Arithmetic instruction


Part of The Philippine Educator

Arithmetic instruction
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ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTION BY: FRANCWCO C. ALCANTARA Principal, Luzuriaga Elementary School, Dumaguete Comparatively speaking, arithnJetic appears to be the most difficult subject to learn in the curriculum it being an exact science. The following suggestions are offered with the hope ·that .they can be of help in the improvement of the teaching and learning of arithmetic. Daily Drill on Fundamental Processes a. Every arithmetic recitation should be opened with a snappy drill on fundamental processes or on combination3 previously taught. b. The materials to be drilled upon should be those found · difficult as revealed in progress tests. It is a waste of time drilling on facts or materials already mastered. c. The use of· flash cards is stressed, but care should be taken so that when competition is injected into the drill all members or a majority of the members of the class are benefited. : d. Drill should be of short durationsay, the first two or three minutes of the recitation period. e. The value and importfince of the diagnostic drill cards in arithmetic cannot be over-estimated. Pre.sentation of New Principles a. After a snappy drill on fundamentals, the new principle should be tanght vividly with the use of objects and the blackboard. Use only small figures in the presentation. b. Employ varied situations until the new principle is fixed in the pupils' mind. I I 36 c. Keep £he principle being taught in the foreground and end the presentation with a generalization by the pupils. Applicatien .a. After the principl,e has been sufficiently taught Jind correct generalization made, give exercises and problems involving the same principle. b. Administer a short quiz to test the effectiveness of instruction and to determine pupil difficulty. Inductive Presentation · A new principle can be best presented inductively by employing the following steps: a. Preparation b. Presentation c. Comparison and contrast d. Generalization e. Application Problem Solving .a. In the application of the new principle, problems involving the business and social practices of the locality should be given in abundance to supplement the problems in the text. b. Much training should be given to the interpretation of problems. Pupils should ·be encouraged to study each problem carefully and choose the method of solution that seems to them to require the least figuring. c. The following steps in attacking .a problems should be known by the pupils: (1) Study and analyze the problem carefully and get a concrete picture of the situation. Illustrations or drawings should be encouraged. ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTION 37 ' C2) State clearly what the problem asks for. (3) Collect all data needed to find what is wanted. ( 4) Carefully J~.alyze the data and discover the relation of the data to what is wanted. · (5) Make the computation and check every operation in order to be sure that no mistakes have been made. (6) Examine the answer and see if it is reasonable. If it is not reasonab1e, examine every result and make a second analysis. d. When a pupil fails to· get the correct answer to a problem, the teacher should endeavor to find the cause of the failure and attempt to remove the cause. e. Pupils should be encouraged to solve problems without a pencil, as in real life. f. Pupils should be trained to make their own original problems involving the principle just taught. g. Avoid the use of undesirable problems involving misleading facts, trivialities and aJbsurdities, useless methods and operations, ambiguities and fallacies, and fantastic situations. Progress Tests a. After a certain teaching unit or group is covered, a progress test should be conducted to determine pupil difficulties and to check the effectiveness of instruction. b. A test record should be invariably kept to serve as basis for the determination of what combinations or facts need to be drilled upon. Remedial Instruction and Thoroughness of Work a. An ideal instruction is one that leaves nothing to be 'desired. Every subject matter taught should be dealt with thoroughness until it is mastered. b. The result of tests should be carefully scrutinized and diagnosed with the end in view of determining the point of error and applying remedial instruc- ' tions. c. The more advanced pupils should be utilized in remedying deficiencies during off-recitation periods. Flashcards may be given to these pupils for drilling those who need help before and after classes. · d. As in all other subjects, mastery must be the watchword. One subject matter or principle should be thoroughly mastered by the pupils before taking up another. NOTICE Since 193! ACEBEDO OPTICAL COMPANY 428 Rizal Ave. (front ~deal Theatre) has been supplying eye glasses to school children of poor parents, paid by different charitable institutions thru the Bureau of Health until 1946. Now comes the Acebedo Optical Co. to offer the children and students of ~'lanila and 2,rovinces minimum charges intended to rehabilitate the children's eyes. 90 Rtl m. m. Lens with Rd Metal Frame or 38Rd Oxford cel).uloid, sphet·ica} & cylindrical · 't FOR ONLY Pl!.90 all U.S.A. materials To Teac~ers: Nominal & Time payment plan FOR MODERN r ,)PTICAL NEEDS-SEE KERPSAKE OPTICAL-80 Escolta