunnel, undergroornd ••o1 of !foe worlime P.l. !jiOvernment. At rigltt Ni.oOfl /iotens witlt greol interest OJ Col. Cororodo 8. ligor recounlr storr of wotlime Cortegidor ond uploinJ performonc• of giont connon beoide tltem. Defense S•cretorr Eulo9io Boloo looks on