Industrial Notes


Part of Philippine Craftsman

Industrial Notes
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
IN DUSTRIA L N OTES 621 22~~ - D I ' I "\ ~171~ J - - 1" Morrl1 ehalr and armehlr. (P. S. A. T.) 622 THE PHiLIPPINE CRAFTSMAN (P, S. A. T.) INDUSTRIAL NOTES. The declaz·ed exports from Beirut, Syria, for the first six months of the year 1912, show that during this period cotton lace to the value of 1 ' 442,610 was exported to the United States. The making of cotlon lace is entirely a cottage industry in Beirut and gives employment to many unattached women and girls, who otherwise would have no means of livelihood. This lace is made from patterns furnished from the United States and is of the class known as baby Irish crochet. Some of the finest lace made there comes from an American mission school where many girls are given employment. The making of Irish crochet was taken up in the schools of the Philippine Islands several years ago, and has been extended to a great many of the provinces. Under the present tariff laws the products of the Philippine Islands enter the United States under very favorable conditions, and considering the high standard of work being done here, there is no good reason why the girls and women of the Philippine Islands cannot soon produce as much I l'ish crochet as is now being supplied from Beirut.R. B. R. The Novembe1· number of the Paris Journal of Fashion has several good ideas for designs in lace and embroidery. The design on figure 3 is suited for a similar garment of any size. Figure 8 on the following page would be more suitable for a small child if only the designs at neck and hem were used. Fi~ure 6 on the same page is pretty, but rather too elab01·ate; a plainer style of edge would look better; the lace might be omitted 01· the buttonhole edge could be more simple. The handkerchief at the top of page 6 would have a better commercial value if done in white only, with a hemstitched edge. The design for a book cover at the bottom of the same page would have little commercial value if made in quantities, but would make a pleasant spot of color in an array of white work, and would make a pretty gift. '"Fancy Work Album'" No. 11, pages 1 to 5, shows designs for colored work, most of which will be of little use in school work. The maple leaves and blossoms on figure 5 could be adapted to a design for a square lunch cloth in white linen. Designs in cutwork on pages 6 to 8, inclusive, are not suitable for children in the primary grades because if a mistake in cutwork is made, it cannot be easily remedied. The toilet set on these pages is simple but would be prettier if the leaves were differently shaped and arranged. The designs of imitation needlemade lace on pages 9 and 10 would be more delicate if the edges were not so heavy. The chief beauty in this style of lace is in the simplicity of design and also the fineness of material and work. On page 11 the two motifs are good and the stitches easy for small fingers. On page 14 the crochet square (the salamander) would be very interesting for pupils and might find a use for various purposes. The Modern Priscilla for November, page 5, shows a good design for a sailor collat· in rrish crochet. On page 7 the designs are of little 623 624 THE PHILIPPINE CRAFTSMAN value. On page 8 the best designs arc Nos. 12-12-16 and 12-12-23. Cross-stitch designs on page 9 could be adapted for various purposes. Tatting is very easily made and can be done by small children; probably the prettiest designs are Nos. 12-12-36 and 12-12-39 on page 10. All the designs of page 20 including duchess or princess lace medallions with velvet ribbon drawn through them, are pretty and suitable for school pupils. On page 21 Nos. 12-12-67 will be found a simple design suitable for underwear. The collar and cuff designs in macrame crochet are rather stiff. The basket-of-flowers designs on page 27 could be adapted for use in white for table linen. The designs on page 60, Nos. 205, 206, and 207, are good; also Nos. 213, 216, 217, 218,219, 220, 221, and 222. On the following page the best designs are Nos. 12-1-26 and 12-1-25. -E. l\1. 1\1. To meet the ever-increasing demand for definite information as to the best methods of treating and coloring different industrial materials, inquiry concerning these matters was addressed to the Bureau of Prisons and the Bureau of Science. Since the information received may be of interest and value to the many schools where work with these materials is being carried on, suggestions obtained in this connection are g-iven below: "Black colors for rattan may be produced by soaking the material for a period of time in mangrove swamp mud. While no definite information can be given as to the cause in the change of color, it is presumably due to the presence of tannin in the mud, and it is thought that the same effect may be accomplished by the use of cutch solution." This solution is prepared by extracting the tannin from mangrove bark with water and evaporating the liquor to a suitable percentage of moisture. It is also stated that bejuco may be dyed black by the use of "campeche." The material should first be boiled before it is put into the dye and a handful of "COJlperas" added to every 5 gallons of fluid. By the above method dyeing- requires from two to four days. If the bejuco is old and yellow, or dirty, it sometimes takes six days. The material should be washed in clear water and hung up to dry. Heart bejuco may be dyed any color. Campeche and copperas make a very satisfactory black color. To secure green, blue, red, or yellow the following method may be em· ployed: To every 5 gallons of the campeche solution add one-half kilo coarse salt and 1 pint vinegar before putting in the bejuco, then wash in clear water and hang up to dry. The material should be dl"ied for at least twenty-four hours. To dye bamboo black, use campeche and copperas; brown, employ negro profundo, vinegar, and salt. Respecting possible methods whereby bamboo can be rendered impervious to the attacks of boring insects, both directors state that there seems to be no satisfactory means to prevent this, though it is reported that the chances for such attacks may be diminished by cutting the bamboo in the dr,Y season and that possibly the impregnation of the material with corrosive sublimate might be used to advantage. 0 During the month of November, 1\lr. Luther Parker, industrial inspector of the General Office, Bureau of Education, spent some time in Panay and Negros examining native designs and old native basketry. Part of the time he was accompanied by Dr. Robertson of the Philippine Library and Dr. Miller of the Bureau of Science, who made a number of interesting ethnological discoveries. JNDUSTRIAI.s NOTES 625 ON BASKETMAKING. In basketmaking the importance of following some orderly arrangement or plan of work in the form of models and patterns cannot be overemphasized. The following notes, prepared by Mr. Gil Raval, the division industrial supervisor of llocos Norte, may repeat in part some of the instructions contained in former issues of THE CRAFTSMAN, but much of the matter presented here has to do with the preparation of materials and it is thought better to run the risk of repetition rather than to err on the side of giving too little information on this important subject. The instructor should have on hand a model for the pupils to copy. This model should show full details of making the basket, including all measurements, kind of spokes and weavers, and the successive steps to be pursued. 1. It is imperative that the spokes be of uniform thickness and width. If they vary in any particular, the surface of the woven article will be uneven. 2. Both edges of the spoke should be made a little thinner than the middle of it. If this rule is followed rectangular or square spokes will be strictly eschewed, and only round or thin and elliptical spokes will be made use of. The round spoke may be used when the spokes are bent around or braided at the brim or at the border of the bottom of a basket. Elliptical spokes are employed for most baskets made in the schools of the Philippines. 3. The width and thickness of spokes may be regulated and made uniform by drawing them through a piece of metal in which holes of the desired size have been punched. 4. Many spokes should be dipped in water before they are bent. Rattan becomes black when wet. 5. In building up the sides of a basket, all spokes must be kept running stmight f rom the center of the bottom and should be equally distant from each other; they must not be allowed to lean to one side. The weaver should stop from time to time and observe the general appearance of the work. If the bottom is twisted and uneven, or if the height of the sides is not everywhere the same, the errors must be corrected as soon as they are found out. It is impossible to remedy mistakes in workmanship when the basket is completed. 1. The weavers must be of unifoz·m shape and size, especially when the weave is to be double or triple. Weavers of different shapes and sizes produce a rough and uneven surface. 2. The weavers may be round, oval, or flat. Wide and flat weavers produce a flat surface. If a curved surface is required a double or triple weave with z ·ound weavers may be made usc of. For the bottom of a basket stiff weavers as wide as the spokes should never be employed, for they do not fall flat and smooth. 3. In double 01· triple weave, new weavers must not be inserted direct!~· opposite one another, but must be placed three or four spokes apart. In inserting a new weaver, care must be taken that its end cover that of the old one. The ends of weavers sticking out must at once be trimmed off. A close and tight weave is imperative. Loose weaving makes the basket weak. 4. The bottom of an elliptical basket does not always rest flat on the !!:round if double oz· triple weave is used. This twisted bottom is easily made flat by reversing the direction of the weavers. TREE PLANTI ~G IN ILOILO. The following tabulation is from the summary of a report of the treeplanting activity in the division of Iloilo on October 3, 1912, which was observed as Arbor Day. 626 THE: PHILIPPINE CRAP~1'SMAN Numb<'r of fruit tr~ planted at Numbo:rof fruittl'«'S t>lant~at home Numbuof ohade tr.-..s planted at home plan led Total,......,. plant"<! 11,568 Total shrubs t>lant<.'d 3,780 -N.H. F. The division of Occidental Negros has issued a circular, No. 45, series 1912, with interesting and valuable directions for the use of the corn posters and the practical application of benefits derived from the corn campaign. The circular in part follows: "Corn posters have been distributed for all school buildings and also all public buildings. These posters contain much valuable information and should be brought to the attention of all pupils and the general public. Teachers should make a special effort to get the people interested in the corn campaign and impart to them the information contained in the posters. Teachers should ever be willing to give farmers instruction regarding corn-growing and to be of such assistance to them as they can. "'All teachers are directed to give their classes lessons from the corn posters. This applies to all primary and intermediate classes. The experiments shown on the posters should be made in the classes. The instructions given regarding seed selection, preparation of the soil, methods of planting, cultivation of growing corn, and methods of harvesting and storing corn should be taught all pupils and should be actually applied in connection with the present com contests." 0 The division of Lcyte has recently issued two very important circulars on the subject of sewing in Grades Ill and IV. These have been based mainly on Butletin No. 35, and a plan of lessons has been worked out in a very definite and detailed form. 1-'or Grade III 28 lessons have been prepa1·ed to extend over one school year. At the outset certain considerations with respect to sewing work in general are given and then follow the different lines of fine sewing of commercial importance. Under each of these, definite instructions as to materials, patterns, designs and working instructions and equipment are furnished. Plain sewing occupies an important place in the outline, following suggestions contained in Bulletin No. 35, and "Home and School Sewing" by Frances Patton. Each lesson has been planned so as to make the individual pupil's progress thorough and systematic and adjusted to the work prescribed in the subject. Working directions for each lesson are given in considerable detail. The outline for Grade IV is quite as full and thorough as that for Grade III. Plain sewing is given precedence over fine sewing and definite lessons outlined to extend throughout the school yea1·. An important feature in connection with plain sewing is work in English composition based upon the different sewing exercises. This is in line with recent suggestions from the General Office whereby conversational and written English in connection wiih industrial work shall be given greater prominence than it has been heretofore. Under fine sewing, work in embroidery, bobbin lace, and Irish crochet are carefully outlined and INDUSTRIAL NOTES 627 explicit instructions are given on the making of the different patterns and designs. These two outlines constitute a very valuable contl'ibution on the subject of this important industrial branch and are quite certain to pro~ duce a marked improvement in both the character and quality of the needlework done in the schools of that division.-R. B. R. The success which was attained by the provincial school of Pampanga at the Bureau of Education exposition of 1911 through the display and sale of a choice collection of native preserves, jams and jellies of school manufacture, will be recalled by many of the readers of this paper. The popularization or this class of foods, their manufacture and sale by domestic science departments of intermediate schools have become a prominent feature of school work in a number of divisions. The p1·ovincia\ high school of Leyte has taken this matter up in a recently printed list and announcement quoting kinds, quantities and prices of such food products as this school offers for sale. This effort to extend the use of these table delicacies will be beneficial in many respects and will undoubtedly result in their manufacture being undertaken on a wider seal• in other intermediate schools of that province.-L. R. S. 0 "Industrial Education in the Philippines"' is the title of a publicity circulal" recently issued by the United States Bureau of Education. It gives an account of the system of industrial education in these Island~, describing briefly the various branches pursued. The paper is highly commendatory, recommend ing features of Philippine Industrial education to the attention of school leaders in the United States. TilE VALUE OF NQJU,IAL That the value of the Normal Industrial Institute to the municipal teachers cannot be overestimated is evidenced by the interest taken in the industrial courses. This meeting of the teachers is the most practical and efficient means of promoting the industrial spirit. The constant change in the aims and methods of the work, lack of industrial training in the teaching body of municipal teachers, the inadequacy of industrial literature, and the failure to grasp properly the importance of the subject, fully warrant the gathering together of such assemblies. The institute is also a vital means of growth to the teacher. Widely divergent methods and problems peculiar to this country make the association of teachers from all part.s of the division of inestimable value. The work is made congenial and recreative and there is always the after-feeling of satisfaction for something accomplished. To the Bureau of Education it is a safe investment of time and money with practically sure returns in proportion to the interest and effort of the teachers afterwards. Moreover, from the ranks of these teachers can be picked the earnest men who are in full sympathy with their work for the benefit of the profession, the school, and the rountry.- J . H. L. The need for well-qualified industrial teachers to give instruction at the various division no1·mal institutes, as well as at the Insular normal assembly and in connection with the industrial courses given at the Baguio vacation assembly, has been increasing each year. In many of the divisions there are experienced teachers who are able to teach the regular industrial work satisfacto628 THE PHILIPPINE CRAFTSMAN rily, but the necessity and desire for introducing new industrial branches as well as for improving those already established, have occasioned frequent requests for more expert assistance. This could be only sparingly rendered during past years, in view of the limited number of specially trained instructors available for assignment to industrial work. Within the past two years, however, the traveling force of the Bureau has been rapidly increased until there are at the present time twenty industrial assistants attached to the General Oflice. They have been selected from the various school divisions of the Islands and are in every instance among the most highly truined in their respective lines of work, and even more, sufficiently trained to be considered industrial speeialists. It will het·eafter be the practice to use these assistants very largely for work in connection with normal institute.o;, it being intended that superintendents shall outline sufficiently in advance the definite lines of industrial work for the institute, and advise the General Office of the particular branches for which these industrial assistants may be desired. Very fa\· repoz·ts have been received during the present school year upon the services which these instructors have rendered and it is believed that with the force now available, valuable and timely aid can be fut·nished di\•isions requiring it for the extension and standardization of industrial instruction. Martin S. Jones, industrial supervisor for the division of Occidental Negros, reports that the roots of coconut trees and the fine g~·een roots of bamboo are excellent materials for basketr~". He states that the coconut roots are \'Cry pliable, fl-ee fz·om knots, and are easily prepared. The young roots are white, while the older ones are pink. To prepare them for usc, it is necessary to remove the outer covering, or bark, by means of a "batacan," and allow the material to dry in the sun for a few hours. To prepare the green bamboo roots, the small knots should be removed by scraping with a knife; but care should be takeu not to scrape too deeply, othet·wise, the natural polish of the roots may be spoiled. It is best to use fine sandpaper in cleaning this material, as it has been found that the roots turn dark in case any of the bark is allowed to remain. If properly prepared, the material will have a fine glossy appearance and will not turn dark with age. In weaving the bottoms of baskets, the roots should be split into halves.-R. B. R. Very satisfactory arrangements are being made in Catbalogan, Samar, to acquire suitable provincial school grounds. Sufficient land has already been obtained to provide adequate accommodations for the various provincial buildings which are to be constructed and to make ample provisions for school athletics. The municipal school land adjoins the provincial school ground and it is proposed to combine the two institutions into one school center of sufficient capacity to acconlmodate both. The trade school academic building is the only building of the provincial group which has as yet been completed. This building was constructed in accordance with standard plans of the Bureau of EducatiOn and is, perhaps, the best building of its type completed up to the present time. It cost -1•24,700. The new concrete central school IXDUSTRIAL NOTt;S 629 buildin);!' is now under construction. It will be erected in accordance with standard revised plan No. 7 at a cost of i'l5,500. The buildings will be grouped upon the grounds in the form of a hollow square. The center is to be left open to provide a campus. On the same ground, the athletic field, containing a baseball diamond, running track, etc., will be constructed. This work is well under way. The baseball grounds have been completed for some time. It is proposed to e}:cavate the hillside directly back of home plate for a grandstand. Thi~ can be accomplished at small cost. Steps have already been taken to acquire additional adjoining land for agricultural purposes. When this land has been secured and the other proposed plans of the provincial school have been carried out, the ~chool will find itself equipped in every respect to provide suitable instruction and training for the children of Catbalogan. The following p1·i~s have been announced for the corn-growing conte~t in the division of Palawan: Co~tlc31 No. l.~For the greatest numbe1· of kilos of corn produced on an area of 100 square meters. First prize ...... 1•12 Seeond prize 8 Third pri:~:e Contest No. J.-For the best and largest five ears of corn. Fi1·st prize t"lO Second prize Third prize A corn demonstration held at Caoayan, llocos SUJ·, on November 21, 1912; 2,500 people were present at the demonstration and were se1·ved corn foods. The demonstration of points pertaining to the growth of owrn and the use of the mills for preparing the com meal were given prominence. This was another of the many excellent demonstrations which have been held in !locos Sur. I'RUTECTJNG PLANTEIJ SWEET COR!'< t"ROM IJAMAGE BY ANTS. Considerable difficulty is experienced in securing a stand of sweet corn. The principal cause is the damage from ants to the planted grain. The following Jllan ha~ been tried at the lndang farm school with excellent results. Soak the seeds in water for five hours. Remove them and place in petroleum from two to five minutes and plant immediately. If the seeds remain only a few minutes in the petroleum the embryo will not be injured and they will ~row before the seeds are bothered by the ants.J. A. C. USE OF A SI::COND SEED BED }"QR l'LA:"<TS GROWN I N SEEIJ BOXES. Often seedlings an~ transplanted before a strong root system has been developed and the young plants have difficulty in growing. The use of a seed bed to which plants arc trans!etTed before being set in the garden has been successfully demonstrated at the lndang farm school. A remarkably strong growth is secured when eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, and cabbage plants are thus treated. A level, partly shaded plot of rich soil should be used for the seed bed. The seedlings should be removed from the seed box when they are about two weeks old, and placed 3 Ol" 4 inches apart in the seed bed. This allows sufficient room for the development of a strong root system. If the plants are left in the seed bed for about two weeks, sb·ong healthy plants will be available for planting in the ga1·den or field. When the 630 THE PHIUPP/NE CRAFTSMAN plants are transplanted, some soil should remain attached to the roots. Seedlings properly ti·ansplanted, watered and shaded should not wilt, and their subsequent growth should be rapid.-J. A. C. EXTRACTS t'ROM THE REPORT OF THE COl!MJTTEE ON INDUSTRIAL INSTRUCThe committee on industrial instruction submitted, among others, the following recommendations at the annual convention of division superintendents held at i\lanila last FebJ'uary. That all indust1·ial work in our schools be made self-supporting in so fa1· as possible. This should be done not only in order to lessen the expense of carrying on the work, but also for the business aspect of the matte1·. A pupil who is not taught that his industrial work will bring in some financial return, either to himself or to the school, is losing the g-reater part of the lesson to be taught. That the prescribed industrial Jli"OJ;ram be carried out, even though it requh-e the closing of schools in which adequate equipment, etc., cannot be provided. That divisions have industrial supervisors, even thoujrh supervising districts have to be enlarged. The work of the division industrial supcrdsol' should be outlined in detail by the division superintendent in order that there may be no chance for rli!fe1·ences in instructions to supervising teachers. The Filipini:~;ation of industrial instruction should be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. Filipino industrial supervisors should be used wherever suitable ones can be found. That the courses in all high schools, except those in a few centers, be limited to two years, and that in those two years there be introduced vocational work along the lines already established in the intermediate schools. That the co1·n campaign be carl"ied on for another year, and that a scheme be worked out whereby the ground may be used throughout the year, thus showing the pupil the value of rotary crops. That the sending out of standard designs from the General Office be continued. That continued effort be made to find some characteristic Philippine design which may be used in all commercial work so as to give it a distinctive Philippine stamp. That a farm school for each province be included in our educational plan, hut that such schools be started on a small basis in order that their development may be gradual and secure. That, in :;electing students for the School of Household Industries, preference be given to persons trained in the public schools who can speak the English language and who arc, in some deg-ree, already acquainted with our methods of work.