Industrial Notes


Part of Philippine Craftsman

Industrial Notes
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
INDUSTRIAL NOTES. articles. The boys ar·e permitted to harvest for their own use a oneThe Batac Farm School is located third share of all individual gardens. on the provincial road connecting The farmers of !locos Norte are the principal towns of llocos Norte. It is 10 kilometers northeast of Currimao, the port of the province, and 19 kilometers southeast of Laoag, the provincial capital. The farm is just 1 kilometer west of the presidencia of Batac. Practically all traffic into the province passes by the school farm. Being so favorably located, the work being performed receives the maximum degr·ee of publicity. The land is nearly level, there being only about 2~ meters difference in altitude between the highest and lowest points. By a lift of about three meters from an irrigation canal along one boundary, water may be pumped over the whole area of the farm. Plans are now being worked out to increase the area of the fa1·m to 15 hectares. People usually come to the Batac farm and buy all of our field crops. Some vegetables are sold in this way, but the larger amount of vep;etables is sold in the markets of Batac and neighboring towns. The boys sometimes meet the boats at port Currimao, supplying them with fresh vegetables. When boys are assigned to sell vegetables, the unit pr·ice is fixed by the teacher and an accu1·ate account kept of all products taken by the boys. The boys are required to bring back the money or the veg-etables, even though they are wilted; and are never pet·mitted to sell at a lower price than that fixed by the teacher. The people have learned to accept or reject our products at the price set, thus doinj!' away with the bartering so common in transactions in the Philippines. Silk is disposed of in the same manner as needlework 722 copyinj! the crop rotations and are planting leg-umes, which yield well in this locality. A few years ago the school could p;ather all the manure needed by hauling it away from the corrals, but now the people r·efuse to let the pupils take manure on the !!'fOUnd that they need it for their own fields. Until last year men and animals could be hired to do plowing in the busy seasons, but now the farC~bbage growing on Batao brm. mers refuse to work at such times with the excuse that they must not delay theit· own plowing. Althougl; these changed conditions are compelling the farm school to purchase more work animals and to resort to commercia\ fertilizers, they indicate that the community is being benefited by the work done in the school. These benefits will be realized more fully when more of our school boys take up farming as an occupation. Until recently the majority of the boys completing the farming course ha\~~ been employed as garden teachers in the central and barrio schools of this locality, which accounts in part for the high standard of garden work INDUSTR/.4.L NOTES 723 done in the primary schools of the province. A few of the Batac Farm School boys ha\'e taken up work with the Bureau of Agriculture, inspecting demonstration gardens and fields. Some have taken homesteads in the outskirts of the cultivated area of the province. Some are farming for themselves while others are farming with their fathers or brothers. Of last-mentioned class Eulalio Mangapit is a good example. Two years ago Eulalio 1\langapit left the Batac Farm School to assist his brother in the management of a 115 hectare ranch belonging to the family. Although his brother was considered a good farmer, as soon as Eulalio went on the farm it began to show improvement. This improvement is most noticeable in the diversification of crops raised. The land, partly upland the remainder lowland, is made to produce rice, corn, tobacco, kaffir corn, cowpens, vegetables for home use, sugar cane, maguey, pineapples, and papayas. Cowpeas are planted between the rows of corn at the last cultivation. Mr. 1\Iangapit is attempting to plant one crop of legumes on all his fields at least once in two ~·ears. From the profits from the farm last year the family has purchased a 5 hectare addition to their holdings. After leaving the farm school Hermolasco Franco was appointed a municipal policeman. He saved a large percentage of his salary for two years and leased land which he is now farming. He has animals and plows sufficient for the cultivation of the 3 hectares leased. This young man began farming unassisted by parents or others. With few exceptions the boys who have completed the farming course and are now working for a salary are saving their earnings with a view to investing in ~and and engaging in agriculture. (Joseph L. Davis.) THE Alii£RICAN" CONSUL II' CALAIS WRITES ON" TilE L<\CE INDUSTRY. The But·eau of Education has recently received ft·om Mr. J. B. i\Iilner, American consul in Calais, France, a number of pieces of Valenciennes and torchon laces that are very beautiful both in workmanship and design. Several parts of his letter transmitting these laces to the Bureau of Education are of interest to the field and arc quoted as follows: "Now the fact is that Calais never had a handmade lace industry. Here only mechanical !aces are made. So I was still in the dark as to what you really wanted. However, as Calais machine-made laces of the Va!s and torchon type are noted throughout the world, I divined that handmade Vals and torchons were what you were wanting. So I set about to get these. "After diligent inquiry in Calais and in Boulogne-sur-mer, I learned that real Va!s and torchons were made in Bailleul, Nord, France, and that this was the nearest place to Calais where handmade laces were made. So on the 8th instant I went to Bailleul which is 60 miles from Calais. There I remained several days trying to get the articles you requested. You cannot imagine the difficulty one has in securing articles like this, as they are collected from women who make them, by small merchants who in turn sell them to Paris houses. I found no great stock from which to make a selection. So I purchased rather what I could get than just what I wanted, first satisfying myself that the laces were really handmade of the pillow or bobbin type. This I did by going into the country villages about Bailleu! and in Bailleul itself among the women who make this lace. I saw them at work and have their word that they were working for the merchants from whom I bought. As a matter of fact it is impossible to 724 THt.' PH!l.JPPJNE CRAFTSMAN buy this J'eal lace from the makers who make it a piece at a time and deliver it to a merchant. The makers have no stock at all and are not disposed to sell direct as they are dependent upon their merchant who really not only wants all they make but much more than they make. "'You wi!l note that the quantities of each kind are not as you requested. i\ly excuse for this is that I had to take, as to quantity of each, just what I could get as the merchants refused to ~:ut in 3-yard lengths, except only in a few instances a;~ you will note. The prices I paid are the same as those paid by the Paris buyers. So the merchants told me and I have assurance that they told me the truth. "I note what you want as to in· sertions and ed~dngs to match, but, both in Va!s and to1·chons, I have been unable to get the exact inser· tions. I took what I could get and if it does not meet your wants it is the best I could do after spending much time in search. "The industry of handmade lace at Bailleul is little known. In the museum at Bailleul a1·e exhibited the handiworks of this old Flemish town, from the commencement of the eighteenth century down to the pres. ent time. In fact only the older class of women are capable of making the finer articles such as the one which is invoiced 17.85 francs pe1· meter. "I visited a school at Bail\eul where young gil'ls arc taught by two old ~~lemish maids who have reached their fourscore years. A strong ef· fort is being made to keep the hand· made.lace industry alive. The cost of living is so high that the younger people cannot afford to work at lace making an(\ prefer to go into the linen mills where they can earn more. The demand for handmade laces is said to be much greater than it was a few years back. As to desi~ns one cannot remark any great progress. Even now some of the older desi~s are most sought after. Naturally, in point of design, the handmade lace docs not equal the machine·made lace in Calais, as a machine can work designs that would take a woman too long to make by hand. While Calais is the world's most noted center for making laces in imitation of those sent by me, yet the comparison of the two shows the handmade much more beautiful. It is just the imperfection of hand· made lace which after all adds to its beauty, and just this imperfection is most difficult of imitation by mechanical means. However some of the Calais makers have arrived at such a high degree of imitation in Vals and torchons that one must be an expert to tell the difference. This fact no doubt has a depressing tendency on the handmade lace industry in Bailleul. In point of de· signs in all kinds of lace, Calais can be said to be the richest center in the world. Here all kinds of laces are imitated, that can be imitated on weavers' machines." ll'ooden drawa pulls.- The writer has in his bedroom a colonial mahog· any dresser with wooden pulls of the knob variety. These were 1-,>iven the preference in selecting- the dresser over glass because they har· monize with the material in the dresser itself, but they are disap. pointing because they are poorly finished. They have evidently been turned on some automatic or semi· automatic machine, made in quant-i., ties and apparent!~· at a price which,' according to the manufacturer's reasoning, precluded a careful finish· ing off of the work with sand pa"ler. When it came to staining and finishing they were brought to the same iNDUSTRIAL NOTES 725 general color as t.he face work, but of real satisfaction and thinks he the finish on them looks like a cheap has discovered something that has .<;mear as compared with the face and real vulue all the way throu~h it top of the dresser. nnd not merely a semblance of it on These pulls are the only displeas- the outside. Therefore, these little ing- things about the piece of fUE·ni- 'things count often for a whole lot ture and it would only have tuken a more than they cost. Attention to little work and pains to have made ~hem will pay returns just as surely them of equally high quality in finish as the careful finishing of the more as the rest of the woodwork. It exposed parts of the fine furniture. would not have added a dollar \:Q the Appropriate castors.-Another cost of the piece of furniture, and little thing that is of more imporit certainly would have added more tanee than the furniture manufacthan a dollar to its value. turers seem to think is the matter Edges (md insidcs.-Another little of appropriateness in castors. There thing in connection with finishing is is especially in mind right now a that now and then one finds a lack of case of a massive parlor set, with careful attention to the edges of the perhaps more than twice the avera~ tops and to the edges and insides of amount of wei~ht as well as body drawers, and many other little things in the furniture, which is mounted of this kind. The finisher, no doubt, on some very cheap castors. They goes on the theory that the things are so small that they make dents that the e~·e of the observer is cen- in the hardwood floor and when a tered on are tops, panels, drawer piece of this heavy furniture is moved fronts, and that these little details over the floor the castors leave a are not important. Consequently it mark. These castors would have is a waste of time to ~ive them the done very well on cheap, light fursame attention as is bestowed on niture, but for furniture of the size the more conspicuously exposed parts and cost represented in this case, of the furniture. This may have it would not have taken more than been a tenable theory one time, but a do\lar more invested in appropriate it is a poor standard these days. It castors to have made the set worth is a well-known fact that the fur- easily $5 mo1·e in value, and perhaps niture buying public to-day is a dis- $10 more in saLisfact.ion to the bu~'er. criminating public, especially that The best of casto1·s a1·e not very exportion of it looking for quality in pensive when their cost is compared furniture. More att.cntion is often to the price of a finished piece of given to a careful examination of good fumiture. It is certainly a ed~s and insides than to the general penny-wise and pound-foolish policy outside appearance which can be to spoil the satisfaction of furniture taken in at a glance. Therefore by pinching out a few pennies in the messy work in staining, which makes first cost of castors. There are plensplotches and ugly streaks extending ty of t.hese castors made and offered from the outside to the inner edges of at prices that make them one of the the fumiture, and poor finishing on little things that count. A man who the edges, tells the discriminating puts up a piece of furniture he is bu~'er that these thinj!;S arc made proud of and uses cheap castors he for show rather than satisfaction. would be ashamed to usc in his own It is only when this same discrimi- house, is breeding dissatisfaction and nating buyer finds a piece of furni- preparing the way to trouble in J.,retture that has been as carefully looked ting the p1·ice he should for his after on the ed~s and insides as on product. A man who realizes fully the outside that he breathes a sigh the value of these thincs can, by 726 THE PHIUPI'JNE CRAFTS.IJAN proper thought. and attention, and expending of just a little more money in first cost, help put quite a lot more real value to his Jlroduct. (F1!r11iture .lla!.:cr rwd Artisa11.) WILLIAMSON t'HEE SCHOOL m· MECHAN[Bulletin No. l~.] Trades bol!liB plan applies to juniors and seniors. The pupils of the school are working under a bonus plan, a brief outline of which is presented below: About 50 per cent of their shop exercises, both abstract and concrete, are worked on an estimated time basis based on a journeyman's time. When the pupil is assigned a task, the estimated lime allowance for the operation is stated. During the first six months of his junior year he is alloweJ 20 per cent more than journeyman's rate. During the second six months of his junior year he is allowed 10 per cent. During the first six months of his senior year he is allowed but 5 per cent. During the last six months of his senior year he must equal young jourPeyman's time. When he falls within th~ estimated time he is given a bonus credit. If he works to the even estimate he stands even. If he exceeds the time he is given a deficit grade. lfhecomes outeven in the majority of his estimated time exercise~, he is allowed the regular time for the holidays. If he makes a bonus credit in the majority of exercises, he is allowed an extra half day to each of the short holidays and a full day to the lonf..'" ones. If he makes a deficit grade, he is detained a period correspondin~r to the one allowed for bonus. Academic bonus plan applies to all classes. If the pupil's daily recitation gTades and al! examination grade~ exceed that of "Good"' (which is over 80), he earns a bonus academicallr. If his grade is ''Fair," that is between 70 and 80, he stands even; if below 70 he has eamed a deficit, and the same allowances are made for the work in this department as for that in the shop departments. Deportment bon!IB plan applies to all classes. If the pupil's deportment record is absolutely clear he is allowed an additional half day to each of the shorter holidays, and a full day to the longer on!!s. It is possible for the pupils to lll"lrn one or all of the bonus credits. If they qualify for bonus in the three branches, shop work, academic work, and deportment, they are allowed an additional credit of a half day, whereby a pupil whose rec,rd is high grade in all respects may earn two additional days for his Thanksgiving, Easter, Decoration and Fourth of July leave3, and four full days for Christmas holiday3 and the August vacation. The bonus period cover~ the time between stated hoiidays. The first class consisting of 53 members working for two full years under the bonus system, completed their apprenticeship on .March 29, 1913. On November 1, a letter and a list of questions were sent to each or them and we had a direct reply within five weeks to each of the 58 letters sent out. The class ('Onsisted or 12 bricklayers, 15 carpenters, 8 engineers, 1~. machinists, 10 patternmakers. Their average rate of compen~a­ tion is $\8.03 per week. The)' are employed in ni:1e States, in thirtysix different cities, towns, etc., with fol"tr-six different employers-51 INDUSTRIAL NOTES 727 engaged in trade wo1k, 6 in occupations for which their trade training fitted them, 1 not working at his trade. Prior to the introduction of the bonus plan the best average weekly rate of compensation of a class within six months after graduation was $16.60. TAKIN"C STOCK- GAIWENING. To obtain success in gardening plans must be made well in advance and the time to plan is now. Besides the vegetables which )'OUr garden produced this year, there should be an extremely valuable by-product of experience; and its value will deteriorate rapidly with the lapse of time. The memory of your failures and successes are now fresh in your mind but they will be largely forgotten by the opening of the next school year un less they are written out for consideration. The only way in which you can have this experience in most valuable form is to write out for yourself and your successors a complete report of your garden work. This should give all notes of interest, such as vegetables raised and the varieties which were the most successful, the manures used and where they may be secured for the next year. You must keep in mind that )'OU will need seeds, fertilizers, and other things at the opening of the next school yea1·, and as you are taking stock now of last year's successes and experiences you should profit by last year's difficulties and secure a considerable supply early. Often such material is scarce at the time when it is needed. In taking stock it will be well to look after the tools and make note if you have had sufficient tools during the year and if these tools are in good shape at the close of the school. Also the tools should be properly stored, cleaned, sharpened, and oiled. If new tools are needed such a list should be sent to the mpervising teacher in order that the tools may be available when wanted. Seed boxes should be emptied of the soil which they contain, and pans, sprinklers, cans, and other utensils for the storage of water, soil, and other material should be cleaned and thoroughly dried in order that they will not deteriorate while stored. It will only require a day's work of the garden class to do this and it will be worth a good deal to )'OU to have it done. It must also be noted that intelligent planning given to the garden work for the coming year not only interests )'OU and the pupils but adds results. These last days of the school year are days of construction and you have more time to think of next year's garden and to learn where to secure the seeds and other things you will need than you will have when every· thing seems to be needed at once. If you failed in making a success of any part of your garden work, either during the dry or rainy season, you may ask yourself these questions: Why is this a failure? Why is that a success? If the garden is improperly fenced, plan for fencing it now; if improperly drained, locate your drainage ditch now when you can remember where the water accumulated and how it can be drained off the garden. Review all )'our garden notes made during the year and from these notes make a summary of your successes and failures and give definite reasons for each. The principal of the Leyte Provincial High School at Tacloban has issued a most interesting circular showing in tabloid form some of the activities of his school during the first semester. The following extracts relating to industrial work are full of interest and suggestion. 728 THE PHIUPPJNE CRAFTS.ll.-IN All the gir·ls in the intermediate course, 128 in the sixth and seventh grades, take this course. Cooking and how<c!.:cepinu.- ln addition to the food cooked in clal<S as •·equircd by the course of study, the girls have cooked the following for ~ale: The girls have earned 1'48.7;) for themselves cooking and selling food on Saturdays. Necll/cwork.- Thc girls have made the following as part of thcit· classroom work: Athlctic suita. piec.-. ModellMebo<>h l::rnLroidery models. frame. on an avera~e of three to four cases of cuts, brui~es, illne~~. and the like. Before a pupil is excused on account of indisposition he is sent to the teache1· of sanitation who treats him and tells him what to do after he •·caches home in or·der to get well. The• e ar·e 227 boys in the farminl!' course, and two teachers are assigned to the Tacloban School Fn•·m. About 6} hectares are under cultivation. Q\·er 2 of the~e were cleaned by the boys this year. In addition to this the boys have a good Ceal of other wor·k to perform. The crops planted in August and September are not yet all hnrvested. The reg-ular time to plant here is in Jnnuar~· and February so the main crops will be planted then. The commercial work is embodied KI.'.'G's s~:Rn;s IN WOODWORK AND in the following list of articles: \1 embroidery.,;..,.,. It bobbin lace pi..,._.. 2 vtain sewin1< pi""es m.SO !By Charles A. KinJ<. lllustrat~. Publi•hed M.&O by American lklok Company.] Total 131.\S Elements of Woodwork. Elements of Construction. Elements of Woodwork and Drawing.-ln addition to follow in~t strictly the course of study, the drawin~t classes have made the followin~t n•·ticles for commercial work: Construction. ConstructiveCar·pentry. Inside Finishing. 500 ]>01tca rds !$11c:or~l>ond~neecardo 41l0 <IBIIC~ ]>roll' 4001antHno 40 mCI<aphon"" 50 m""k" !0 cal~ndars. large !Oeandll'shade-. 6pairsoteneiledcurtains 15 st~ncill'<l pillow tops IO tab!o,runners 9 wate r colors, Iars<~ P.>&.OO ~.M Hand Book for Teachers. Thisseriesronsistsofsix volumes, fh·e of them being- intended as textt.oo books for pupils in manual-training-, s.oo industrial, trade, or normal schools. ~::: ch:,~~;·:~~~ ~te ';:~~::~~~- s:~~~~~:~ Growth of Wood; Lumbering and JG.OO Varieties of Wood; Care of Lumber; ·25 Tools; Glue and Sandpaper; and ll.!S Wood Finishing. This volume preIS.OO sents in complete and concise form knowledge which every woodworker ought to know concerning the carC' and use of tools and the materials Rtliic:sandsanitntion.-lnaddition to following- the course of study, the teacher and girls have tr·eated dnily upon which he works. E/cmtll/8 of Co>u<lrw:·tiou is adapted to the needs of students in INDUSTRIAL NOTES 729 manual-training schools. Chapters are ~iven on the fol\owin~: Tools; 'Vorking Drawings; Constructive Exercises; Supplementary Models; and, Arithmetic Questions. E'lcmcnts of IVoodwork IH!d Constrllction is a combination of Elements of Woodwork and Elements of Construction, and is intended for students in manual-training schools or other institutions in which elementary woodwork is taught. Constructive Carpentry and Inside Finisl!ing have been prepared for the use of students in technical, industrial, or trade schools, the instruction immediately following that given in the first two volumes of the series. In Constructive Carpentry the following subjects are covered by chapters: Masonry and Foundations; Forms of Construction; i\1ill Construction; Carpenters' Steel Square, Carpenters' Geometry; Roof Construction; Boarding in; Outside Finish; Roof Covering; and, Plastering. A glossary of terms used in architecture and carpentry is also given. The volume on Inside Finishing treats of the following subjects: Heating, Ventilation, Sanitation, Refrigerators; Floor Laying, Inside Finish; Doors; Window Frames and Sash; Stair Railin).:; Painting, Hardware; Estimating; Arithmetic; and, Tables. The last. book in the series, a Hand Book for Teachers, is intended for the use of teachers and those students who expect to teach Woodwork and Carpentry as given in the other volumes. The entire series has been prepared for use in American schools and the work as given in the various volumes is excellent. Philippine conditions, however, warrant a different treatment of many of the subjects; even so, it. is believed that this series for purposes of general reference would make a worthy asset to the libraries of our local trade schools. The committee on resolutions submitted a J·epot·t based upon the discussions held in the industrial conferences, February 3, 4, and 5, 1914. Among other thing-s, the committee recommended the following: 1. That the Bureau endeavor to supply the field with a large variety of suitable designs and patterns covering all lines of industrial work. 2. That the making of articles of utility and profit be given more encouragement. regardless of whether they look showy for exhibition purposes or not. The committee believes that. too much emphasis is often placed on the making- of articles for exhibition purposes regardless of their practicability. 3. That definite lines of industrial work be prescribed by the Bureau for each division, such lines to be assigned which either satisfy a local demand and improve the standard of living in the average Filipino household or cater to a stable foreign market and assure adequate returns for labor and material. 4. That, for obvious reasons, agriculture is of more importance for boys' training than any other line of industrial work, and that the course as outlined at present should be continued. 5. That a number of pottery schools be established wherever suitable deposits of clay are available and where pottery is not. a\ ready being made. That more attention be given to the ordinary types of pottery used in the Filipino home and that the making of ornamental pottery be restricted. 6. That THI:.: PHILIPP!Nt-; CRA.-TS· MAN has done a great amount of good, and that it be continued along present lines. 7. That the practice followed in certain divisions of givinlt" to the pupils all of the money received from the sale of school-made articles, 730 THE PHILIPPINE CRAFTS.l!AN above the cost of materials, be discontinued. That the amount to be given to t.he pupil be based upon the cost of labor in the locality. And that the amount over and above the cost of materials plus the amount paid to the pupil, be turned in to a pupil's fund, the amount to be paid to be determined by the division superintendent. 8. That the yearly carnival industrial exhibition should be held just after the close of the school year. THE NEW .ASBURY'S DIIAW!NC BOOKS. [By D. R. Asbury.] This set of drawing books consists of eight small texts in which the work is graded for the respective grades in American schools, and an additional volume on drawing with colored crayons. There is also an additional set of eight Graded Practical Tablets for short courses. The price of each tablet is 15 cents. Asbury's books are well illustrated and are published by the Educational Publishing Co., Boston, New York, or San Francisco. Throughout the texts the work is so divided that object drawing comes in the autumn when fruit objects are plentiful; formal drawing, in the winter when the most time can be placed on the teaching of method, principle and technical elements; and color drawing, in the spring which is perhaps most convenient as the colors of objects in nature such as trees and flowers are best. Each textbook is carefully graded and it is intended that they should be used by the pupils themselves as texts. The text on Drawing With Colored Crayons, may be used in lhe different grades and the work correlated with that of the eight grades. ln the Graded Practice Tablets illustrations are given followed by blank sheets for practice work and the courses are shorter than those given in the regular texts. It is believed by some teachers that where the pupil draws with a drawing placed directly before him as in the practice tablet, there is danger of the pupil developing into a copyist but provision is made for avoiding this by the use of models. It is believed that the texts 1, 2, and 3 would make excellent books of reference for Philippine teachers in drawing and that some actual class work might be done from them provided that Philippine models and ideas are substituted for the American models given in the texts. !lOW TO UNDERSTAND ELECTRICAL WORK. (Uy William II. Onken, ir .• and Jo.eph B. Uabr. Harper Brothen, publishen, N"w York, 359 pag.,. llhutrate<l. i'ri«! P3.50 U1.7Gl.] One of a series of Harper's '"Handy Books for Boys." The boy is told how electricity is made. Dynamos and generators are described; he is told how these machines are driven and how electricity is distributed by the various systems. The use of motors and transformers is discussed. A chapter is devoted to the electric light and the kinds of lamps, another to electric heat and its commercial use. Under electric power are given its advantages and uses, such as in the making of shoes, printing, or in the machine shop. In electric traction it is shown that more money is invested than in any other branch of electrical engineering. The trolley, street car, locomotive, and automobile are illustrated and described. A chapter treats of the use of electricity in the home, showing its use for heating, laundering,·· cooking, sewing, and ventilation. Electricity on the farm is used to operate milking machines, to drive grinders, saws, harvesters and thrashers. Considerable space is given to INDUSTRIAL NOTES 731 electricity in the hospital, on board ship, for mining and in the manufacturing industry. For protection there are burglar alarms, fire alarms, and fire engines or pumps. Electricit~· is described as a destroyer for blasting and in war. For the transmission of intelligence are given the telephone, telegraph, wireless telegraph, and telephotograph. This book is intended primarily for young readers and all descriptive matter and explanations in the text are simply and clearly set forth. This will be a valuable reference volume for our schools in which physics is taught or for beginning pupils in engineering. IIAHI'ER'S ELECTRICITY BOOK FOR BOYS. [lh· J OII<'ph H. Adama. 407 pag.-.. IUU5· trated. Pri~e P3.50 (Sl.7t;). Harper Broth· <'TS. publi~hen~. New York.] This large volume written in simple English presents to the boy a vast field of information on electricity and electrical apparatus. The first chapters are devoted to such subjects as cells and batteries, push buttons and switches, magnets, bells and galvanometers, each of which is illustrated and well described in detail. Following is a chapter on resistance showing different forms of rheostats and wiring diagmms. In the chapter on the telephone a hoy should be especially interested for instructions are given for making the most simple types. Considerable space is given to both the line and the wireless telegraph. Instructions and details are given for the building of simple dynamos. From Galvanism and Electroplating a boy will learn how to plate rings and ornaments. Space is given to miscellaneous apparatus and to the preparation of materials for use in electrical apparatus. Formulre are given for cements, battery fluids, glues, and \'arnishes. Electric light, heat, and power are discussed and the apparatus used for each described. The appendix consists of a dictionary of electrical terms and phrases. It is believed that this volume will show the boys what they can do for themselves in the construction of electrical apparatus, and that the text would be a valuable addition to trade-school or high-school libraries. CIVICO·EDUCATIONAL LECTURE NO. 8--<:0RN. A new plan for giving this lecture was adopted for the present year. This plan provided for the lecture being given as one of the regular features of The 1913 Corn Campaign. The month of September was designated as the most suitable lime for giving the lecture. A form was also provided for reporting the facts of interest in connection with each lee. ture. The report from the Province of Batangas shows that undoubtedly the present plan for giving this lecture is securing desirable results. It is stated that this lecture was given in 82 ditre·rent barrios with a n aggregate attendance of 18,988 people. Of this number 7,215 were male adults and 4,324 were female. In this manner more than 11,000 adult Filipir.os were instructed in points pertaining to the production and use of corn. Another desirable feature of the lecture was the fact that each lecture was illustrated with actual objects. These stateJTients are for the Province of Batangas, but they form an idea of the actual good being accomplished by the civicoeducational lectures. Taking these figures as a basis and making allowances for provinces which are smaller, it is believed that fully 400,000 people wili be reached. 732 THE PHILIPPINE CRAFTSMAN H ARPER'S IIOATIN"G BOOK FOR BOYS. {fly Chacle. G. DAvio. Hnrpec Brothe~. publish<'1'3, New York. ~UO ua~""- tllu•trat...:l. l'rict" ~3.60 ($!.76) ,J This larJ..,re volume is written in simple Eng-lish; it pt·esents to the boy a vast store of information on boatin~. "The first step is to be at home in the water as well as on it.'' ' 'Learn to swim." Although it is admitted that swimming must be learned br practice, valuable instruction is given on this step. The main part of the text is introduced by instructions on the makin~ of boat models. Following this comes the making of boats for actual use. The reader then is advanced into boat sailing. Lessons are given with tiller and sheet and with dia!('rams showing tacking and jibbing. An important part of the book is devoted to motor boats in which the "aim has been to alford a working ABC of motor boating." Attention is given to the installation of the engine and to engine mechanism and accessories. Advice is given on canoeing. ''How to row" is explained by a former 'varsity oarsman'. The appendix consists of a valuable dictionary of technical terms as used in boating. (Br William L. ll11en with editorial mention by Chari<'S F. Moore. 210 lJage.,. including illustrations and in~ex. i'ubHshM by The American Hook Company.) This volume was prepared by the author for the purpose of putting instructions on forge work into permanent form for the use of students. Chapter I deals with tools and appliances each subject being taken up in detail and well discussed. Chapter II treats on fo1·ging operations, commonly used. Chapter III gives a list of practical exercises, for the student, with instructions for making them. Chapter IV is on the treatment of tool steel, and Chapter V, on tool making and stock calculation. One chapter is given to the steam hammer, tools and exercises, another to art smithing and scroll work. Very interesting data tell of iron ore; preparation and smeltinl!' and the manufacture of iron and steel. Ten pa,.,.-es of formuhc and tables valuable to a metal worker are to be found in this volume. The book is written in simple English and it is believed that the volume would be of l!'reat value to every student in foq;:-e work. [By Frank Mitchell Leavitt. A...oeiate Profe..sorof lnduotrial Education in the UniverBity of Chica!lo. 830 t>aK<"!!. l'ublish<.>d by Ginn and Company. Chicago.] In this volume the author has clearly defined manual training, industrial education, and vocational education, and their differences are shown. The demand upon industrial education by organized labor, education, and social workers; and the movements for reorganization are set forth. A chapter is de\·oted to each of the following: The Intermediate or Separate Industrial School, Vocational High Schools, The Trade School, Part Time COOperative Schools, The Continuation School, and Vocational Guidance. Notes are given concerning legislation, in sixteen different states, as affecting industrial education. The text as the title implies consists largely of "Examples of Industrial Education," most of which are American, and it is believed that most principals of vocational~· especially of trade, schools, will find much valuable information in the volume. INDUSTRIAl~ NOTES 733 !By 1\nna l'acmh l'aret. 3<8 paJ:( .... lllus• Hated. Publiahetl ~y Hucper Brothcn1.] ''Harper's Handy-Book for Girls," by Anna Parmly Paret, deals with home arts and industries. Part I treats of home furnishings. The Se<!ond part offers instruction in simple carpentering, wood-carving and metal-work, leather-work, tapestry, bead-work and other crafts including chapters on enamelling, jewelry-making and block·printing. The third part deals with fancy work and embroidery. The fourth part gives directions for making vaz·ious Christmas and Easter gifts. The last part deals, in general, with outdoor possibilities, herbariums, aquariums, and the collection of butterflies. The chapters on simple dressmaking and millinery are not practical. A few suggestions might be obtained from the chapters on stenciling, clay-modeling, basketry and weaving, but aside from those chapters, there is very little in the book that can be adapted to our work here. in trade and high schools. ) !any of the machines ~hown az·e so simple and well illustrated that it is believed a boy with a little ingenuity could make them with but a few ordinary tools. This book "shows the bov how he can make the modern wo~ld of machinery his own"; it is practical and would make a valuable asset to our trade and high school librat·ies. HOUSEHOLD SCZENCF. Ar>:n ARTS. Illy Josephine !doni•. Zllustraled. 256 pag .... l'ubH•hcd by American Book Co.] ''Household Science and Arts'' containR suggestions concerning the best ways of keeping a house clean. It gives advice in regard to the care and preparation of wholesome foods, valuable information on table-setting and washing, definite rules Cor measuring ingredients, and experiments showing the composition o! different foods. The methods of cooking are clearly defined and the composition of foods and their food values are discussed. In addition to valuable hints on laundering- and the keeping of household accounts, there are HARPER'S MACZI!NJ,;HY BOOK ~'OR BOYS. three hundred and fifty recipes and twenty sample menus. [B:ubl~=~~ ~~,.:'~"0~~: ~7~n';,:~~!.rot~:.::: All directions are expressed in tcated. l'riu P3.60 ($1.15).] simple language which make the A single volume of three pan$. ::~~kbee::~~ e~t~~~r::o:diib~!l'Ym~~~ Part I covers the principles of simple for intermediate schools or as a ~7::.ha~i~:t \71~~~~w:~t:n!a~~7~=~~~ reference book for cooking teachers, for wood, stone, concrete, and miscel- ;i::;;s. in primary or intermediate laneous purposes. In Part I ll the =~~::eob~];~ ~~~;~bedbo~1~' d:~:il. g~: SCHOLARS' ARC OF ELECTRICITY. Illy William H. Meadowuoft. with favocabl" eommcnts from Edison. HS pag.... lllustcatl'<!. l'ublisbe<l by Hinds. Noble and EZdridJ:~"· aJ-33-3G w ... t 16th St...,.,t. New Yock City.\ chapter is given on valuable shop hints; another on formulas, and one on tables, gauges, and measures. The appendix consists of a dictionary of mechanical tez ·ms. The book is written in easy lang-uage which place!! it among those most desired In this text no attempt is made to teach the more advanced and technical sciences of electz·icity, but 734 TH E PHJLJPPINE CRAFTSMAN to offer such information, on the elementary principles, from a popular standpoint as will be readily understood by the pupils of the American grammar schools. The volume contains eighteen chapters on the volt, the ohm, the ampere, magnetism, the telegraph, electric lighting, batteries, and other subjects. Each of these subjects is described in detail in elementary English. Numerous illustrated experiments are given with instructions for working them out. It is believed that Philippine pupils of the s~onda ry grades could obtain valuable information from this volume. £Lii:I>l£NTAIIY WOODWORK- CARPENTRY FOR BOYS. {lly~rQ"eB. Kilbon. 99pagee. lllustrat<>d. Publi• hed by Lot~r<>fl, ~ & Shepard Co., lloston, MI\Sa.J This text has evidently been prepared for the purpose of giving to American boys instruction on the use of the principal woodworking tools. Sixteen lessons minutely detailed are provided for, and it is stated that they were given to the ninth grade of the public schools at Springfield, !\lass. It appears that throughout the text there arc numerous diversions from the more usual methods of teaching woodwork. Although the work as laid out may have brought good results where used, it is believed that the volume would not be of much value in Philippine schools where an effort is being made to acquire more extensive training. (By Loui"" J. Kirkwood. 88 J)ag~s. li$b<"d by American Book Company.] ''Illustrated Sewing Primer with Songs and l\lusic," by Louise J . Kirkwood, is a small volume of 88 pages only, the first 26 being given to questions and answers on the preparation for sewing, kinds of stitches, !heir uses and how to make them. It contains ve1 ·y good illustrations of the different kinds of stitches. This part of the book might profitably be used by sewing teachers of primary g:~·ades. The greater part of the book is given to sewing songs with music. The volume also contains ten lessons on dress-making and learning to fit. These lessons would be of no use to the Filipino girl as the waist taken as a model is such as would never be used by her. A IIEVIVAL OF IRIS II J,ACE. A representative of one of the biggest Irish lace houses reports that advices from his house and also advices from Paris indicate a distinct revival in the demand for Irish, especially in the continental and South American markets. The call is espcciall~·, however, for real Irish and several orders from French houses running up into the thousands of pounds arc reported as evidence of the fact that Irish is definitely taking hold again. It is said that a large amount of the real goods is being used in the underwear trade but that also a very strong demand is found for Irish collars of up-to-date types. If this demand has not made iLself felt in America it is expected in the near future it will do so. (Lace and Embroidery Rct'iew.) (lh• Goorgc Fre<:l Bu~lon and Fred L. Curran. Publiohtd by The Manual ArM Prt'M. Peoria. Ill. 191 pa~; ..... lllustrattd.] This volume has been prepared •. for the use of teachers in primary handwork in public schools. Definite instructions are given for handling paper and cardboard construction in primary grades. The work as INDUSTRJ.4L NOTES 735 planned covers book, box caz·d and envelope problems. These subjects are taken up in detail and the instructions cover the laying out, cuttinf~. folding, sewing, and gluing. It is believed that the ground covered in this volume is too extensive for general use in Philippine schools, but that it may serve as excellent reference data for a teacher in charge of primary industrial training. (By Emma Conley. 208 pa(res. lllu..trat~d. PublloM<I bf The American Rook Company.] "Nutrition and Diet" deals with the composition of the body and of foods, classification of foods, digestion, nutritive and fuel value of foods and their digestibility, the balanced meal, planning of meals, menus, and classification of foods for detailed study. It is intended for classes that have had at least one-half year's work in practical cooking and some knowledge of foods. This book is supposed to be used to complement the work in cooking if it is taught as a high-school subject. The book might be of some value to teachers as a reference book but would be of little use in the hands of the pupils. GOOV BOOKS FOR BOYS A1'-"D GIHLS. Hawk : The Young Osage. By C. H. Robinson. Ralph Somerby at Panama. By Francis Raleigh. Our Little Athenian Cousin of Long Ago. By Julia Darrow Cowles. Polly-Anna. By Eleanor A. Porter. The above story books published by L. C. Page and Co., Boston, will be found of value to any school library that desires to place wholesome stories in the hands of its boy and girl readers. Sharp sandpapet· is one good thing, but sharp planer knives are another and they should come fit·st to make the best combination of the two for !lnishing wood. (Tite Furnittne ,llu,wfucturcrund Arlil!«n.) To take lumber out of the dry kiln ahead of time to accomtnodate a rush order is a poor way to make ends meet, for there is trouble enough with joinery even when the drying is made thorough. EAl!NlNG AN!l Lf:AIINING. The criticism that the public school unfits boys for wage earning will soon be n memory if high schools can point to figures such ns have been given out. by the Lane Technical High School, Chicago. Statistics compiled by Principal W. J. Bogan show that 800 boy students of the school earned the sum of $31,583.12 dut·ing their vacations, while 125 extension students, working as plumbers' apprentices, earned an additional $9,275, making the grand total earned $40,858.12. A list of the jobs held by some of the 800 regular students includes a wide range of occupations: Clerks, 150; office boys, 95; messengers, 50; bell boys, 10; fat·mers' assistants, 50; machine-shop helpers, 35; patternshop helpers, 10; engineers' helpers, 15; elevated railroad guards, 8; chauffeurs, 20; electl"ic-shop helpers, 35; newspaper carriers, 40; movingpictut·e operators, 15; express-wagon boys, 10; drafting offices, 20; florists' helpers, 10; carpenters' helpers, 18; collectors, 20; teachers, 2: forest service, 1; tree surgeon, 1. If these figures indicate anything they show clearly that the vocational high school is not only fitting boys to hold jobs successfully but also that it is instillin~ in them a spirit of independence and manliness. But 736 THE PHJUPPINE CRAFTS.l!AN what is more important, the school is ~iving them the true conception of the dignity of honest work which makes them take any respectable temporary job. (School Board Jo!!l'• 1W/.) There are many men who have greatly aided in the development of a better farm life in the United States of America, but from those who are our contemporaries two stand out as having been interested in lines of work which must ultimately be responsible for a similar outcome in the Philippines. These men are the late Seaman A. Knapp, the organize1· of practical farm demonstration work, and Luther Burbank, the most wonderful developer of plants. It is believed that the readers of this number of T111:: P!IILTPPINE CRAI"TS~1AN will find certain incidentsoftheirlivestobcintcresting. This man who sought freedom and independence of the soil was bo1·n in Essex County, New York, in December, 1833. As a boy he attended the public schools and later graduated from the Union College, Schenectady, New York. l-Ie taught school for .<;cveral ~·ears and at the age of 32 moved to Iowa and settled on a farm. lie edited a farm paper and was the first prof~ssor of agriculture in Iowa College. Later he oJ·ganized a development company which purcha~ed a million acres of land in the State of Louisiana and established a prosperous agricultural community. lie conducted rice demonstrations and diversified farming. His work attracted the at.tention of the Government authorities and in 1898, at. the age of 65, he was sent to visit China, Japan, and the Philippines to make rice investigations. In HIOl he made a second trip and in the same yeaJ· went to Europe and later to Porto Rico. Thus in 1903, at the age of 70, he had not yet begun the great work which made him famous, although much time and study had been devoted to it. In 1903 the Mexican boll weevil began to cause such destruction in the Texas cotton fields as to bring about the sending of Dr. Knapp to tight its ravages. He took a piece of land on a farm and demonstrated that cotton could be grown in spite of the weevil. The next year the entire state was organized. In a few years his work hnd covered the entire South. At the time of his death in 1911 thi~ ~~Teat work extended over many States, and under a force of 1,000 assistnnts an enrollment ot 100,000 farmers, 75,000 boys in corn clubs, and 25,000 girls in tomato and canning clubs was secured. It is interesting to know that throughout his work great emphasis was given the practical demonstration work by school pupils at their homes. A com· pal"ison of the results he secured with what the public schools in the Philippines are doing, as given in other articles in this number, reflect credit upon our work. The man who i~ known all over the world as a man who has achieved distinction in workinjZ with plants was born in Lancaster, Massachusetts, in l\lar·ch, 1849. His parents were so poor that Luther attended only the public elementary school and early in life went to work in a factory. He cared little for tools and machinery and grew vegetables for the market during his spare time. He noticed that the seed balls on the·· tops of some potato vines were better than others and by selecting the best ones and planting them, he developed the famous ··Burbank" variety of potato. It is said that thi~ potato JNDUSTR!M, NOTES 737 has been worth millions of dollars to the world. He received a partial sunstroke while working in the J{arden and was forced to Jeive up this kind of work. Having sold his rights in the new potato for $150, he went to California, hut not being very strong an(_~ as work was scarce, he was compelled to work very hard. At one time it is said that he was employed to c!ean out poultry houses and many t1mes had to sleep in thf'm. At thi~ time he contracted a fever, but a kind lady in the neighborhood helped him and he slowly recovered his health. Having later secured employment in a nursery and saved a small sum of money he stnrted a nursery of his own. At this time there came an order for 20,000 prune trees. He accepted the order but did not have that many trees old enough. As it takes three years to grow prune trees he thought out a plan of making the almond tree bear prunes I!.S that tree could be planted at once. He placed prune buds in young almond trees and startled the world with his success. For man~· years his great talent has been devoted to 11lant b1·eeding. He has improved trees, flowers, vines, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Constant improvement upon nature has been J\lr. Burbank's life work. He has improved the potato, the plum, chestnut, many berries, and a large number of flowers. He is now :~~ oii::se ~:~o~0~:n ~: t~~s w~~:~ near Santa Rosa, California, a part of which is his original nursery. Last year his brother who is associated with him in this work spent some time in the Philippines. Blll·· bank"s success is more than interesting to those who are cognizant of the great need for more attention to plant breeding in the Philippines. [NQn.· DRI& for th ... e ok~tehto wert taken h~ly fron> BuH~tin NQ. 43. United Stnt.,. Su~au of Edueation.-EI>lTQR.l ARTS AND CUAFTS IN TilE DUTCH EAST INDIES. The Bureau of Education has recently received a number of volumes of the '"De lnlandsche Kunstnijverheid in Nederlandsch-lndie." These are written by Mr. J. E. Ja!<per, brovernment official for the matters of native arts and crafts. The publications are richly illustrated and describe the household crafts of the Dutch East Indies. The work of investigating the crafts of these islands is similar to that now being accomplished by the Bureau of Education but it has no close connection with schools and instruction as the work in the Philippines has. The following is an extract from the letter \vt"itten by Mr. Jasper to the Director of Education in transmitting the publications. "'The encouragement of native applied art, that is practiced over the Archipelago as domestic work, has been left to private initiative. Many people, Europeans as well as natives, are dealing in homeart products, but most of them, being no artists in the real sense and aiming only toward cornmercial ends, cause a degeneration in original technic and ornament. So, the Gov. ernment has ordered a technical, ar·tistic investigation, in consequence of which the principal technics and ornaments of home art are to be fixed in a series of well-illustrated descriptions of the following subjects: I. The art of making mats and basketry. II. The art of weaving and lace making. Ill. The art of batik. JV. The art of making metalwork (gold, silver, copper·, and brass ware) and damaskeened arms. V. Other· branches of home an. "Charged with the above-mentioned investigation, I have already written the first two of the related books, the complete titles of which are: "De l nlandsche Kunstnijve1·heid in Nederlandsch-lndie, Door ,J. E. 738 THE PHILIPPINE CRA.FTSMAN Jasper En Mas Pirngadie.' 'I Het Vlcchtwerk, II De Weefkunst. Van Regeeringswege Gedrukt En Uitgegeven Te 'S-Gravenhage Door De Bock& Kunstdrukkerij V /1-1 )lou ton & Co.-'S-Gravenkage, 1912.' "The whole series of descriptions will be finished after some years. This means, in my opinion, the conservation of the craft's originality and it should precede the real development in the industries. '"With regard to the manual instruction, I might say that there is but one Government school (established about six years ago) in Ngawi (Java), where the branches of making basketry and earthenware, hornturning, wood-carving and designing arc taught to native pupils who have grat.luated from elementary schools. The modest purpose of the so-called native home-art school of Ngawi is to give those pupils such practical instruction, that they will be able to make a little money by doing handwork at. leisure. "Supposing you desire to obtain information only on artistic instruction, I leave the three trade schools of Batavia, Samarang, and Sourabaya out of consideration, these establishments being destined for the training of blacksmiths, carpenters, and the like. There exist also some Jlrivate home-art schools with ot· without grants from the Govet·nment, and so are to be mentioned: The school for weaving at La~eboti (Sumatra), founded for Batak women and girls by a missionary society, a school for weaving at Koepang (Timor) founded by the Frantiscan nuns, some schools for weaving in Padang (Sumatra), some schools for lace making in Palembang and Atjeh, and the schools for making silver and brass ware and wood-carving, lately opened in Kloengkoeng (Bali), all for native pupils. "Moreover there are some societies that manage a business in native arts and crafts, and of which are i.o be mentioned: 'Boeatan' in the Hague, 'Oost en West' in Batavia, 'Jogjasche Kunstarbeid' in Jagjakarta, 'Toko Tontonnan' in Sourabaya (especially for brass ware). "Inordertoincreasethesaleof home-art products, several fairs have b-een organized at inter\'als in Sourabaya, Samarang, Batavia, Makasser, Padang Pandjang, Fort de Kock, Koetaradja, for which enterprises the Government usually advances the capital stock, yielding no interest. "A definite organization or a real public service for the development of native handwork does not yet exist, but will probably soon be taken into consideration by the Government. ''In my opinion and so far as l know the native people and their home art, such an organization ought to be made by a government central institution with a \'iew to encourage private workshops under good nati\'e technical and artistic managements and to the founding of special societies or coOperations. "After practical skill is formed in that way and the natives themselves entirely recognize the necessity of the art's development, the special task of the go\'ernment comes more to the front. For, every special school of art or industry ought to be in relation with existing workshops. Such has already been declared in 'The Art and At·t Industrial System in Austria,' published in consequence of the third international congress for the teaching of art and drawing, that took place in London, 1908. "Final!y, I will give here below the following short quotation from the above-mentioned book: 'One of the most important principles in the administration of a]! the schools •. · (schools of art and industry) is that the entire industrial education is based on the close relation and mutual assistance of school and workshop and, as far as possible, on the practicaldemandsofindustriallife.'"