
Part of The Philippine Educator

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
~ ~ .. ) I J ~ ) ~ 2 \ I \ I ~~us" When some national high-school teachers sent a petition to the Municipal Board of Manila to the effect that salary differentials be granted also to high-school teachers just as it had been granted to principals, assistant principals, and elementary-school teachers, some municipal teachers, who do not benefit materially from the petition, refused to sign. As Tong as this ~----~TEACHERs----~ PREPARE FOR YOUR SUMMER-SESSION CLASSES Textbooks To Be Used In The 1947 Secondary Normal Vacation Classes FIRST YEAR: Applied Arithmetic for Philippine Schools-Tan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P 4.25 Correlated Handwriting (Grade Manuals, Grade I-VI ............................................ .60 English Fundamentals for Filipino Students, Jaranilla, Potts, and Manalo . . . . . • 5.25 Modern Times and the Living Past--Elson .................................................................... 7.60 Philippine High School Readers, Book One-Mendez, Mendez, and Potts .. . .. , . . 3.50 Philippine Prose and Poetrv, Volume One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Progressive Music Series, Book Four (Philippine Edition) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.40 SECOND YEAR: Enslish Fundamentals for Filipino Students-Jaranilla, Potts, and Manalo . . . . 5.25 History of the Orient, Steiger, Beyer, and Benitez . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . .. , . . . . . . . 6.15 Literature in the Junior High School. Book One-Bolon ius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.30 Literature in the Junior High School, Book Two-Bolonius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 History of the United States-West & West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.25 Philippine High School Readers. Book Two-Mendez, Mendez, and Potts . . . . . . • . 3.50 Philip;>ine Prose and Poetry, Volume Two .................................................................... 3.00 THIRD YEAR: Adventures in Story Land ... .. ...................... .. .................... , . , • 2.80 Book of Make-Belive .... .. . . . ............. . ........ .. . .................. , .... , 2.80 Changing Civilizatio..ns in the Modern World-Rugg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.80 English in Action, Book Two-Trossler & Shannon ... . ... .... . . ...... . ....... , • 6.60 Philippine Prose & Poetry, Vol. Three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 Philipnine Social Life & Progress-Benitez, Tit·ona, Gatmaytar. ............................ r..10 Silas Manner-Eliot .......... .. .. . .. . ............ . ..•... ... ... .. . ... , , . . . . . . • • 2.25 FOURTH YEAR: English in Action, Book Two-Tressler & Shannon ..... . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.60 English and American Writers----Cross, Smith & Stauffer .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.85 History of the Philippines-Benitez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.15 Philippine Government--Aiip ....... .. . . ... .. ........... . ....... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Pril)liiples of Economics Applied to the Philippines-Miller .................................... \l.9r. Government of the· Republic of the Philippines--Tolentino & Zaide . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 10%discount to you on your purchases. Postage per copy not over P.J2 . Registration P.16. Send your order toPHILIPPINE EDUCATION COMPANY 1104 Castillejos Quiapo, Manila (Entrance tkru Arlegui St. at A. Farnecio) 3 I I J I i ' 4 PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR regrettable selfishness lingers to taint us, we shall be handicapped in our ef- . forts to be heard by the entire nation. is a militant organization, but the use of strikes and strike techniques has been officially repudiated in a resolution approved on January 3, 1947, at the General Assembly of the Association. The Secretary was satisfied. * • * The Honorable, Secretary of Instruction Manuel V. Gallego, in a speech delivered before principals and supervisors of the City of Manila, expressed the fear that the PPSTA might turn radical and advocate strikes. A principal stood up to explain that the PPSTA Manila's Quality Printers UseQUALITY CUTS To Illustrate their Periodicals Magazines - Pamphlets - Magazine Covers in Color PTocess Amnuals Programs Posters Labels ALL JOBS GUARANTEED * * * On March 12, a Town Hall meeting was held on the subject : "What Is the Teacher's Role in National Rehabilitation?" Dr. Antonio Isidro of the U. P. College of Education, spoke eloquently on our "colonial mentality" and suggested that one of the im~ortant causes of this perpetuation of our propensity toward servitude is our preference of English and other foreign languages to our own national language . Mr. Juan C. Laya, of the Arellano High School, spoke on rehabilitation of the teacher before she should be assigned this all-important t.ask of national rehabilitation. Rev. Enrique Sobrepei'ia, another speaker, stressed the full utilization of our resources, natural as well as personal, as a significant measure of national rehabilitation. Miss Maria Teresa Feria, teacher, of the Holy Ghost College, talked on women's education. The Panel of Interrogators were to have been Dr. Pedro T. Orata, Pres. Florentino Cayco, Mrs. Flora A. Ylagan, and Director Eulogio B. Rodriguez, and Mr. Alvaro L. Martinez. As it turned out, some members of the panel ~~~~~NOW AVAILABLE ~~~~~rr CIVIL SERVICE REVIEWER IN GENERAL INFORMATION By Cresencio Peralta, B.S.E., M.A. (C. S. Eligible) (Your favorite author of Civil Service Review Subjects) CONTENTS: Part !-Practice Tests, Keys, Review Aids Part JI-Vital Information, Data, Documents, etc. Part ill-Current events: local and foreign Over 200 pages! Up to date! Comprehensive! Price--¥4.00 a copy .............................................................. P4.30 a copy postpaid (Discount to Book Stores; Special price to Agents) EMMANUEL EDUCATIONAL DISTRIBUTOR PUBLISHER-IMPORTER--STATIONER 1878 Azcarraga, Manila .................................................... "US" did not show up. Some teachers in the audience suggested that the "big shots" might not have thought it quite up to their dignity to interrogate mere school teachers and principals and ministers on so big a subject. * * * Talking about "mere teachers." Our Association relies on "mere teachers" for its mainstay, not the top brass of the Bureau. The Educator encourages "mere teachers" to express themselves in letters, in articles, in news reports about what they and their associations are doing. The Educator loves the "mere teacher" and intends to make itself ultimately the mouthpiece of "mere teachers." If there is now much material published by school executives and "top brass," it is because teachers have not yet awakened to ~he> p0.>sibilities of this "voice of 56,000 teachers." Incidentally, there are now 56,851 public school teachers, according to Dr . Tito Clemente of the Division of Measurement and Statistics. That i·s fully 49olo of all government employees. Now, if you do not fully appreciate what that means . .. * * * (Continued on page 59 War Damage Claims CONSULT: A VELINO CONCEPCION COUNSELLOR & ATTY.-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC 203 Int. 1 Zamora, Pandaean FOR 24 HOURS SERVICE Triangulo STUDIO 100% Filipino Capital *PORTRAITS * ACTION PHOTOS *PICTURES FOR ALL OCCASIONS AZCARRAGA corner QUEZON BLVD. MANILA, PHILIPPINES NOTICE Since 1932 To Students & TPaehers ACEBEDO OPTICAL COMPANY 428 ltizal Ave. (front Ideal Theatre) has been supplying eye g-lasses to school children of poor parents, paid by different, charitable institutions thru the Bureau of Health until 1946. Now comes the Acebedo Optical Co. to offer the children and students of MaJnila and provi.nces minimum charges intended to rehabilitate the children's eyes. 90 Rd m. m. Lens with Rd Metal Frame or 38Rd Oxford celluloid, spherical & cylindrical FOR ONLY Pl2.90 all U.S.A. tnaterials To Teachers: Nolninal & Tbne paytnent plan i I I I \/ I 5