Reply to PPSTA resolution requesting speedy issuance of backpay certificates and insurance policies


Part of The Philippine Educator

Reply to PPSTA resolution requesting speedy issuance of backpay certificates and insurance policies
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.,/ REPLY TO PPSTA RESOLUTION REQUESTING SPEEDY ISSUANCE OF BACKPAY CERTIFICATES AND INSURANCE POLICIES 1\Ir. Marcelino Bautista August 27, 1951 Executive Secretary-Treasurer Philippine Public School Teachers Association 1137-A Pi Y Margall, Sampaloc, Manila .S i r: The resolution adopted by the 1951 convention of the representative assembly of the Philippine Public School Teachers Association on June 9, 1951, "requesting His Excellency, the President of the Philip"Pines, to cause the GSIS and the Bureau of the Treasury to facilitate the issuance of insurance policies and backpay certificates," has been referred to this Office for appropriate action by the Secretary of Finance to whom it had previously been similarly referred by the Office of the President. We understand that the General Manager and Actuary of the System had been sent a copy of the resolution by the office of the Executive Secretary. We would like to inform the Association, thru your goodself, that this Office has been and is doing its level best to expedite, with its 1imitecl personnel and facilities, action on the applications for potential back pay rights that have been filed with us by the around 300,000 officials and employees, past and present, of the entire government establishment and its instrumentalities and on the issuance of certificates of indebtedness solicited on Back Pay Form No. 3 by those to whom certificates of acknowledgment of such rights have hereto~ore been already issued. for the payment by the!m of obligations allowed to be so '])aid under the provisions of Section 2 of the Back Pay Law, Republic Act o. 304. It should be perfectly understandable that the necesari1y careful scrunity and processing of each and everyone of these applications take, needless to sav, quite a time. In fairness to all roncerned. we have adopted in this processing work the "first come, first served" norm of procedure, honoring at the same time as much as it may be humanly possible cases that are for some reason or other, as is to be expected, now and then pressed upon us for out-of-the-ordinary attention. In the fa,e of thP ahnve facts, we would. under the circumstance, address ourRPlves to the indulgent and understanding patience of our al'mv of nnbli, c::,hool teachers. as well as to the rest of our co-workers for the RenuHic. assurinQ.' them that we are !!iving_· and will do give them the full measure of that public service that is justly expected of us. Meanwhile. )Pt. ns l>nne that in the forthcominQ.' regular Ressio"l of Congress. we shall fnrther be allotted funds to relieve, at least in a measure, this situation. Very rP.c:;nortfullv. VTCF.NTF. G-. CiF.LIA Treasurer of the Philippines 53