Pictorial : command conference


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Pictorial : command conference
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume IX (No. 6) October 1956
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
COMMAND CONFERENCE Philippine defense and armed forces officials held late this month their annual two-day command conference in Camp Murphy, Quezon City. Opened by lt. Gen. Jesus Vargas, AFP chief of staff (standing, above), the parley had for its subjects the fight against dissidents, the reserve training program, the problems of intelligence and logistics, plans and operations, the budget, and other such matters of paramount imRortance. The significance of the meeting of the high-ranking defense and anned forces officials was easily gleaned from the participation of the President I seated third from left), who left other state business to join the conferees. Others shown above are from left, Maj. Gen. Alfonso Arellano, AFP vice chief of staff, Defense Secretary Eulogio Balao, Col. Diosdado Rodriguez, AFP deputy chief of staff, and Brig. Gen. Pelagio Cruz, chief of the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency. I emborlring lo pay a tovr,.ly ~oil on PJ. officiok AI rlg~l is sltown U. Gtl!. Juvs Vargcu, AFP cltief of Jtofl, and Commodor• Joo• Fro11circo, P.r. N<>"f chief, in•p•ding Au•troli<>n ltonor guGrd aboard Admiral Har· rlu' //ggsltip \ -