
Part of The Philippine Educator

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INTROD UCING THE MEMBERS OF THE NEW P PST A BOARD OF DIRECTORS MR. ANTONIO A. MACEDA-PTesident and Supe1·intendent of City Schools, Manila. President Maceda was re-elected in the Convention last June. Good ·work rewarded. Outstanding achievements in the school system: He has successfully warded off school crises in Manila. P S and UP product. Classroom teacher and high school principal in Laguna, Mindoro, Bataan, Abra, .La Union, Batangas, and Pangasinan. Superintendent of Schools in Camarines Norte, Isabela, Batangas, Tayabas, Bulacan, Rizal and Manila. Higher standards for educaLion-his main obsession. ., 1 Representative of the Philippine Junior Red Cross at the National Convention of the organization at Atlantic City, U.S.A. in 1949-50. Attended a seminar at Syracuse University and visited schools and colleges. Secured from the EA a donation of $10,000 worth for the rehabilitation of the Teachers Pavilion, Quezon Institute; also Antonio A. Maceda . $4,000 worth of professional books. Member of the Board of Consultants of the Joint Congressional Committee on Education in 1949-50. MR. JUAN C. LAYA-Vice-PTesiclent, and Division Supe-rintendent of Schools for Bataan. Mr. Laya obtained his B.S.E. and M.A. degrees at the University of the Philippines: He was sent to Indiana University as a Philippine Government penswnado and took post-graduate courses in English. Began teaching only in 1932, and immediately after Liberation in 1945, became the first Filipino Principal of the Arellano High School, in Manila. In 1948, after passing the Civil Service examination for Superintendent, he was appointed Assistant Superintendent of Schools for Pangasinan. He is at present Acting Superintendent of Schools for Bataan. He attended the Unesco conferences in Europe in July and August as a delegate from the Philippines. He started writing short stories in 1929; but it was not until he worked on the longer and more comprehensive 30 '· J uan C. Laya THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR 31 form, the novel, that he found himself as a writer. His novel, My Native Soil, won first prize in the 1940 Commonwealth Literary Contests. This Bantngay, a novel published in 1950, is his latest contribution to Philippine literature. Although he is a native of Pangasinan and is of Ilocano parentage, he has long since realized the literary possibilities of the National Language. Studied Tagalog assiduously, mostly through reading, writing and speaking it, and was able to write worthwhile articles and to compile and publish a series of high-school readers in the National Language, the Diwang Kayumanggi series. Appointed member of the Institute of National Language in 1948, for his contributions to Tagalog literature. MR. JOSE Y. TUAZON-Audito'r, and Division Supe1·intendent of Schools [o1· Davao. Jose Y. Tuazon A product of U.P. he has served as District Supervisor and Academic Supervisor of Bohol and Manila. He has been Supt. of Schools for Mindoro and Mt. Province. PPST A delegate to the Fourth Delegate Assembly of the World Organization of the Teaching Profession at Ottawa, Canada, in 1950. Traveled in Mexico and all over the U.S. in 1950 to observe schools. Attended orientation Courses in Columbia, University. This is his second term as PPSTA Board member. MR. VITALIANO BERNARDINO-Membe1· and Supe1·intendent of Schools [o1· Bulacan. Mr. Vitaliano Bernardino comes from Morong Rizal. He is one of the yo1:1ngest super~ntendents in the Bureau of Public Schools. He was _bo:r'h m ~908 .. He IS a product of the Philippine Normal School, the Natwnal Umvers1ty, where he obtained his B.S.E. degree, and the University of the Philippines where he took his M.A. in Education and Psychology in 1938. He was a valedictorian in the Morong Elementary School, class historian in the Philippine Normal School and Gold and Silver Medals winner in Debating and Oratory in the National University, where he was also Editor of the Senior Class in 1933. His experiences cover a wide range from Elementary classroom Teacher to school principal to District Supervisor in 9 years. He was one time Assistant Chief, Curriculum Division, Bureau of Public Schools, Technical As- Vitaliano Bernardino 32 THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR sistant, Joint Congressional Committee on Education; and Administrative and Executive Officer, UNESCO Consultative Educational Mission of the Philippines. He was a member of the UNESCO Consultative Educational Mission at Paris in 1949; as an U1 ESCO fellow, he visited the educational systems of Norway, England, and Canada in 1949. He is a member of the Phi Delta Kappa, Honorary Educational Fraternity for the United States and Canada. He is an active Board member of the PPSTA and vice-president of the PASS. This is his 2nd term as member of the PPSTA Board of Directors. MR. ESTEBAN M. CARLOS-M embe1·, and Assistant Principal, Mabini Elementa1·y School, Manila. Esteban M. Carlos He has been in the government s rvice for 32 years. At present the Assistant Principal of the Mabini Elementary School, Manila. He is the President of the Manila Teachers' Association; Member, Board of Directors, Division of City Schools Savings & Loan Association; Member, Board of Directors, City Schools ooperative Association; Member, Advisory Council, Division of City Schools, Manila; Assistant Adviser, Mabini School ParentTeacher Association. MR. JOSE D. ROSARIO-Member, and Supe1·vising P?"incipal of Ut·daneta, Pangasinan. A native of San Carlos, Pangasinan and at present District Supervisor of Urdaneta, Pangasinan. He is a P.N.S., B.S.E. and M.A. degree holder. He has been a critic teacher in the P.N.S., and is a Division Superintendent of Schools eligible. He is the president of the Pangasinan and Dagupan City P.S.T.F. Jose D. Rosario THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR MR. GAUDENCIO FALSIS-Member·, and Classroorn Teacher, Hagonoy, Bulacan. 33 He was first appointed classroom teacher in Dumalag, Capiz, his hometown. He was promoted to head teacher and later as Principal teacher of Panitan, Capiz. Joined the guerrilla movement during the occupation. He was reappointed classroom teacher in Hagonoy, Bulacan, in 1929. President of the Hagonoy Teachers Association 1 and at present a teacher in Hagonoy, .. ~ I Bulacan. Gaudencio Falsis MRS. FELISA N. REYMVNDO-Member·, and Instructor·, Philippine · (No pictu1·e) Nor·mal College. A native of Bifian, Laguna, she was sent to the P.N.S. as pensionado and graduated in 1930 as Salutatorian. She obtained her B.S.E. degree at the National Teachers College in 1947 and in 1950 finished all academic requirements for M.A. She was sent by the PPSTA to the United States in 1949 for a six months NEA scholarship grant. She passed the Civil Service examination for Senior Teacher in 1937. At present teaching in the Philippine Normal College (College Dept.) Manila. MRS. SEGUNDA B. BERNARDINO-Member, and Classroo1n Teacher, Pasay City. Mrs. Bernardino is a B.S.E. and E.T.C. graduate. She began teaching in 1921. She is at present a teacher in the Padr.e Zamora Elementary Echool, Pasay City. Marcelino Bautista MR. MARCELINO BAUTISTA Executive Secretar·y-Treasurer·
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