Presidential table talk


Part of The Philippine Educator

Presidential table talk
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
A. Annual Report in the Making (Continued from last month) 11. Last month the Director and the Assistant Director of Education permitted me to accompany them in their inspection trips to the Visayas. The Director visited Iloilo and Negros Oc cidental on March 3-March 10. The Assistant Director visited Leyte, Cebu, and Bohol on March 18-March 27. I was assigned to look into the work of the secondary schools, espeqially those that have just been opened. In these trips T had the opportunity to see the fine work that has been done in getting the secondary schools started on very inadequate facilities. The splendid cooperation of parent-teacher associations was noted everywhere. They had put up buildings, had secured sites, had secured classroom equipment, and had even helped pay teachers' bonuses. The morale of the teach· ers, as a whole, has been noted to be high. As is to be expected, there are by MARCELINO BAUTISTA a few raw exceptions - that is, when tuition fees are nof high enough to make possible the continued payment of much-needed relief bonuses. In some schools the salary rates approved are even lowE.'.r than those paid to natioinal employees. But the teachers, as a whole, are taking it chin up. They were advised to hold on until the end of the school year. Like other reasonable and patient men, they are still listening. They are not yet going to strike. But they may not ~~~~X-RAY CUNIC~~~=':I Dr. Frederick Leiser, M.D. X-Ray Specialist Practice specially devoted to X-Ray Therapy with emphasis on: ACUTE, CHRONIC and RECURRENT DISEASES OF THE SKIN AFFECTIONS and DISORDERS OF THE SKIN Clinic Hours: 9-12 A.M. - 2-6 P.M. Rooms 217-218, Calvo Building, 60 Escolta 50% DISCOUNT~~~~~~~~~ FOR MEMBERS OF THE PPSTA 20 (Good for May and June l<M-7 only) BASIC TAGALOG Vocabulary j English-Tagalog - Tagalog-English I Regular p1-ice-'P2.00 For PPSTA member-'Pl.OO Add 20c in stamps for postage. INANG V/IKA PUBLISHING CO. 878 RIZAL AVE., MANILA PRESIDENTIAL TABLE TALK 21 long continue to be with us that is, some of them may. . . may ... be tempted. A large majority, however, are still hoping that the provincial and City governments would do right 1 /'/Y them and the people's children. In the meantime, these will stay on, soothed temporarily, Vf'ry temporarily by eioquently-phrased "other compensations of teaching." 12. The two Directors were visiting their respective home provinces for the first time since t!leir elevation to their presnt po-sitions. They were accorded real homecoming ovations. Director Abada is from Kabankalan, Nt:!gros Occidental; .Assistant Director Putong is from Tagbilaran, Bohol. Two "local boys make good"! The usual brass bands; the usual parad1!s and guards of honor; the usual -speeches; garlands for the "fatted calf." But the returning prophets were not without honor in their own hometowns; they are actually loved. They are still called by their first names. Everyone seemed to know them, and they seemed to know everyone who was important. (Your President and the other "aides" basked in all this reflected glory. We are not so old that we can't enjoy a joke even on ourself. And this is only one of many compen-sations due those who accompany the Big Ones in inspection trips.) 13. While we were inspecting school work, the Directors permitted me to speak on behalf of the PPST A. In several speeches I stressed the need of getting together and pooling our resources however meager, of gathering our separate little voices together and making one re-sonant voice that will be heard. And I he;1rd the Directors speak on the same occasions, boosting our cause and giving us their support. They are sincerely behind "this cause of ours." MENZI & CO., INC. CEBU ILOILO PHILIPPI NES MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS SCHOOL SUPPLIES and STATIONARY ' \/ ; 22 ::I" fHILIPP.INE .EJ?JJC~TOR The reception. Qf , the PPSTA idea in ail JhE:. provinces . visited was highly encouraging. Evecywhere .the teachers . pledged to join the national organiza. tion. We are convinced we are getting souewhere. The membership dues are pouring in. The organization is .beginning to uncoil. ·It is rearing its head. There will soon be much fun among those who can (or who can't) see eye to eye with "us.'' 1.4. l.t will be noted in the report <ln "Bills on Congress" in the March and April issues of the Educator that many bills have already been introduced in the 'present Congress. But don't be such an optimist. I am telling you that, as in baseball, a bill must go through all the "bases" before it becom~s a law. Many of these bills are not even at .bat. Have you sent a telegram or a letter to your Congressmen asking them to work for the passage of the bills . which you th,i,nk wil\ h~p the teachers and . the schools? you . spend a fe\~ c~ntavos-yol,l aud you and · you of the towns and the. barrios and . the cities-and get something. Reniem. b~r that your name is legion and t~p.t : your. caus_ e is the cause . 0~ justi~e ,~tself-justice for the. less privileged liall' of all goverrup.ent employees. o_~ly, you have to raise a finger or two-:right now! ~et's all do our par.t. for the sake of everybody. 15. We have continued contacting Congressmen and have asked them to tell us what they are doing for ~s. Some of the replies are published elsewhere in this issue. These preliminary contact<> with membel'3 of Congre~s seem to indicate that there is a general desire to help the teachers and improve their lot. But our association can not move freely. We are reminded of the fact that millions of pesos (Continued on page 27) We carry a complete assortment of the famous Barnes & Noble "College Outline Series" (The Student's Private Tutor) You will also find the finest books in tt!wn all at reasonable prices. Get your copies now from ANTON BOOK & GIFT SHOP 411 Dasmarifias St., Manila Goldenberg Bldg. WHOLESALE RETAIL