Mutual aid and benefit system approved by the 1948 Convention of the PPSTA


Part of The Philippine Educator

Mutual aid and benefit system approved by the 1948 Convention of the PPSTA
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MUTUAL AID AND BENEFIT SYSTEM APPROVED BY THE 1948 CONVENTION OF THE PPSTA 1. When a member of the PPST A dies, his beneficiary or beneficiaries shall receive the following financial aids: a. An amount from every member of the provincial, city or national school association, the rate to be fixed by the local association itself. Alf member associations of the PPSTA are bound by this approval of the 1948 PPSTA Convention to make this aid available. The rules and regulations pertaining to this aid are to be promulgated by the different school associations. b. Beginning with the school year 1948-1949, the membership fee of the Association shall be increased to P2.00, orle-half of which will be for the general funds of the Association and the other half for the Death Aid Fund, which is hereby established. The part of the membership fee ;for the regular funds shall be payable on or before the 31st of August of each year, according to the PPST A Constitution. The other portion of the membership fee intended for the death aid fund mav be payable at the discretion of the member. Any member of the PPSTA who has not paid the death aid portion of the annual fee is not entitled to the death benefit aid. c. The following regulations shall 33 govern the administration of the death aid fund: (1) Members who have paid their fees ofor the system the previous school year shall be considered as entitled to the benefits of the system up to and including August :n of the ensuing s'chool year. After that date, if membership in the system has not been renewed and no fees have been remitted to the Association, such member shall not be entitled to the benefits of the system. The date of the remittance of the membership fee shall be considered as of the date of the money order, registered letter, or other valid evidence of the date of remittance. (2) A member shall be entitled to the benefit of the mutual aid and benefit system for the duration of the school year, that is, up to and including the end of the long vacation period. (3) Besides the regular teachers and officials of the public school system, the emergency and substitute teachers and the members of the clerical services of the Bureau of Public Schools can become members of the system, upon receipt in the National Association of their fees of P2.00 as hereinbefore indicated. ( 4) The regulations governing the system shall be promulgated, THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR revised, clarified or otherwise made eHective by the Board of Directors of the Philippine Public School Teachers Association. (5) The death aid benefit system shall take efect upon certification by the Executive Secretary-Treasurer that over 50% of the public school teachers have paid their P2'.00 memberships and have subscribed to the rules and regulations binding the system. Members who die before the death aid benefit system goes into ef!ect shall be refunded the Pl.OO portion of the membership fee. (Substitute provision: Funds needed to take care of death aids before August 31, 1948 maybe paid from the PPSTA general funds, to be reimbursed later by the death aid fund.) 2. The PPSTA Board of Directors shall ARISE, 0 implement the following mutual aid and benefit projects as soon as funds therefor are available in the treasury of the Association: a. The pensioning of deserving and promising teachers ·for the purpose of continuing their studies. The selection of the teacherpensionados shall be on the basis of competitive examinations and such other objective methods of selection as will be prescribed by the Board of Directors. b. Purchasing a site and constructing a building to house the PPSTA and to serve as temporary domicile for teachers while in Manila. c. Organizing teachers' cooperative, possibly using the National Teachers Cooperative Association established by the Secretary of Education as a nucleus. SOUL! ALVARO L. MARTINEZ Arise, 0 Soul that has slumbered too long . ... Pluck the mote from your eyes, Sprinkle the dawn-dust on your face And with the virginity of the morn Wed with your belated rebirth. • · Impatiently awaits your tryst with Death In the catacombs of time; But there are many crosses yet along the way To which you must be nailed, ere you reach The calvary of your labors and complete r our crown of thorns. Only then shall new god-spirits infuse your veins And be you the God-Soul in the Man-God reborn. From your slumber, arise, o soul! 34