
Part of The Philippine Educator

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Characters: THE FLAG SPEAKS NICANOR A. DOMINGO San Nicolas Elementary Scheol Tiocos Norte 6 - SGys, Ribbon Holders 3 - Girls, Star 1 -Girl, Sun 1 - Girl, Liberty Materials~ Strips of ribbon, red, white, and blue, of crepe paper. Three star crowns for the star girls made of cardboard. One sun crown for sun girl. One liberty crown and torch for Liberty. R£0 Rt8~0N 8-4 The ribbon boys, the star girls, and the sun girl assume positions shown in the above diagram. B- 3 (Raises the rell ribbon): I stand for valor. Be not afraid to sacrifice your life when the freedom of yeur ceuntry is endangered. The defense of yotK" country is your primary duty. Citizenship implies not only rights but also obligations. B- 4 (Raises the red ribbon): I remind you of the blood shed by the immortal men, from Lapulapu to Rizal, from Bonifacio to the heroes of Bataan, who fought and died so that the lamp of freedom in our country shall not dim. B- 3 and B - 4 (Both): Long live Rizal! Long live Bonifacio! Long liv:e the heroes of Bataan! B -1 (Raises the white ribbon): I stand for purity. Be pure at all times - in thought, in words, and in deeds. Live a clean life. Remember that it is better to live a poor but honest life than a rich but disgraceful one. B- 6 (Raises the white ribbon): Fear God. Have faith in Hitn 29 TBE PBILIPPlNE EDUCATOR for it is He who guides the destinies of men and nations. With Him as your guide you shall always be loving and forever live in happiness. B- 1' and B- 6 (Both:) Seek Truth, the giver of light, the purifier of men's hearts. Men with pure hearts make a happy land and glorious war ld. B- 2 (Raises the blue 1·ibbon): Justice is what I want you to exercise. You who ar.e public officials must not use discrimination in the rendering of public service. Treat all people alike - young and old, rich and poor. To do justice• to the government and the people, whom you serve, execute your duties to the best of your ability. Remember that your office is a public trust. B- 5 (Raises the blue ribbon): Give the masses Social Justice. The pe-asants and the laborers must be provided with the means of living a decent life. Give them a living and saving wage. Help them live a fruitful life. Their contentment insures the peace and order of the country. B- 2 and B- 5 (Both): There can be true justice only in a democracy alive in form and in essence. Justice is divine, for it is Truth in action. G -1: I stand for Luzon, the biggest island in the archipelago. My wide plains, my mountains laden with forest and mines, my waters with bountiful fish, my big rivers that can be harnessed to produce power, await your hands. 'Let the virgin lands bring forth their riches; make use ot the virgin forests; harness the white coal. They are sources of WE• alth, real freedom, and happiness. G- 2: I stand for the numerous islands of the Visayas. The waters around those islands are teeming with fish. Those waters await those who are venturesome and diligent. ' G- 3: Yes, you of Luzon and the Visayas, come to Mindanao, the land of promise. I invite you to settle down in the rich virgin r .lands. There you shall live in abundance and shall be free from economic insecurity. G- 4: I am the sun that ·gives you light. Look at m:y eight rays. They were the first eight provinces that rose in rebellion against tyranny. They prove that in unity there is strength. All must work together to make the Philippines a happy place to live in. Liberty (marches in holding up her torch): Behold your flag, the symbol of your country. It embodies the- sacrifices of your brethrens who fell in the :fields of battle; it bespeaks the ideals of your great thinkers and leaders; it represents the ceaseless toil of the farmers and the workers. Hold it with sanctity. Its dishonor is your disgrace. Blemish not its ~lorious histo.ry; rath~r glmify it and show to the world that in this s1de of the umverse th1s small country of ours 15 fast becoming the· citadel of liberty, justice and democracy.
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