

Part of The Philippine Educator

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.· BY-LAWS Philippine Public School Teachers' Association ARTICLE I-BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. The Bo.ard of Directors shall be cor;nposed of the elected officials and six (6) other members at large. These officials shall be elected at the ann~al meeting of the Association by a popularity vote by the official delegates present. . Section 2. Regular me(!tings of the Board of Directors shall be held as often as they are necessary. Section 3. The Board of Directors will be given actual and necessary expenses and per diems while attending the meetings. · Section 4. A quorum at meetings of the Board shall be at least five (5) members of the Board of Directors in office. Section 5. Action on any matter, or authority granted, not inconsistent with any of the expressed or implied provisions of this Constitution and these may be had without tbe necessity of holding a meeting, by putting the note "approved" with the Board member's signature on the notice sent him on the cas~. Seption 6. The order of business at regular meetings of the Board Rhall be: the remaining members of the Board of Directors a successor, who shall hold · office for the unexpired term. ARTICLE II-ANNUAL MEETINGS Section 1. Th~ annual meeting of the Association shall be on the first of · June or on such day or days as shall be designated as the annual convention - of the Association. Section 2. Special meetings of the Association may be called' by the Executive Sec.-Treasurer upon the written reouest of at least fifty official delegates t~ the · Representative Assembly of •the Association, or by the Board of Directors upon thirty (30) days' notice and · sent to the President or Secretary of all aff;liated teachers associations. Section 3. Thirty (30) official dele. gates to the Representative Assembly of the Association shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. Section 4. All meetings shall be held at Manila, unless otherwise decreed by the Rt!presentative Assembly of. the Association. , Section 5. Every active member of .the Association is entitled to attend the annual meeting.:; to take part in the discussions during the annual meetings of the Association, but only official delegates to the Representative Assembly of the Association are entitled to vote; Calling the roll provided, however, that any member Reading of the minute~ having failed to pay his dues or his fees Report of officers or delinquent in the payment of any Report of Committees contribution which may be required by Unfinished businP:>s the Association shall be debarred from Miscellaneous business attending the meeting or from taking Seption 7. If the office of any direc- part in the di3cussions. tor or officer becomes vacant by rP.a- Section 6. Official delegates to the son of death, resignation, disqualifica- Representative Assembly not present at tion or otherwise, the President shall any meeting- of -the Association in perappoint with the advice and com;ent of son shall be represented b~· their alterFOR MODERN OPTICAL NEEDS-SEE KEEPSAKE Escolta 47 >' ·I . , ·ft ·:t. .,r...._ ... ~{ '*r.~ ~~t ' . 48 PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR nates; if both the delegate and the alternate cannot be present at a meeting of the Association in person; the delegate may be represented by proxy who is an active member except for the purpose of counting a quorum. Section 7. At all elections of officers and directors of the Association, a committee on election composed of three members shall be appointed by the presiding officer cr chairman of the meeting called for said election. ARTICLE III-COMMITTEES Section 1. All committees of the Association, shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice of the Board of Directors. All such committees ~hall be designated official committees of the Association, and shall have in their membership at least one member of the Board of Directors of the Association. · Section 2. The President shall appoint standing committees which will study from time to time the improvement and needs of the Association. ARTICLE IV-DUTIES Section 1. The President· shall call every meeting through the Exec.-Secretary-Treasurer and he shall preside over the meeting, deciding with his vote all questions which may result in a tie. He shall preserve order and defend the rights and prerogatives of the members; order all paymenN authorized by the Board of Directors; approve all accounts and administration papers; sign all communications addressed to outsiders; and see to it that this constitution with its by-laws and all the resolutions adopted by the Representative Assembly of the Association and those of the Board of Directors are strictly complied with. Section , 2. The Vice-President shall take the place of the President in case of the latter's illness Ol' absence; and the Vice-President shall have in such cases the powers and obligations of the President. Section 3. The Executive· SecretaryTreasurer shall have the following duties and responsibilities: (a) Other duties of the Exec. Sec.1. Act as Secretary of the Board of Directors and of the Association in every meeting. 2. Plan for the execution o±: the policies formulated and approved by the Board of Directors. 3. Take all the necessary st.eps which he deems expedient for properly effecting the purposes of this Association as expressed in its constitution and by-laws, such as, (a) To consult with or seek assistance from the Director of Education, the Secretary of Instruction, members of Congress, other officials of the Government, and responsible citizens for the purpose of realizing the objectives of the ~ssociation. 4. Keep alive the spirit that prompted the organization of the Association as well as vitalize its functions through .adequately planned activities. 5 · Encourage, articulate, and coordinate the work of the ."· different standing committees of the association. 6. Act for and in the name of the Association on all matters affecting its welfare wj1ich can not wait for the action of the Board of Directors, except where the expenditures of funds are involved, in which case the prior aproval of the Board of Directors must be secured. 7. Be responsible for g1vmg the Association the adequate publicity that this body should have. 8. Maintain, edit, and publish the official organ of the association, which shall be its official publication and which shall implement the aims, policies, purposes, and activities of this Association. 9. Appoint and fix the salaries, subject to the approval by the Board of Directors, of all the technical and clerical help needed to effectively perform his duties both as Secretary .nd as Treasurer and as editor of the official publication. 10. Encourage, articulate, and coordinate the activities of the different division asseciations affiliated to this association. 11. Submit· an annual report of his achievements, the activitie-s of t~e Association, and the plans of the Associ.ation for the ensuing year, in the annual convention of the Association. 12. Act as the Treasurer of the Association. The duties of the Treasurer are: a. Keep all funds of the Association and all · necessary books. account b. Campaign for the collection of all necessary fees and dues. c. Keep a register book showing the names of all the members with their respective payments of fees and dues, and another book where all collections and deposits made each day are entered in detail. d. Issue receipts for all collec.tions. e. Pay all authorized expenses, or with the approval of the President, issue the necessary checks countersigned by the President to effect payment. f. Keep his books ahd records open for examination at any time by any member of the Association or any duly authorized person at any reasonable time. g. Submit monthly trial balance to the Board of Directors with a copy furnished each Division Association. h. Furnish a bond for the security of the funds in his custody, the expense of such to be borne by the Association. -~ (To be continued) 1 - - FOR MODERN OPTICAL NEEDS-SEE KEEPSAKE OPTICAL-SO Escolta LETTERS ... (from page 4) · Before the . PPSTA was organized I tried to orga11ize the teachers here, but I did not have much luck . I ain the president of the Cebu Teachers' Association, but this one is membered mostly by the teachers from the City private schools. I wish to congratulate you for the Philippine Educator. It's fine work in and out. CORNELIO F AI GAO NOTE: Cebu is a very big province. The weight of so big a group of teachers could be nationally felt. What a pity 'tis 'tis true, and 'tis true, 'tis pity-Ed. * * * I wish to invite your attention to the misprint notioed on page 47 of your March 1947 issue. The objectives of education in the Philippines are embodied in AJ:j;icle XIV, Section 5 of the Philippine Constitution, not Article XIII as printed in said issue. PLACIDO L. LUMBAY NOTE: Thank you. Ed. * * .. Please send me a sample copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the PPSTA. May teachers in the provinces be allowed to apply for individual mem- · bership in the PPSTA ?· I have some teachers who desire to be members and are willing to pay their yearly dues. M. A. VELASQUEZ Dis.t. Supervisor, Jolo NOTE: All public school teachers a1·e welcome. The important thing is to get togethe1· and act together.· Incidentally, the Constitution was published in the . March issue The Bylaws are in the July issue.-Ed. * * * The un~ersigned, members of tpe Board of Canvassers, hereby certify to the election of the following officers of the Federation who will serve during the remaining period of the present' school year: Mr. Raymundo de Castro .... President Mr. Pelagio Battad ... ... Vioe-~resident Miss Praxedes Crispin ....... Secretary Miss Blandina Peralta .... .' .. Treasurer Mr. Felix U. Gabifio .. ....... . Auditor H. F. HILARIO Chairman, Board of Canvassers Zambales Teachers' Federation * * * The newly-elected offioers of the Albay Teachers' Association are the following: Mr. Jose Ramirez . . . . . . . . . . President Mr. Lorenzo Santelices .. Vice-President Mr. Francisco Ruivivar . . . . Secretary Mrs. Amancia G. Renovilla ... Treasurer Mr Be!!igno T. Reyes . . . . . . Auditor * * * We are trying our level best so that the 3,200 teachers in Iloilo may join the provincial and national associations. With the help of our Divi.sion Superintendent, who is interested in making our ass<;>ciation strong, we are optimistic that we may secure a high, if not 100% membership. IGMEDIO PARCON President * * * If the teachers' role in our national life has not been properly recognized in the past, it is due to the fact that the teachers of all public schools in the islands had not been united. We believe that the time has come for us to exert our. united effort to give the teachers social justice and their role due recognition. FRANCISCO G. ESQUIVEL Batangas High School 50