Industrial Notes


Part of Philippine Craftsman

Industrial Notes
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
1.\'DUSTR/AL NOTES 555 1--- - - 48~ - 1 t Llbr.,y t•bl• •nd bookcut. (P. S. A, T.) 556 THE PHILIPPINE CRAFTSMAN 't " L rr .. .. -, Rattan Bottom ill I 4' t -~ Th1ck I 4 t-totes. _J ~ I ' ,_Thick " r -~ " --1 9 ' - - f-----f~ ;:; 1 ;;; rr "' I ---t:'l3i~ -- 15 T-~- "' ki I r l l I ru - I_f J l '" j_ _ _ _ (P. $.A. T.) INDUSTRIAL NOTES. t"ARMING IN AGUSAN VALU:V. Located about seventy.five miles up the Agusan river, is the town of Talacogon. The Talacogon District is about one hundred and fifteen miles long and includes a few schools on branch rivers. As this country is cut up very much by lakes and rivers, all transportation and commerce are by water, either with baroto or launch. The natives, 1\Ianobos, are non-Christians and are not natural farmers, depending upon wild fruits and grains and fish for subsistence. They live in settlements, and the principal crop planted is camotes. For this reason, farming instruction in the schools is a very tedious, but at the same time a very important, task. )16177~ In previous years some SC"hool gardening was done, and a few of the schools had small plots averaging about six hundred square meters. However, this year brought with it an increasing interest in farming and agriculture, and with the inauguration of the corn campaign by the Bureau of Education came a desire on the part of pupils to compete with other divisions in the gt·owing of cot·n. The campaign cry was "Corn! !\lore corn, and better co1·n." Other food crops were not neglected, but most stress was laid on the growing of corn as a supplementary food staple. In the Talacogon district 6 hectares of land have already been cleared and planted. Much of the 557 558 THE PHILIPPISE CRAFTS.l/AN clearing was in the virgin forest and was done by pupils under fifteen years of age. The work of clearing and cleaning the ground is slow, as not an animal has been used to assist in moving the large timbers. Bolo~, axes, and crosscut saws are used in cutting down the trees. The ground is prepared for planting with bolo, spade, and hoe, and cultivated with the same tools. The main drawback in establishing a school farm is the large timber that is encountered. Oftentimes trees 3 and 4 feet in diameter have to be felled. The school farm has been handled in a systematic way, one-half of each day being devoted to farm work when the weather is suitable. A certain area of land was "staked'' at each school to be cleared and planted during the month. All food products have been retumed to the pupils except the selected seed. What has already been accomplished has proved that farming can be made a success in this particulat· district, and that the soil will produce a yield f~•r beyond the average, and of superior quality. This district has produced a deep-grained dent com that is unequaled in grain, and careful seed selection should bring forth a well filled ear. The i\lanobos have learned that they can get more food and bo.<tter food by culti\'ating their crops. Below is a report on products for the first semester of 1912: !•2·11.39. This is not a large production, but it is a start, and it gives evidence of the enthusiasm taken in the work. On each farm are being planted papayas and bananas; it is intended that by April 1st, two papaya and three banana tt·ees per pupil will have been planted in the district.0. c. 1\. THE SCHOOL OF HOUSEH OLD INLIUSTRI~;s, The second session of the School of Household Industries opened on January 6, 1913, and will continue during six months. During this session 100 youn~ women selected from nearly all of the provinces in the Philippines will receive instruction in lace-making and embroidery work. It will be noted that the number of women attending the school has been reduced from 145 to 120. This reduction was made in view of the fact that the months from January to June are the hottest and driest of the year, and it was thought best to provide larJ:_rer dormitory facilities for each individual. This change will also permit more attention to be given the individual student during the regular term of six months. While the functions of the School of Household Industries are mainly to teach all combinations of needlework stitches and to train women in the handling of native and foreign materials in such a manner as will Corn (on oob) Camot~s ~a::·• t.!H ;.:~da~~eo/~~e :~:e:1;::~n:ra~~:~~~ Mongos Peanuu ~:J<'IrPiant Cow~ao Pepl>f'~ Papaya Tobaeoo <:lo 31 were given traininiJ also in the sedo 16, lection and pricing of materials en10 tering into the making of different 5 articles. Each student became thoroughly acquainted with a system of Kantao.-17 do - H fruit.o 16 According to the market prices of Butuan, the capital of the province, this produce would have a value of accounting and a method whereby accurate records could be kept of all orders, patterns, qualities of cloth, and shipping directions. The training throughout the school session aimed to prepare the graduate JXDUSTRIAL NOTES 559 to meet the conditions under which her working center will be conducted. In view of the fact that this school is in no sense a factory and that its whole efforts have been spent rather in teaching a handiwork than in producing finished articles, it is extremely gratifying to note that the work done in the school has met with the approval of the buying public. During- the first six months of the school's existence the total sales of hnndkerchiefs amounted to 'f>-1,902.20. The sale of other embroidery work nmounted to 1'1,020.20 and there is on hand embroidery work valued at t~I,500, which can be sold at any moment. Had it not been for the delays incident to opening a new school of this character, a larger amount of work might have been produced. The young women who attended the first session of the school have returned to their respective towns and have there organized workingcenters for the production of highgrade lace and embroidery. Each working-center is now composed of about twelve of the best workers found in the community from which the graduate came, but as the demand for needlework increases, new workers will be trained, and it is expected that within a few months each of these localities will have a group of workers sufficiently skilled to do high-grade lace or embroidery work. With a large prospective production in view, it is realized that some systematized plan looking to the disposal of the product of these centers must be provided, and for this purpose the Sales Agency has been authorized to extend its facilities throughout the Philippine Islands. Where the Sales Agent is ready to put the plan in operation in each province, he will correspond with the respective provincial boards upon this subject, acquainting them with the needs. Since many of the graduates will be without capital and will be unable to await the presenting of the product of their industry to Manila and its sale there, or in the United States, before receiving payment, each province has been requested to make an appropdation to serve as a working capital for the purchase of standardized industrial handicraft articles. With this appropriation provincial treasurers will purchase needlework products ordered by the Sales Agent and manufactured by the graduates of the School of Household Industries, or by others to whom the Sales Agency may wish to extend the same privileges. Further arrangements have been made whereby the Sales Agency will furnish the graduates through the provincial treasurers with proper material at reasonable prices, advise them as to the kind and style of articles for which there is a market, and find that market when the articles manufactured are in accord· ance with the standards fixed. In order that a basis may be established upon which articles of one class and standard can be purchased by the province, it will be necessary that the Sales Agency send to the Jlrovincial treasurers samples of all articles to be manufactured with their corresponding prices. With this basis once established, the province will purchase all articles conforming to the class and standard of the samples at the price set, and will forward them to the Sales Agency, where they will be sold at the highest market-price obtainable. All of the net proceeds of the sales made by the Sales Agency will be returned to the p1·ovince concerned, to reimburse it for the money expended in the pUJ·chase of the manufactured articles. It is expected that after a time those enga~ed in the manufacture of household articles will be able to market their products through com560 THE PHILIPPINE CR.4.FTS.l/.4N mercia! houses without the assistance of the Government, but that is not possible now in most provinces. However, with the present large demand for high-grade lace and cmbt-oidery work and the well laid plans whereby the Sales Agency is to supply materials and patterns, it should be a matter of but a short time before the Philippines will take a prominent place as a producer of needlework. In order that the working-centers may be established over a large territory and competition may be avoided, the young women selected to attend the second term wet·e chosen from towns or communities other than those represented by the graduates who attended the first term. Those living in towns where household industries are ail·eady established, and where the facilitie.:; for communication with Manila are best, were given preference. At th\! end of six months these women will have completed their training, and the work will be further extended when a new group of women seleded from other communities is enrolled. Each of these graduates will likewise organize a working-center in her home-town and instruct her workers so that they can do work of the standard required by the markets of the world. The resul~s within a few years should be and undoubtedly will be of ~p·eat economic imtlortance to the people of the Philippine Islands.- R. B. R. FIRST GRADUATION CLASS, SCHOOL OF HOUSEIIOLD INDUSTRIES. The graduating exercises of the first class of the School of Household Industries took place in the Philippine Normal School auditorium, December 1-t, 1912, when a elMs of over one hundred members concluded the courses in needlework, lacemaking, and embroidery. The Bureau of Education was represented by the Second Assistant Director, Mr. Magee; the Philippine Assembly sent as its delegate i\lr. Cot·pus; and the executive part of the Government was rept·esented by Acting GovernorGeneral Gilbert. Mr. Magee spoke on the origin of the School of Household l ndustri~s. its organization, and its purpose. i\lr. Corpus congratulated the graduates on theit· successful school year and on the splendid opportunities open to them in their future work. Mr. Gilbert emphasized the commercial need of a school of this type to introduce into all parts of the Philippine Islands an industry in which the gmduates or the school :lnd theit· coworkers could be employed throughout the year, and which would thus aid in bringing about the individual and industrial prosperity which must underlie commercial prosperity. A few well-chosen and representative articles were placed on exhibit in the Normal School. These included doilies, table-sets, handkerchiefs. shirt-waists, and dresses embroidered by the pupils of the graduating class. A popular design appeared to be the gumamela, the leaves and flowers being in every case beautifully finished, and neat and accurate in every detail. A few finely executed specimens of bobbin-lace attracted con· sidet·able attention. The exhibit would have been much larger had it not been for the fact that most of the product of the school had been ~old to secure capital with which to establish working-centers on the students' return to their home towns. 0 Since 1909 the St. Gall, Switzerland, Tndustrial Commercial Museum has extended the work of givi~ women practical instruction in the various processes of embroidery manufacturing' by adding nine new schools situated in as many different towns in Switzerland. All of these ~chools aim to train their pupils in INDUSTRIAL NOTES 561 the technique of embroidery manufacture. They likewise teach young girls to deftly manipulate the ordinary sewing machine, so that defects or breaks in embroideries may be o;o skillfully repaired as to be hardly noticeable. In these schools training is given also in designing; in that country the making of designs for embroidery work is a well-paid profession.-R. B. R. CORN-RAISI NG AT THE BUTUAN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FARM . During the period .June 15 to October 15, 1912, 4 months, there were raised on one-third hectare of land at the Butuan Industrial School 38 cavanes of ear corn with a local market value of f"2 per cavan, and a catch crop of 3! cavanes of mangos with a local market value of '1"8.40 per cavan, making the total value of the ct·ops raised on one-third hectare of land in four months, '1>'105.50. During the same period the total value of all crops raised on the farm of this school amounted to '1>'308.75, notwithstanding two attacks by swarms of locusts which reduced the yield by at least one-third. The crops raised on the farm are consumed in the school mess by the students, and have reduced the cost of subsistence from 26 centavos per ration (three meals daily) per student in February, 1909, to 8 centavos per ration per student in November, 1912. This sch0ol is now developing a special strain of corn, a hybrid from Mexico White Flint and Butuan White Flint, which has already been produced on trial ears 22 centimeters long with a yield of 2~ cavanes to the hundred square meters. Seed selected from this hybrid and planted in October, 1912, was on December 16 in the milk stage, and though considerably injured by heavy rains and storms, showed signs of producing a larger yield than the parent stocks. An experiment is also being made in crossing the hybrid Mexican-Butuan White Flint with the Prosperidad-Mexican White Dent, as the latter has a deeper and more perfect kernel. The Mexican-Butuan White Flint also has been crossed with the Iloilo White Flint, which has a very large kerneL Such experiments will take years to perfect, but considering the comparatively small quantity of corn now being raised in the Philippines, they are essential to successful corn-growing. The soil of the Agusan Valley is well adapted to corn-growing, and when the immense forested area is cleared it may be the great corn producing region of the Philippines.F. P. L. No doubt every one who has endeavored to grow sweet corn in the Philippines has been confronted with the difficulty of securing a stand before the ants destroy the planted seed. This may be avoided by soaking the corn in water for about five hours, and then placing it in a pett·oleum bath for from five W seven minutes just prior to planting. The petroleum will not injure the germ, and germination will take place before the ants will touch the sced.J. A. C. SECOND SEE[) BED FOR GARDEN PLANTS. To secure a rapid growth of trans. planted plants is not always an easy matter. One is forced W transplant seedlings from the germinating bed before a strong root system has been developed, and consequently there is usually a somewhat lengthy struggle between life and death before the former comes out victorious. The plan of making use of a second seed562 THE PHILIPPINE CRAFTSMAN bed has been worked out at the of land devoted to corn. This makes Indan~ School Farm with great success. It is quite remarkable what a difference is secured in the growth of eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, and cabba~e. This second bed should be made in a level place, filled with rich soil and kept semi-shaded at all times. The seedlings may be transplanted from the first seed-bed when they are about two weeks old, and placed from three to four inches apart in order to allow sufficient room for the development of a strong root system. The plants should be left in the second bed for about two weeks, at the end of which time they may be transplanted to their permanent growing-places. A clump of soil must always be left attached to the roots of the plant. If the transplanting is properly done the seedlings will not wilt, and their RUbsequent gTowth will be rapid and healthy.-J. A. C. The General Office is in receipt of frequent school news bulletins prepared by the United States Bureau of Education at Washington, D. C. These bulletins treat in a general way of school affairs in all parts of the world. Many of the notes appearing in them have a direct bem·ing upon industrial instruction. and extracts from them appear frequently in the pages of THE PHILIPPINE CNAFTSMAX. it is sugge~ted that division superintendents and others interested in school affairs generally communicate with the United States Bureau of Education, requesting to be placed on the mailing list fo1· these school news bulletins. According to a garden rcpot·t is."ued by the division superintendent of schools for Albay, there are in the province about 54,000 square meters of land planted with vegetables, and over 30,000 square meters a total of about 8~ hectares of land under cultivation by the pupils of the schools in the division. In Palawan industrial W'lt·k is being successfully carried on, and several salable articles have been turned out. A coiled nito fruitbasket and abaca and coco-rib baskets have proved very popular. At the Coron Central School a very neat design of cigarette case is being made. The material used is "caiia bojo," and the design is in black and white. This species of bamboo can be dyed black by a very simple process. The internode of a young bamboo, before being split into strips, is scraped smooth, until none of the epidermis is left. Then the surface is rubbed with a finely scraped piece of "kalamping" bark. (Any fresh sticky bark will serve.) The bamboo is then held over a burning ''brea'' candle stick or a smoky oil lamp till its surface is thickly covered with soot. This process is 1·epeated three or four times until the surface of the bamboo becomes black and glossy. After the last application of the bark, the bamboo should not be smoked any more, but should be placed in the sunshine till the sap becomes perfectly dry. TEACHI::RS VACATION ASSEMBLY, PHILIf'Pil"E SCHOOL OF ARTS AND TRAD8S. The usual vacation assembly for Filipino teachers will be held at the Philippine School of Arts and Trades, Manila, beginning on the morning of April 14, 1913, and continuing six weeks. All of the courses offered last year appear again on this year's program. '· In addition to courses previously offered, there will be both elementary and advanced forge work for teachers in agriculture or shop work. Opportunities will be given for instruction in the forging of articles for use JXDUSTR/AL NOTt:S 563 in the locality from which the teacher comes. Applicants desiring to take such special work should bring models of the articles in which they desire to specialize. Another new course will be that of ceramics. This will consist of five hours per day spent in the pot· tery department and one hour in the drawing department. This course is planned to aid teachers who come from districts where pottery is already an established industry, or where it could be made so. It will, of course, be impossible for a teacher to complete the work in one term of the Vacation Assembly, but the work for 1914 will be planned so as to correlate closely with that given this y"'ar. In the six weeks' cou1·se of five hours per day a teacher should be able to acquire a knowledge of how to prepare clay, how to model a few simple designs, how to usc a potter's wheel, and how to build and use a small kiln. A short course will also be given in wheelwrighting. This work will be open only to such teachers as have satisfactorily completed a trade cour~e in woodwoJ·king. It is planned to teach students who already possess a fair knowledge of cabinet work or carpentry how to make simple repairs upon vehicles in common use. Special attention will be paid to the making of spokes, hubs, and felloes. Teachers taking this course will spend five hours daily in the shop and one in the drawing room. For fuller information, the announcement of the Eighth Vacation Assembly for Filipino Teachers should be consulted. Copies of this announcement may be obtained from all division superintendents. PROPAGATION OF CIIICOS AND In the propagation of both chicos and \anzones there are two very distinct methods in vogue: that which is known to the American horticulturist as "ringing," but which commonly goes by the name of "marcottage"' in the Philippines, and that of planting the seed. The latter method is seldom practiced because of the length of time neccssarr for a seedling to come into bearing. It is a common expression among Filipinos that the (a) A newly PrePared marccttaoe showIng the appearance after removing the ring of bark. (b) The man of rooh which develop boforo H•e limb Is removed for planting. father plants the lanzones tree for his son. The writer calls to mind several trees which have not yet fruited, although the trees are more than twenty-five years old. Chicos require less time than \anzones to fruit but when propagated f1·om the seed several years of slow growth must elapse before the tree can be expected to bear fruit. '•;..rarcottage" consists in peelinK a ring of bark from a small branch, 564 THE PHILIPPINE CRAFTSMAN A mRrcnttagb protected by coconut hus~s. Thil 11 tho method most commonly used In tying- the peeled place in moist soil, and thus inducing the branch to s.end out roots. Notwithstanding tl1e crude methods commonly employed in the Philippines, very good results are generally obtained. Several kinds of wrapping have been tried, but the greatest success has been obtained by using ordinary old coconut husks. The spongy tissue of the husk is an excellent retainer of moisture, and insures such an unifo1·m distribution that the soil in the husk will remain moist longer than when wrapped h1 any other material, thus assuring a strong root system. To those who are attempting to place a marcottage for the first time, the following suggestions may be of definite use: Select a small branch one to two centimeters in diameter; remove a ring of bark about fout· centimeters wide; scrape the stem well where the bark has been removed in order to destroy the cambium layer and thus prevent the wound from healing; place immediately over the wound wme fine moist soil; have prepared some thick coconut husks, fill these with earth and bind them around the cut part of the bmnch and keep the soil in the husk moist. The husk should remain on the branch until the young roots protrude through the husk. When well rooted, the branch should be removed by sawing the limb just below the OOund part, and transplanted in rich and mellow soil. As soon as the young tree has developed a strong root sys· tem it should be set out in its permanent growing place. The best time for placing marcottage is during the rainy season, Mal~od employed to keep t~e m.,colla11e moitl during tho monlh1 when t ~o ral~$ ••• INDUSTRIAL NOTES 565 as the f1·equent rains keep the soil moist. H the marcottage is placed during the drier months, it is an excellent plan to arrange for a vessel filled with water, so hung that there will be a slight but steady drip of water on the bound part of the limb. Persistent daily attention is necessary in order to keep the marcottage moist during the drier months, and unless this attention can be given, it is best not to have recourse to this method of propagation. Chicos and lanzones require several years to come into bearing, but no doubt the time may be materially reduced by proper care and cultivation. The excellence of these two choice tropical fruits should encourage their extended production and improvement.-J. A. C. To meet the ever-increasing demand for definite infonnation as to the best methods of treating and coloring different industrial materials, inquiry concerning these matters was addressed to the Bureau of Prisons and the Bureau of Science. Since the information received may be of interest and value to the many schools where work with these materials is being carried on, suggestions obtained in this connection are given below: "Black colors for rattan may be produced by soaking the material for a period of t ime in mangroveswamp mud. While no definite information can be given as to the cause in the change of color it is presumably due to the presence of tannin in the mud, and it is thought that the same effect may be accomplished by the use of cutch solution." This solution is prepared by extracting the tannin from mangrove bark with walel' and evaporating the liquor to a suitable percentage of moistul'e. It is also stated that bejuco may be dyed black by the use of "campeche." The materia.! should first be boiled before it is put into the dye and a handful of copperas added to every 5 gallons of nuid. By the above method dyeing requires from two to four days. If the bejuco is old and yellow, or dirty, it sometimes takes six days. The material should be washed in clear water and hung up to dry. Heart bejuco may be dyed any color. Campeche and copperas make a very satisfac· tory black color. To secure green, blue, red, or yellow, the following method may be employed: To every 5 gallons of the campeche solution add the following: one-half kilo coarse salt, 1 pint vinegal', before putting in the bejuco; then wash in clear water and hang up to dry. The matel'ial should be dried for at least twenty-four hours. To dye bamboo black, use campeche and copperas; brown, employ negro profundo, vinegar, and salt. Respecting possible methods where· by bamboo can be rendered imper· vious to the attacks or boring insects, both directors state that there seems to be no satisfactory means to pre· vent this, though it is reported that the chances for such attacks may be diminished by cutting the bamboo in the dry season and that possibly the impregnation of the material with corrosive sublimate might be used to advantage.-L. R. S. l\Ir. P. N. Sturtevant, head teacher of Catanduanes, submits the following suggestion for furnishing moisture to ou~door seed beds. It appears to be an excellent plan and if properly arranged may be the means of greatly reducing the loss of young plants by "dampening off." When seeds are planted in beds made in the ground, this plan might be given a trial. "The following device has been found to give very satisfactory re566 THE PHILIPPJ.\'E CRAF'TS.IJ.4N suits. Instead of the usual seed bed into which water is poured or sprinkled, thereby injuring more or less the small plants, a seed bed is made in which are placed joints of bamboo having a diameter of two inches. This bamboo should have partitions in the bottom but none in the top. 1 t is so placed as to be buried at least two inches. At a point well below the surface of the soil small holes the size of an eight-penny nail are punched. The tube is then filled with water and kept full. The small holes in the side permit the water to run out slowly, keeping the soil moist without injuring the plants. One tube for every two square feet of surface will be found sufficient." i''PINI:: INDUSTIUAL EXIHBIT IN THE UNITED STATES. The Bureau of Education has received copies of an announcement printed by Clark University, regarding an exhibit of industrial work from the Philippine School~, in con· nection with the conference on "Recent Developments in China," held at Worcester, Mass. Among other things the announcement states: --The articles are the products of the industrial classes of the Philippine Public Schools and were made in the regular class periods. They include embroidery, Irish crochet, lace, baskets, hats, small articles of wood-work, slippers, hand-bags, mat. ting, mats and other hand-woven articles. The claim has been made that the system of industrial training in the Philippines is superior to that found in any of our own states." This exhibit, temporarily in charge of G. W. Caulkins, was visited by a large number of people interested in industrial work, and among them were President-emeritus Elliot of Harvard and several professors of Clark Univer.<~ity, including President Hall. The exhibit elicited much favorable comment on account of the excellence of the workmanship. The conference on "Recent Development in China," held at Clark University at the same time, was attended by such men as Hon. R S. Miller, Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, Washington; Joseph Taylor, Professor in West China Union University; Major L. L. Seaman, President of the China Society of America; and numerous other men well acquainted with the various systems of education in force in the Orient. Vegetables cannot be successfully grown without thorough cultivation. If left alone, the plants will soon be smothered out by the rapid s:-rowth of weeds. The main purposes of cultivation are: 1st, to kill the weed growth, most easily accomplished by stirring the soil just after the weed seeds have germinated; 2nd, to assist nature in making plant food available by breaking up the minute particles of soil and thus liberating the latent plant food; and 3rd, to aerate the soil by frequently stirring it. The mere act of keeping the field clean of weeds is not cultivation. As soon as the soil is in a workable condition, the ground must be thoroughly plowed and the surface broken up with some cultivating tool. l\Iuch of the actual cultivation that plants need can be gi\"en at this time. The surface of the soil should be kept in a loose and powdery condition. Soil in this form both receives and retains moisture. Durin~ a dry period much moisture is •rc· tained if by frequent cultivation the surface soil is kept pulverized to a depth of one or two inches. The dust mulch forms a sort of blanket and retains the moisture for the rootlets. After a rain, the ~oil may INDUSTRIAl, NOTES 567 become caked unless it is stirred so as to prevent the formation of a crust. A crust permits the rapid evaporation of the moisture and if unbroken will also prevent the next rain from being absorbed by the soil. Land which has been well manured and well prepared before planted, will with thorough culti\'ation produce a full crop in a favorable season. But even in the most favorable season, well manured and well prepared land will not produce the best crops unless the plants are given the required attention and cultivation while growing.-From notes by H. D. C. The following excerpt is taken from Division Circular No. 20, s. 1912, for Bataan. It is believed that co1·n demonstrations conducted in this manner will be successful. ",lfodel '11Wnicipal cont demoustration-~ booths. Table for serving and demonstrating: Booth No.l~Cooking, Z (stove). Booth No. :!-Z (stove). BoothNo.S~Z(stove). Booth No. ,6-Exhibits X X, corn mills. BOOTH No. I. (Dry corn reci]Jes.) Exhibits-!. Cooking-Corn bread, corn pone, corn mullins, corn-meal mush, and fried mush. Demonstrations1. Serving the above corn foods. 2. Talks on the above articles and distribution of recipes for same. BOOTH No.2. (Dry corn recipes.) Exhibits!. Cooking~Corn c a k e s, hulled corn or hominy, hoe cake, and johnny cake. Demonstrations]. Sen•ing the above corn foods. 2. Talks on the above items and the distribution of ~:~~s for making the BOOTH No.3. (Green corn recipes.) Exhibits!. Cooking-B o i I e d corn, ~~~~ ~o;[t~::t!;!:~~~ stewed corn. Demonstrations]. Serving the abo\·e corn foods. 2. Talks on the above and distribution of recipes. BooTH No.4. (Com cultivation and machinery.) Exhibits]. As illustrated in Corn Campaign Poster No. I. 2. As illustrated in Corn Campaign Poster No.2. :I. As illustrated in Corn Campaign Poster No.3. 4. Huskmg corn with husking peg. 5. Grinding corn-with mortar, with grater, and with modem hand corn mills. Demonstrations!. Talks on the above exhibits relative to selecting and testing corn seed; plowing and planting corn land; and cultivating- and harvesting corn. 2. Ta;~~hon 3~or~~~~~~ince:r'~ planters, corn sh~ller,; and corn mills. ' It may not be possible to conduct demonstrations as complete as the one outlined above in every town or the division, but some of the points mentioned should be emphasized in every case. l\lrs. Carry L. Wright, of Capiz, has found a new and quick method of bleaching buri straw. It is placed in water containing a small quantity of cream of tartar and boiled for two hours, after which it is thoroughly l'insed and then dried either in the sun or in the shade. After being dried, the strands are pulled under a hot iron to make them smooth and flat. The entire preparation of the material requires not more than 36 hours. It is 568 THE PHILIPPJ.\'E CRAFTSMAN stated that tuba vinegar or alum will give the same result. The Samar Bulletin for November contains some useful industrial information furnished by Herbe rt F. Patterson, supervising teacher, Oras, Samar. Mr. Patterson states that a pleasing effect is produced in the decoration of the rims and handles of baskets by using a series of two or three binders instead of one. One of the binders may be made of nito and the other of kalotkagot or bacog, or two may be of nito and one of kalotkagot, or vice versa. Many designs are made possible by binding in strips of nito running lengthwise around the rim, thus combining the double or triple binder with the decorations in common use. This method is not more difficult than any other and it saves time. It may be found that some teachers have trouble in securing well-balanced designs on the sides of baskets. This difficulty may be easily overcome by weaving halfway up the sides with any good combination of colors and then copying the same design, reversed, for the other half of the distance. The result should be a pretty, symmetrical design.-R. B. R. PRIZES FOR THE CORN-GROWING CONTESTS IN ZAMBALES PROVINCE. Mr. Teodoro R. Yangco, a Filipino philanthropist and patron of education, has b-iven the following p rizes to be awarded in each of the corn-growing contests for the division of Zambalcs: First prize, a Luzon plow and a free passage to the 1913 Philippine Carnival. Second prize, set of carpentry tools. Third prize, set of gardening tools. This is but one of Mr. Yangco's many activities in the interest of education, and particularly in behalf of the Province of Zambales. He has donated liberally for the construction of modern concrete school buildings in the towns of San Antonio and San Narciso of that province. COIIRECTIONS. In the September issue of THE PIIILIPPINE CRAF'TSMAN the following cor rections should be noted: On page 189 "Plate XXII" should be changed to read "Plate XX IV," and in the first paragraph on page 192 the letter "a" should be canceled and the figure "2" substituted.