

Part of The Philippine Educator

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.;v ==========================~==~~====' J Words by NATIVIDAD MARQUEZ Music by M. t 'DAME -oOo--M.. A<~ ..... • \ J· l •· J · \ i -~ I L ' ~ i tt?i \ r ,, f $~' \ ~~\ tl i' "t 3 :;. ' l>id a Jln-y f·h·. y lh~t you Wbuc too.~. ii~ ? . ' ~: , b ~ lhcl II c..rq . }c :IS £c~- 1 \ t G 9 £ moon ... Mil"J, 'Dro~ "JJ" In jh \ t > II fli,BM? LOOKING FOR A. ( Continued from page 20) .t the work, the opportunities afforded for service to fellowmen. Others who can afford to Ji,·e without working but whv seek prestige and reputation will choose a yoc~tion which may pay less but which occupies a place of esteem and prestige in the particular society to which he belongs. The economic security during old age or in case of disability must receive even greater weight than the regular salary for one who will depend more or less entirely upon his job for his total support as well as that of his -<.! family. For this reason progressive business organizations and institut1 ions are n<,w providing programs for oldage security and disability insurance WT its employees. Such provi ions on the other hand offer strong inducement and attraction to good men looking for their lifetime jobs.