
Part of The Philippine Educator

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TWO POEMS Salvador B. Espinas THESE ISLANDS Come, Dinadiana, green are the v.a'lleys, Mountains, hills, and plains again - Leaves are unfolding: dawn is pitching Its silver tents upon the listening sand. For a while forget those who perished On these islands: the bones of fathers And sons scattered in Capas, Corregidor, And Bataan for this, our native land. Grieve not, my child, over my hapless fate At Atimonan. THESE ISLANDS are ours againAs they rightfully belonged to us Before the barbaric Nippons came. Walk the street erect and un.afraid: This is our own, our native land, Now truly ours from shore to shoreProudly afloat our country's flag alone· FOR HEROES ALL Glory be to the missing, lost, and dead Who fought against the evils of the earth With but the insistent hope for glory; Who, on the altar of freedom, sacrificed Their love for family, home .and life; Who, for our country and the world, preserved DE.MOCRACY AND PEACE. 21
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