Results of the 1948 PPSTA Convention


Part of The Philippine Educator

Results of the 1948 PPSTA Convention
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
RESULTS OF THE 1948 PPSTA CONVENTION ACCOMPLISHMENTS MORE OR LESS INTANGIBLE: 1. Informed of the status of the organization of the PPSTA, especially of the need for a militant and more persistent campaign for solidarity. Convinced that Division Superintendents could lend potency to campaign if adequately informed of accomplishments. 2. Inspired by unmistakable evidence of recognition on the part of the public t hat the teachers mean to exert more influence in the life of the nation, especially on matters pertaining to their welfare and that of the public schools. "The annual report of the Executive Secretary-Treasurer inspires confidence" - Chief Vicente Garcia of the Division of Adult Education. TANGIBLE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Appealed to the President of the Philippines to approve new salary scale for educational personnel. Secured a promise on the part of the President that the bill would be approved. 2. Obtained concession on the part of the President that hereinforward the public school teachers will be informed and consulted with regarding tne determining of important educational policies and of leadership. Recommended choices .for Secretary of Education in the event of the position becoming vacant. Endorsed the continuance of Secretary Gallego as Secretary of Education, 3. Approved the following measures intended to implement the objectives of the PPST A: a. A concerted campaign to ele28 vate the teachers to a more dignified position by starting with the teacher himself recogruzmg his dignity and worth and his importance in the scheme of our national life; by removing any influence that makes the teacher an object of pity; by influencing other people through the radio and the press of the importance of the role of the teacher. Adopted and endorsed a charter of rights for teachers and educators as a guide for dignifying the teaching profession. Approved carrying out a more efective public relations program to enlist community interest in the cause of education and the teacher. Adopted a code of ethics. b. A mutual aid system through which teachers' families may be helped financially when teachers die. Dues beginning next school year: P2.00. One peso for the general fund and Pl.OO for the mutual ~id and benefit .fund. c. Approved in principle: the pensioning of deserving teachers; securing a lot and building a house for the Association· forming a cooperative associa~ tion. These to be undertaken under regulations to be promulgated by the Board of Directors, when and if the funds of the Association permit. TRE PHlLlPPl:s'E EDUCATOR d. Organized a committee to study existing mutual savings and loan associations for the purpose of organizing one for the PPSTA. e. Outlined what constitutes a Social Justice Program for the PPSTA, which includes several measures to improve the teachers' material and professional welfare. Determined to work for legislation removing unfavorable school laws and for revision of present regulations which are inimical to the interests of teachers. f. Determined to make the public school system a more truly democratic organization so that democratic processes and attitudes will permeate the rank and file of school personnel. Approved a campaign of reeducation and orientation in this regard. A part of the campaign is to allow and encourage those in the lower ranks to express themselves more vocally, and to adopt a more cordial, human, and broadminded relationship between the administrators and the administered. 4. Decided to join the World Organization of the Teaching Profession (WOTP) and to seek affiliated membership. Objectives of the WOTP: to raise the status of education and the teachers everywhere and to promote peace by international cooperation in education. Af.filiated membership calls for a fee of $100 a year, if membership is two thousand or more persons. The Association whose application for affiliated membership is approved by th~ WOTP is entitled to one delegate in the world convention, who has the right to speak but not to vote. Can change this membership to international membership later when we can aMord to send voting delegates, which are five in number. They will have one vote. Fee is $2'00 a year. 5. Adopted an Association pin to be worn by all members for the purpose of identifying themselves with one another wherever they meet or congregate. The present PPST A seal with green background and gold lettering was adopted. 6. Voted to endorse the sentiments expressed in the editorial of the Philippines Free Press of June 4, 1948, regarding the alleged statement issued by certain Congressmen to the effect that top officials of the Philippine Public Schools attempted to high pressure th~ Educational Act of 1948 because of prospective "cuts" from authors or book firms who will have their books approved for the use of Grade VII. 7. In a conference with the Director of Public Schools on June 4, after his speech, the delegates succeeded in clarifying certain questions involving administrative matters. 8. Decided to hold the next Convention in Manila. 29 9. Approved the following resolutions: ~Requesting the Congress of the Philippines to amend the present election code so as to make the teacher-member of the election board chairman of the board. (2) Requesting the Government · Service Insurance System to expedite action on insurance papers. (3) Requesting the Government ~rvice Insurance System to issue receipts for premiums TH E PHILII'L'l~B EDU<'ATOR paid by employees, in addition to the record made in . __.Payrolls. '"{"lf) Requesting His Excellency, the President to issue an executive order embodying a charter of rights ;for teachers and educators, such as the one introduced by Hon. Geronima T. Pecson in the last session of Congress. (Published elsewhere in this issue) (5) Declaring support of and loyalty to the Director of Public Schools for his effective work and for his democratic attitude in dealing with teachers and school officials. (6) Requesting the City of Iloilo to pay the bonuses of Citypaid teachers for April, May, / 1md June this school year. vf7) Requesting the Commissioner of Civil Service to assign a special deputy in the Department of Education to expedite ./ action on appointment papers. V{s) Requesting the Commissioner of s ·ocial Welfare to empower Division Superintendents to approve or disapprove recommendations for benefits to be held by Parent-Teacher Association to raise funds for school purposes. (9) Thanking the Principal of the Burgos Elementary School for the courtes1es extended to the Convention. (10) Giving confidence to the Ex30 ecutive Secretary -Treasurer of the PPST A for his efficient and highly satisfactory service. (11) Requesting chartered cities to adopt a new salary scale for teachers and other school employees which is at least as high as the scale passed by the last session of Congress. (12) Thanking His Excellency, the President for enunciating the new policy of consulting with public school teachers as regards educational policy and the selection of the leader of the system. (13) Adopting a code of ethics for teachers patterned after the one approved by a committe of supervisors, principals and teachers in the City Schools of Manila. (14) R e q u e s tin g superintendents and teacher leaders of schools and school divisions which so far have not been able to enlist over 50% membership in the PPSTA to initiate a campaign of information regarding the activities of the PPSTA and for membership to the associaton. (15) Revised the PPSTA Constitution so as to provide that each delegation to the Representative Assembly shall have a proportionate number of 'classroom teachers whenever feasible.