
Part of The Philippine Educator

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ON EXPEDITING INSURANCE PAPERS In the PPST A Convention in June this year, the delegates passed two resolutions on the matter of government insurance for teachers. One resolution requested that the Government Insurance System expedite action on all insurance papers, "particularly the liquidation of the policies of the deceased teachers and employees." The other resolution requested the System to issue receipts for all payments made for nremiums. In reply to these two resoiutions, the General Manager and Actuary of the System sent the following indorsement to the PPSTA: 1st Indorsement June 29, 1948 Respectfully returned to the Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Teachers' Association, 1137-A Pi y Margall, Sampaloc, Manila, with the information that the premiums of members in the employ of a government entity are collected by the treasurer or cashier thereof by deduction from their salaries, and are indicated in the pay rolls signed by them. Such indication should be a sufficient acknowledgement by the cashier. The cashier then sends the premiums thus collected to the Government Service Iusurance System together with the corresponding government contributions accompanied by a list of members to whom the premiums should be credited. The System issues an official receipt to the cashier in acknowledgement of the sum received. That should be a sufficient acknowledgement by the System. These transactions are always verified in audit. The issuance of an official receipt monthly to every one of the approximately 100,000 members would, there1ore, be not only unnecessary but ex49 pensive. For 'the protection of the insured and their beneficiaries it should suffice that occasionally statements of their premium accounts are sent to them with which they may compare their own record of the premiums paid by them. There is no secrecy in the transactions of the Government Service Insurance System with the members, and any reasonable question relative thereto will always be answered with pleasure. With respect to the other. resolution about "expediting action on insurance policy papers," it is desired to state that there are more or less 100,000 members of the System to whom original as well as supplementary policies have to be issued. Policies are being issued as fast as the required forms, namely: ( 1) Information for Membership Insurance, (2) Employee's Statement of Service, and (3) G.S.I.S. Record of Physical and Medical Examination (for those insurable employees appointed after December 31, 1939) - are received in this Office. It may be mentioned herein that these requirements for the issuance of policies were circularized to all "chiefs and auditors of bureaus and offices, provincial, city, and municipal treasurers, and other office executives" for dissemination to employees under their respective superv1s1on. Naturally, if even a single one of these requirements is not received in this Office, the issuance of the policy cannot be done. In spite of ways and means that have been devised and adopted to assure speedy issuance of policies, there are members whose policies will have to be issued later than others. For one thing, the personnel of this Office is at present limited. They cannot issue all THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR policies simultaneously. For another, most employees are new recruits who have little experiences in office work. Many of the experienced pre-war employees of this Office do not want to return any more because of the comparatively lower salaries of their former positions. They prefer to be employed elsewhere at higher sa1aries. Many of the new employees, after having gained some experience and training in this Office in a few months, transfer to other offices where they can get better pay. Because of this frequent turnover of employees, work is necessarily delayed to the extent that each newcomer is taught the accomplishment thereof. At any rate, insurance in the System is compulsory according to law. Whether or not a policy is immediately issued to a member, therefore, is not of much importance- because whenever any amount on an insurance becomes payable on account of death, disability, maturity or surrender, the proceeds thereof are paid, even if the policy had not been issued, after the required forms are accomplished and submitted to this Office. As soon as all the requirements for a claim are accomplished and received in this Office, the claim is immediately scheduled for payment. If even only a single requirement is not complied with, therefore, settlement of that particular claim cannot be made. Incidentally, it may be mentioned that, after a thorough observation and study of the matter, it has been found that these are the minimum requirements in order that a claim may properly be paid. As already stated above, because of the limited personnel and frequent turnover of employees, work is necessarily delayed in some instances. This much this Office can assure - the routing of work has been found, after careful study and many years' experience, to be the best possible under the circumstance. The accomplishment of employees is very satisfactory. The defeat is simply that the load per individual employee has been found to be too heavy. Steps are being taken to remedy this situation. It is hoped that this clarifies matters fully and satisfactorily. L. R. SAL VOSA General Manager and Actuaty .. News: Teachers clubs are now being organized in Pangasinan. On August 14, convention and in all probability 100% affiliation with the PPSTA. There are also plans being hatched for a Pangasinan PSTA organ for over 3,000 teachers. US is going to be adviser. 50
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