New Deal?


Part of The Philippine Educator

New Deal?
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
NEW DEAL? A Repqrt The President . -:. Manila, Philippi11es . January 3, 1947 'philippine Public School Teachers' Association ·· Association Manila Sir: The Committee ·on Improving the Teachers' Lot and Welfare has the honor to submit the following recommEmdations. At the outset, the Committee desires to acknowledge the kindness of. Mr. Venancio Trinidad, Superintendent of City Schools, Manila, for allowing the 'Committee to use his report on the same topic for its reference. Portions POSITIONS of the said report are adopted in this report. The -.Committee is of the opinion that the following -recommendations for improving the teachers' ·lot and welfare are feasible under present conditions. 1. The approval of the· proposed salary schedule submitted by the Director of Education. to the Phi-lippine Congress. This schedule. is as follows: SALARY GRADE RANGE Principal and supervisor, technical school .. . .......... . 4, 3, 2 P230-350 S~condary prin<,!ipal, secondary · supervisor, division supervisor, and Manila city supervisor . ........ . · .... , .... . District supervisor, s~pervising' prin'cipal, normal instru.ctor, Manila City eiementary principal .... . ... . ..... . .. . Secondary classroom teachers, elementary school principals, division office chief clerk, and division property clerk .. Critic teachers, normal school . .. .... . ... . ............ .. _ Elementary school teachers and head teachers · ....... . ... . Teacher nurse and head nurse . ... . .................. · . . . Divi_ sion chief, assistant chief of division,. General Office . . Division superintendent & superintendent of national schools . General Office supervisors . .................. . ........ . Principals & registrars of normal schools .......... . ... . . .4, 3, 2 P230-350 5, 4 P160-245 6, 5, 4 P120-200 6, 5 P120-290 7, 6 p 80-150 7, 6 p 80-150 3, 2, 1 P260-500 3, 2, 1 P260-500 3, 2 P260--400 4, 3, 2 !'230-350 2. That an automatic increase of P10 be granted each teacher after every five years of service, provided the maximum salary allocated to the position is not exceeded. This plan will not preclude the granting of more f requent increases to exceptional teachers. teachers, the rulings of the Salary Board be revised so as to permit the Division Superintendents or the Director of Education to grant increases or salary promotions for meritorious and highly efficient serVice. 3. That to encourage growth, creativeness, and initiative 'on the part .o{ the 30 4. That the schools be provided with permanent sources of income, such as land gr11-nts, exclusive school taxes, and \ NEW DEAL? 31 other educational taxes such that they will not be dependent on yearly legislation for appropriations. This scheme will permit long-range planning for the expanding school system. 5. That teachers who are required to render service during vacation periods .be given honoraria instead of service credits. It is believed that sufficient funds for this purpose may be obtained from the salary savings of the Bureau of Education. 6. That savings and loan associations as well as teachers' cooperatives be established as soon as possible. · 7. That week-end classes be conducted in each division under the direct charge of the Division Superintendent of Schools for the benefit of teachers lacking in professional qualifications. Teachers and supervisors assigned to teach in these classes should be given honoraria equivalent · to one day;s salary for every two "hours of service. The funds ifor "this purpose may be acquired from t\lition fees of teachers enrolled in these classes. Credits earned should be counted toward the completion of the normal curriculum. 8. That temporary teachers who attend summer classes either in public institutions or in private schools be allowed to receive their full salary while in attendance in such classes. 9. That official time be given to teachers attending teachers' convention~ a1id conferences of educational significance. 10. That the teachers' .load, . which should include actual teaching periods, as" signment in extra-curricular' activi - 1 fies, and othet· school assignments.,· should not exceed five hours a day, five days a week . 11. That the pre-war ratio of five teachers for every three classes be returned in the intermediate grades. 12. That a . disability or death compensation equivalent to one year's salary be provided for every teacher. 13. That free housing facilities or quarter allowances be provided for teachers assigned in other towns. 14. That the Teachers' Pension System be revived. 15. That the use of government funds for the purchase of professional and cultural books and magazines in each division be approved. 16. That a teachers' BILL OF RIGHTS embodying these recommendations be promulgated as soon as possible. Respectfully submitted, JUAN S. PAGUIO Chairman CONRADO Y ABUT, Member ARTURO GARCIA, Member SAVE YOUR EYES Your Eyes Are Your Most Precious Possession in Life. They Are The S!Jpernatural Gift of God To Mankind. Give Them 1' he Best Attention And It Will Last You 0 Life,ime. Defective Vision Wilf:;(ause You \\" orry, Constant Headacne• Alld Accident. Retard Your Energy ANACLETO & DEL MUNDO OPTICAL Offices: 600 Rizal Avenue Corner Raon-63 Escolta (Crystal Arcade) Baguio City, Pines Theatre Bldg. Manila - \ \ I I I I I I ,. i