

Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) September 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PICTORIAL: I ~ fOR A, SIGHTlY CO.I!IIEGIDOR-Illuilrollon gppeodng oboye ir rhat of the propo11d te1tltou1e ond tower to &e ,,.ded in Cortegidor, lost rompod of fii·Americ011 force• in tlte gollonl defenre of the Philippine • in World War II. Touri•h hove long wonted to view tile ltiJ/ork •pol• in the i•lond lortreu, but lac~ of focilitiu /ikt resthov1e /1<11 wor~ed 01 o diJcovro..,ement. The Norionol Shrines Commiulon has laid out plano for '''""'r1i011 of the idond Into o rhrine and towiJI otlrodion. A big ;ob to do jurlice to the epic l!irtor1 of the i1/ond in the loll war, enc11lion of plonl hcu the re1thou11 011d tower or onlr g pari of the project l HElD IN HIGH fSTEEM by Filipinar who dubbed /tim the "father ol the Philippine Air Force," 8rig. Gen. Wirli<>m t .. , erslwhi/e commanding gtnerol of the U.S. 13th Airforct, "'"'honored and decorated rtce ntly in Comp Murphy preparatory to IIi• telvrn lo the US. Making the owotd i• 11. Gen. Jt~us Vorglu, while looking on ;, Col. hnilo Ebuen, PAF chit /. blow, Mrs. tee '' decoroled by M ... Vargo• 01 MtJ fl1uen and tee look on. l mod•m wodd, io which wo~::o~:::.:o:h~:.~~ but more so through the printed and spoken words - a campaign of truth, in the case of a democracy, to saturate the rank and file for more efficient duty performance - demands a hard core of skilled troop information and education servicemen. Whole-heorted cooperation and participation in the planned program of troop information in the AFP cannot be expected until officers and enlisted personnel understand the powerful media they have at their disposal. One of these media is the press, port of the pattern of publications equipment and means of information being studied by enlisted-men representatives from the different units of the AFP during their current in-service and on-the-iob training with the Troop Information and Education Division. Photo above shows EM entering the Capitol Publishing House, Inc. in Quezon City Ambcu<odor Guerreto, wl>o relutned recentlr from london, buefed the ofl•cio!< on rhe Suu cri•i•. He wo• under<tood ra hove •pohn on rhe pouible effecl< of rhe fSJrprion odion and rfle mo<l logical <land for rfle Philippinll on the quution. Top filipino leader<, onAiOu< ro $ludr the Suu Con<'ll e~i1i• <'lnd ill powble effect• on tfle countrr, c<'lnvened ~ecentlr the Council of Stole and the National Securitr Council in "' do•ed·door meeting in Camp Murphy AfP top bran rook pari in the meet t<'l cite the miHtorr impli<olion• of tfle cri<ll. Photo ab<'lve <how• fle,.red from leltl Senate p,..,·dent Rodriguu, Sr., Vice Pruident and foreign Secretary Garda, Pre<idenr Mag<ay<ay, f~·Pre11denl O•meila, and Speaker l<'lurel, Jr Mar. Gen. John 8. Aderman, new chief ol lht U.S. I Jlh Air Force """" •uccuded Brig Gen. WiH:am Lee, i1 Jhawn oba .. ltighl) wilh U Gen. Vorgos, AFI' cl>itf o/ llofl,duringhiscoutlesycallrecenlly. I . 1 William Winler, ' cammenlatar r .. cand from /efrJ wllau broadca•t• /ram lilt U.S. during lht war were listtntd Ia by filipino guerrilla•, Yi•iled recenlly Camp Murphy and wa• decarared with tht Philippine Lt11ian of Honor. OlherJ, /tom lefl, Oft DeftnJt Stcrelary 8aloo, President Mogsor•or, U. Gen. Jesu• Var11a•, and •~·Stnoror Perolra.