Juvenile delinquency and the home


Part of The Philippine Educator

Juvenile delinquency and the home
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
admi . -,.-"""'"" ___ !, th,e ' mJit !ems; .those· e:y,,eya.,;..,~:;, ' ,. . ' ~'"'"'y;u,.,_ .. ...,., .. - f.or · ~pa . -~ ··9 'c:• able to 1-en<l~i- ).:heIT)ay" gi~e· ~an iMa' o-r· .. ~,b~t. dOn~.' .. -t.~}',-· , ... . ~ ... ~; · .. Yo ,,: ~~ ~~ ~ .. - - .,.'"' J· , • • ~,.; ·' ; · ~ :. • , l. ..The ' n!-d_ <:Jtrn .. tr.epq m ' A. Sugge~tion f~r Home Improv~ent · tiop·ship~ guidance V.;hile the hom<~.ay be consi.dered ·~ : ' the.r -:_s'uppre~si~n -~o. ·• ~'(·($[1' ~ ~ • • ~\ ., -, _,., a pla'ce in w~i~h- adul~~--live and find_ hap-? $ru~d; ~e distJ~g~J~ned piness, ..a_notheq more impor.taqf.\.func>' .. h~n with our children tion. of ri is to .. rbvide aft, en~ir-onment to follow our a~h·ice, bec:au.~<f~!~~~~:t~~~~~ p d » - ·whereby ,children may grow a'rUI 'develop parents an wtiat we say is ~r~ wholesope atfuudres' t.o)vards 1ife and we guide tl1'e~ we help ~hl!-rn s~e · 1 prepare ,'thein to meet the problems of an~les of. ~P-t7.eQ:l ~nd let them d·raw:"" adult llfe~ " · the1r. own con!!l~n -:~~.. ,. .• .. •·': r)p,oh the parents lie the responsibili:y 4. Insure the healtH arid· happjness of· off £.ulfilling this impo,·tant function q.f yo~tt· farniiy. thru ad.~uate and proper - ~~ th;e qome. Jt is their duty to 'TeSctle .the nutrition. Remember ~ ~hat 7 the way · ~~· ~ .. cl~ild _from )lelpiessne~s duri'}F infa~cy to a child's heart ail" well as a· wan's is }"{.' "'tof'tl{e freed6m''and se~frrelian~ 9f adult through ~is stomach. One can prepare ;~~.~ iife .. Th:.fpl~o~ng~~_£gesti~ns' a~'e-.given simple. . ~ttractive, ··-'and Yaried meals · ~-.,. r,¥:· ·fh.e l~P~\em:ent"" of the home a~d without "in'curring muclt expense. ·f ;;],~iike ~~Jy ·~ ~atisfying, su.ccessful 5. Consider yout· 'chficl_'s . nee.ds and ·; t!Wl h,aPilY to bo'l:h,.parents ai\d ohi,)dren: ·hope~. . N 0 matter how · bttsy the . ~o­ ·i' ,I:r..-~eep your home, ~d its surround..:i' ther and the father- may be, they should -in,!g> livable, ,, ·attracti;;e, neat, .and"·tidy.. always devote a par.t of their time and ,. J • • •• • . &_?; g~od home 'tleed _ nQt be a mansiOn. energy to their children. Every night, r !\";oj ;n~tcr how r sinallt and qlodest it at least, the parents should be with their ~ 1 Jr,iy:b'e; l.t couM be' mad~ comfof.'t.able and children and learn how each one .of •~ con\l~_ni~\( so,'.cthat the children -~vould them spent the day, praise their achieveprefer:1r .to the streets and back alieys. mehts. warn th.eru~ against pitfalls, and \ " \'Vitli ..>'~roper guid,ance and trai_t,lin~, ~~il- in. evt;,ry . wa 0 y help them ~olv~. their /)T~~ FOR.· MODERN OPTICAL :r•mED~>-SEE KEEPSAKE OPTICAL-SO 'EsQOlfa I ~ ; ;~ : ,. \ . ... ~' (J ~ .. - •• ~ . , " '· .;.._: '~ .. ~-... ; I t ~ .,. .r ., . .... ;.'· \ .. , .. "' - .. ' ..., , .. ·~