

Part of The Philippine Educator

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RESOLUTION SUBJECT: THE SECRETARYSHIP OF EDUCATION. WHEREAS, His Excellency, President Elpidio Quirino, stated in his address to the delegates of the Philippine Public School Teachers Association (PPSTA) at a tea party which he gave in their honor at Malacafiang Palace on June 3, 1948, that he wished to receive suggestions from the Association as to who should be appointed to the leadership of the educational system in this country; WHEREAS, the delegates of the PPSTA Convention assembled interpret this statement of His Excellency to mean that there is an impending change in the Secretaryship of the Department of Education; WHEREAS, the 1948 Convention of the PPSTA adopted the proposition that"The Philippine Public School Teachers Association should petition government authorities concerned to include in a teachers' charter of rights a statement of the principle that, _following the tenets of democracy, the teachers as a body should be encouraged to voice freely and unequivocably their views with respect to fundamental changes in educational policy or changes in the leadership of the educational system. Blind obedience to policy or leadership is not conducive to cordial, human, and intelligent relationship between leaders and followers and does not promote initiative and resourcefulness on the part of those entrusted with the details of administration and implementation of policies"; "WHEREAS, the public school teachers are profoundly grateful that this desire is soon to be realized, for His Excellency, the President has proclaimed the unprecedented plan and policy to welcome the teachers' recommendation as to who will be their leader in education; WHEREAS, the delegates of the PPSTA Convention, representing as they do all the public school teachers in the Philippines, have unanimously decided to take advantage of this magnanimous offer and have duly deliberated on who would best fill the position of Secretary of Education in case of vacancy; WHEREAS, the delegates of the PPSTA in convention assembled are unanimous in their opinion that the incumbent Secretary, Honorable Manuel V. Gallego, capably fills the position not only because he is truly. democratic in the administration of his high office but also because he is making a thorough study of the means of improving the Philippine school system as shown by the fact that even now he is visiting other countries for the purpose of studying their educational systems and is thus acquiring a broad vision that can anticipate adequate solutions to educational problems, and is untiring in his efforts to ameliorate the teachers' welfare and to improve the school system itsel!f; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, that the delegates of the PPSTA in convention assembled petition, as they hereby respectfully petition, His Excellency, the President of the Philippines to retain the incumbent Honorable Manuel V. Gallego as Secretary of Education; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, that if His Excellency should see no way of granting 19 THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR this petition because he has other plans for the Honorable Manuel V. Gallego, the PPSTA Convention respectfully recommends the following eminent educators to be considered for appointment in the event the position of Secretary of Education becomes vacant: Dr. Gabriel R. Mafialac, Chairman of the Commission on Educational, Cultural and Scientific Matters Mr. Prudencio Langcauon, UnderSecretary of Education Mr. Esteban R. Abada, Director of Public S'chools Hon. Claro M. Recto, well-known jurist and cultural leader Dr. Francisco Benitez, Dean of the College of Education, University of the Philippines Mr. Florentino Cayco, President of the Arellano University It is the feeling of the PPSTA Convention that these educators can count with the unqualified support and cooperation of the personnel of the Bureau of Public Schools, not only because they either rose from the ranks of the teaching profession or are educators and cultural leaders of renown in this country and are therefore fully conversant with the intricacies and problems of the public school system, but also because their records of public service show that they are imbued with the democratic spirit and that their administration of the school systern would be characterized by the absence of imposition and dogmatism and of reliance on personal opinion untempered by expert advice; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, that the delegates of the PPSTA in convention assembled, pledge, as they hereby pledge, their unqualified support of and '.faith in the administration of His Excellency, President Elpidio Quirino, and express, as they hereby express, their eternal and boundless gratitude for the truly democratic and unprecedented policy enunciated by him of inviting the suggestions and securing the recommendations of the public school teachers with respect to the choice of their Department head; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, fhat a copy of this resolution be forwarded to His Excellency, the President; the Honorable Manuel V. Gallego, Secretary of Education; and the Director of Public S'chools. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED, June 4, 1948. CERTIFIED CORRECT: MARCELINO BAUTISTA Executive Secretary-Treasurer ATTESTED: ANTONIO A. MACEDA President • Light is the most beautiful thing in creation . • Grant liberties, so that no one may have the right to conspire . • The human conscience, the people's cry, must not be stifled. 20 RESOLUTION ,. Subject: Confidence in the Executive Secretary-Treasurer. WHEREAS, the Constitution and ByJaws of the PPSTA provides that the Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall hold office as long as he renders efficient and satisfactory service; WHEREAS, the present Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. Marcelino Bautista, has rendered efficient and highly satisfactory service during the short term he has held that position: BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, that the Philippine public school teachers in convention assembled express their absolute trust in the present incumbent and their confidence that he will continue to make the PPST A the same militant, progressive, and effective association; BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that the delegates pledge their loyalty to and support of the association, its new officers and members of the Board, and its present Executive Secretary-Treasurer; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be furnished the officers and members concerned. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED, June 4, 1948. CERTIFIED CORRECT: MARCELINO BAUTISTA Executive Secretary-Treasurer ATTESTED: ANTONIO A. MACEDA President SOCIAL JUSTICE . . . (Continued from page 12) ers and school employees. (In certain offices of the government, like the Civil Service Bureau and the Budget Office, overtime work is paid.) d. Prohibition against engaging in private business. e. Restricting the amount of outside work that can be engaged in by teachers. Such restrictions should be applied only where there is ample evidence Of the adverse effects of such outside work upon the teachers' efficiency. f. Prohibition against taking courses other than those in Education. g. The Educational Act of 1940 because of its adverse effect upon the teacher's health and the resulting demoralization due to the realization of ineffective work. - Reported by the Manila Division Teachers Association. 21