Asia must rise again


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Asia must rise again
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) October 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PHILIPPINES ARMED FORCES JOURI\'AL -lo . The underground anti-communist Marshal Chu Teh, speaking at the forces inside the Iron Curtain, both 8th Congress, \'owed that "Formosa's in Europe and in Asia, are gaining liberation is certain - whatever the some headway. The exploits espe- means used." That is a reaffirmacially of the Kuomintang guerrilla tion of the all-time objective of Red forces in mainland China fill the cup China. of hope of every freedom-loving As had been done by the 20th Asian. Someday, China will be re- Congress of the Communist Party stored to her own people. And that of the Soviet Union last February, day will mark the deliverance of the Chinese Communist Party also the world from Communism. went into the motion of al!egedly downIt is t1ice tc hear that captives of grading Stalin. That, of course, was communist tyranny are astir against another Communist Party self-crititheir oppressors. It is very encour- cism calculated to mislead the Free aging. But what have we done to World into believing that commuhasten the emancipation of our en- nism has ceased to be as ruthless slaved brothers1 as it had been during the dictatorWhile we do not have to impel or ship of Stalin. direct the anti-communist underground movement inside the occupied tcr,.it,.,.ies, it is enough that we ke~p Fl-ee Asia from communist influences. It will suffice that we keep Free Asia from subversion and rebellion. But even on that score, what have we done? What are we doing? Let us make no mistake about it. The Chinese Communist Party, as the vanguard of communism in Asia, has the long-range objective of progressively enlarging communist power and .influence through the subversion and ultimate destruction of non-communist governments. It is actively seeking the elimination of For the first time in eleven years Western influence in the area, parthe Communist Party in China is ticularty that of the United States, holding its congress. Free Asia and the dissolution of Western-spanmust brace itself to parry the stra- sored alliances and defensive artegic and tactical impacts of the rangements. It aims at the e!ltabdecisions of that congress:-- lishment of a hegemony of commuFrom the information that have nist and pro-communist states in trickled to us thus far, we can a!- Asia under the leadership'·of Red 1eady discern the controlling party China. lines that will guide communist ac- In the same line as the downgradtivities in Free Asia during the next ing of Stalin, the principles of "neufew years. The role of the Chinese tralism" are actively being propaCommunist Party as the spearhead gated in Free Asia. Successfully ~:dni~;in:~~:~:S~o:~te~sfZr ~:: ~:;~ j:~~~a:l:dso~;fi~~ o:~n~~!f:s~?r~f t~:~~ i' made more patent. The signs are tralism are: (1) mutual respect for very much in evidence. Red China's territorial integrity and sovereign1 tr. (2) non-aggression and non-in- How can there be "equality" with terfere'lce in each other's internal communism when it despises and affairs, (3) equality, ( 4) mutual be- seeks the destruction of the cultures nefit, and (5) peaceful co-existence. of free nations? But how c:t.n we even think of the How can there be "mutual beneworkability of these principles when fit" in any relation with communism the doctrines and techniques of the when thereby we are certain to lose communist mo\·ement violate these our liberties while the communists very principles? will not lose theirs? How can there be "mutual respect How can there be "peaceful co~~, ~~;nt~'~ri~i~~a\ t~:te::~~u~~s~s s~~::~ ~txi:~:~~:" f~;it:a;o:n~u~!~~ucti:~~n a Communist Party has been infil- Neutralism or co-existence is simtrated into every country in Free ply impossible so long as commuAsia predsely to annex tenitories nism is continually plotting the death to the communist orbit and abolish of democracy! the sovereignties of nations? As we estimate the situation toHow can there be "non-aggression day in the backdrop of the 8th Conand non-interference in each other's gress of the Chinese Communist internal affairs" when every Com- Party, we must not forget that the munist Party in the area are under eleven (11) million overseas Chinese fJ"" ~:!~~~r!~mb:~~::~: :~~ ~~~:;~i;~ ~~ 8a:ut~~=~~e~si:o;r~o!e:ugni:;P~~i~~ the governments of non-communist version of the area. And the new .states in Free Asia? line of approach to draw them to Bbl BbiEllt\AETE M ~p~~KQM JQMPHILIPPINES ARMED FORCES JOURNAL ,..--~·~ ~~TEl the overseas ChiMse and those in fUR AHERICJ ~~: ~~!~::~:· o~n~h:0Jo~~~ ~:~~~~ti:~ Parties and the Chinese Communist Party. It is a matter of record that the Communist Party in the Philippines has been assisted all the way by the Chinese Communist Party. There were no less than three Chinese members of the Central Committee of the Philippine Communist Party when it was first organized in 1930. ';['he Hukbalahap had Chinese communist organizers and commanders, and even up to this d11.y the CPP has a Chinese At one time it was estimated that the local ComIn lotalitorion counlriu, llfror and lorn at• weopo11r for mointoininQ pow•r our 1111 p•opl•. Abo•• pktur• r~ow1 on foJt Ger- munist Party had the active supmon lr/ or he bolt/eo hi• wor ot o com- port of from 2,000 to 3,000 Chinese muniot .. ,,,, in on effort to cron the Huks. Right now the Philippine border into fru Wed ller/in. Government cannot aeeount for communism is no longer repression everyone of these Chinese Reds. Some but persuasion. It is no longer by · of them ha~e been apprehended lmd terror but by enticement. Whereas deported. Some more are unde:-go· before the overseas Chinese are ing deportation proceedings. Our forced to ship contributions to the government simply must exert more Chinese mainland because their kins effort to seek them out. there will be tortured if they refuse, None better than this group of today they are being induced by Chinese anti-communists know that · '• more subtle forms of propaganda. there are, among the eleven million Cultural and scholarship grants are overseas Chinese, those who are Beextended to students. Loans and tively aiding the effort of the local subsidies are offered to those who Communist Parties to overthrow want to engage in business. In a non-communist government'S in Free word, rather than antagonizing the Asia. The facade of "neutralism" overseas Chinese the Communist or "peaceful-eo-existence," which the Party is now befriending them. And 8th Congress of the Chinese Comto show that the Chinese Reds mean munist Party is proclaiming to the to exploit this technique of attrae- world, cannot cover this ugly truth. tion to the full limit, they have es- And it is not only by joining the .q/ tablished what is known as the local communists that these subver"Overseas Chinese Bureau," dedi- sive Chinese are promoting the cated exclusively to support and downfall of free governments. Pastrengthen the fraternal ties between rading as respectable and peaceful nationals, they traffic in dope and fective league that will unite and narcotics; they engage in the smug- cooperate with the anti-communist gling of dollars, illegal entry of movements of their foster nations. aliens, bribery and other unfair bu- Their cooperation will not only help siness practices. These deleterious greatly in clearing Free Asia of comactivities of Chinese communists and munist subvel"sion but will also hasten pro-communists do not only jeopar- the day when they will once dize the peace in the Chinese com- again be free to leave or go to their lil munity, but they also alienate and motherland. Indeed, it takes more antagonize the ho!>t peoples and their than anxiety and willingness to governments. crush the grip of the Chinese Reds. The great majority of the over· The time has come when the dif· seas Chinese are loyal to freedom. ference that normally occur between They are loyal to the leadership of two peoples, both anti-communists, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. But must be subordinated to the greater they must also realize the danger need for unity in the war against which anti-communists face if they communism. Respecting each other's do not effectively counteract the rights, Chinese and Filipino nationsubversive activities of the disloyal als can solve their mutual problems 1 Chinese. in stride without losing sight of the ~·r · rr Asia must rise against commu- pressing, clear and immediate dannism! And Chinese nationals any- ger before them. where in Free Asia are a vital fac- If Asia must rise against commutor in the total struggle against nism, then it is inescapable that the communist conspiracy in the area. Filipinos and the Chinese, as A~ians Eleven million overseas Chinese na- and allies, must rise together against tionals can be organized into an ef- their common enemy . . , .. t -= In the JerHn riolt, two Germon demon•troto" defy deoth for freedom OJ they Jtone oSoYiettonl:,inJ953.