General Macario Sakay : was he a bandit or a patriot?


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

General Macario Sakay : was he a bandit or a patriot?
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) August 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
\ PHILIPPINES ARMED FORCES JOURNAL GENERAL MACA RIO SAKA Y: W as He A Bandit or a Patriot By Major Norlito N. Alofrix, QM ~E of the most tragic fig- over the head of Sakay and to stamp ures of Philippine mititarr him as one of our staunchest pathistory was licneral i\laca- riots during the dark days of the Rel"io Sakay. Hanged as a bandit dur- volution and Insurrection. Antonio in~ the infant years of American K. Abad's richly documented book o~cupution under the Ley M Rando- depicting Snkay's struggles as a relt•nsmo. Sakay died hran•ly on the \'olutionary justiriably ranks him !icaffold but before the noosc tight- side by side with militant lead('rs ('ned around his neck, he defiantly liile Bonifacio, Diego Silang and Anthundered prophetic words on his tonio Luna. l'orrowing country's e\·cntual fr{'edom. 'Dl·ath comes to all of us sooner Contrary to popular belief that or later," he said. "But 1 want to General Malvar was the last insurtell you that we are not bandits anrl recto general to surrender, e,~ntem­ robbers, a!i the Americans have ac- porary historians now g1ve credenct> CUSPII us, but m('mbt>rS of the revo- to the fact that it was General l\lalutionarr force that defended our cario Sakay. After General Aguinalmoth<:>r country, the Philippines! do's capture in Palanan by General Farewell! Long Jive the Republic." Funston m 1901, Sakay continued the Is he a bandit or a patriot? It bitter struggle for fi,·e y{'a:-s untook half a century for history to un· daunted by lack of arms and supnil the aura of doubt that lingerer! plies. Grimly d<'tPrmhed, he <'Stab) ,, lished his "Presidency of the Tagalog but fruitful. Gomez succeeded in Archipelago" from which he issued convincing Sakay of the utter futility manifestos, orders and decrees to of resistance and bloodshed. To Sagovern the regions that came under kay's protestations that he and his his sway. men were fighting for his country's Sakay's defiance of American rule freedom, Gomez persuasively replied was ignored in Manila and by a ris- that he too was willing to take up ing group of young leaders who be- arms and join Sakay if convinced lieved in American altluism towards that they can win-that the Philipthe Philippines, he obstinately pines can win freedom without further fought on, gaining adherents from armed struggle through peaceful cothe masses of simple country folks. operation with the Americans in estabRelentless guerrilla warfare held the lishing self-government. Gomez furAmerican Army at bay. Time and ther argued that inauguration of the again he clashed with the enemy bent First Philippine Assembly will be to capture him dead or alive but he held up unless he surrenders. Sakay was as elusive as the colorful Gen- was convinced and he immediately era! Ricarte. capitulated. The rest is history as Realizing that the wily Sakay can- we now know it. Sakay and his staff not be captured in combat, the Arne- were made prisoners in Cavite durrican authorities commissioned Dr. ing a party held in their honor. Dominador Gomez, a well-known Fili- Then followed swiftly his memorable pino labor leader of the time, to nego- trial, futile protests of innocence of tiate for Sakay's peaceful surrender. the charges against him and his offiDr. Gomez reached Sakay's mountain cers, and his tragic end. Thus, did stronghold and met the courageous General Sakay die, an unsung hero, The meeting was brief patriot and martyr. About The Author Moior Nor/ito N. Afofdz, at pre .. nl the chief af the QM Supply Sectian, AfPGD, is a ~eteron of 8atoan ond sur~i~or ol the Death Ma"h ond the Joponese co>~CentroHon camp al O"Dannel_ Copas, Tarlac. He was a member af Mortings Guerrillos during the enemy ae<:upotian. A groduot• of the QM Schaal, fori he, Virginia ond af the Food Technology IMiitule at Chicasa, llfinais, he •••~•d o• Bn S-4 af the 20th acr, PEHOIC ond as Aut. Commandant of th• QM Schaal, PATC. far hi• •~•mplory ser•ices, he ha1 been oworded mc.n1 decarotianJ, omang lhem, th• Mililo•y Merit Medal lequi•e>lent/, US Bronze Star in the caurJe of the ICc.reon Campaign 1951·52, ond the Militory Ce>m· mendotian Ribban for ••r~ice with the 1955 8oguia SEATO Conference.