Starting a home-room organization


Part of The Philippine Educator

Starting a home-room organization
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STARTING A HOME-ROOM ORGANIZATION DOLORES TENSUAN DUNGO Curriculum Division A. Tw/ major objectives of language ' instructi,on in the intermediate grades are these: 1. To provide a c0ntinuous program of varied worthwhile experience adapted to the needs of the child which will stimulate him to think clearly, to speak freely, correctly, and courteously, and to grow in the ability to meet effectively life situations demanding speech 2. To provide many social and puiposeful activities which will create the desire and increase the ~bility of the child to express himself adequately and acceptably in written form. A classroom organization offers such splendid opportunities for the development of the above-mentioned objectives, hence, every teacher, particularly the teacher of language, should make it a point to organize one in every class. You have only to glance at the many worthwhile activities done in a classroom organiza'tion, as a basis for language expression to be convinced that you really must start one in your class. B. Opportunities in a Home-Room Organization. Opportunities for Oral Expression: 1. Putting through a motior> 2. Taking part in a discussion 3. Giving oral reports 4. Introducing and campaigning for candidates 5. Taking part in a debate 6. Conducting a meeting Opportunities for Written Expression · 1. Writing minutes of a meeting 2. Writing an announcement 3. Writing news items and notices C. Steps in Organizing a Club · 1. De.;velop the vocabulary.-Introduce these expressions by explaining the meaning of each term and ci~ing situations when to use each: adjourn agree with as many as are you ready for the question by-laws call the roll draw up a constitution nave the floor hold a meeting I move that I second the motion I nominate majority vote meeting will please come to order minutes motion carried c1on lost new business regular meeting special meeting unfinished business voting by ballot 2. Hold the first organization meeting; order of business of first meeting: a. Appoint a temporary chairman. b Request chairman to appoint a temporary secretary. c. Coach the chairman what to say to open the meeting. d. Coach a member to put through a motion that the class organize a club, and write on the blackFOR MODERN OPTICAL NEEDS-SEE KEEPSAKE OPTICAL-80 Escolta 23 .<. 24 PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR board for ev~rybody to see how a_ motion is put through. f. Advise the chairman to appoint a committee to draw up a constjtution and by-laws. 3. Prepare the Constitution.-G6e the class an outli ne of a very simple i~onsti­ tution to serve as guide in the preparatio nof their own constitution. The following skeleton is suggestive: CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF .......................................... . Article I The name of the club shall be ....... . -············-················ The objects of our organization shall be ········-- ····················- . Article II The membership shall be limited to .... Article III The officers of this club shall be ....... . --------------·-·-------------, --------·-···-··--------------···---, -----···-··-···----------------, ------------------------- -----·- -· They shall be elected by ····-·····················Article IV The time and place of meeting of the -·-·····-·········-···-~·-····· club shall be at ............. . every ····-·-··················· in Ute ··········-······-···· . Article V This constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote, etc. . ............................... . BY LAWS OF···········-············--······ 1. The membership fee for every member of this club shall be ··············-······-···· . 2. A member who is absent during re· gular meetings, without a good excuse shall pay a fine or ............................ . 3. Every member is expected to take part in a program when requested to do so. 4. The duties of the president shall be to preside at the meetings and to direct the work of the club. The vice president shall perform the duties of the president when he is absent. The secretary shall keep minutes of each meeting. The treasurer shall have charge of all f.unds and shall pay out money only on written order of the president. The sergeant at arms shall keep order. 4. Adopt the Constitution.-In" •the next meeting of the club, the chairman of the committee who prepared the constitution will make a report. He will first read the constitution and by-laws and then present them to the club for adoption. If members want ~ertain parts to be changed, or something more to be added then they give their suggestions, before final voting for adoption takes place. 5. Elect the Officersa. Guide pupils on how to make and close 11omination~ b. Encourage pupils who ~ntered nominees to give campaign speeches fot their candidates. The following 'are suggestions to be followed in making nominating speeches : (1) Talk clearly and convincingly, (2) State the qualifications qf you•· candidate. (3) Tell about his desirable characteristics, (4) Courteously ask the members to support your candidate. c. H old the voting. d. Announce election returns. e. Install officers. 6. Hold the first regular meetinga. Acquaint pupils on the proper ways of addressing the chair and gaining recognition and of presenting a motion. b. Encourage pupils to take an active part in discussing motions presented. Guides for Discussing Motions (1) If you believe the motion is good, try to secure votes for it by giving your reasons: if you think it is poor, try to defeat it by showing your reasons. (2) Do not take up too much time. Give others a chance to talk. (3) If you do not agree with someone express your opmtons politely. Don't hurt the feeling of others. D. Written Activities 1. Preparing minutes of meetingsa. Studying copies of minutes that are well-written, to find out what the minutes contain and how they are usually arranged. Example: ·" ·- - STARTING A HOME-ROOM ORGANIZATION 25 . Time :-eight o'clock until nine o'clock. Tuesday morning, July 10, 1947. Place :-Room 25. Reports:-The Health and Safety Committee reported on some undesirable praclfices . of ~chool children which need cd:rrect10 n m order to promote health and safety at school. Business:-The club decided to hold a picnic in San Francisco del Monte on Sept. 8, at eight o'clock. The president appointed Virgo Ponce and Emily Reyes to compose a lunch committee. b. Cooperative writing of the activities taken up in the first regular meeting. c. Individual writing of the minutes of the second meeting. 2. Preparing written announcements. Situations connected with the activities of the club may be used to help the children grow in the ability to make announcements. An announcement should always tell What? Who? When? and Where? It should tell what the event is, who is planning it and when it is to take placl:' Example: You Are Invited The Six B Home-Room Organization will hold an oral Reading Party in the library on August 28, 1947 at two o'clock: All intermediate pupils are invited to attend. 3 .. Writing news articles for the school paper. The important activities of the club will be good materials for developing the pupils' ability to write news items and notices for the school paper. Here is an excellent chance for the pupil~ to do some real vital writing. News items should be planned with special care for title, beginning sentence orderliness of expression, and brevity. Children should learn to rev1se their first drafts and check them for: 1. Sentence structure. 2. Facts that tell who, where, and when. 3. Exactness of meaning. 4. Punctuation and capitalization. 5. Elimination of unnecessary detail. TRY! KANDY CORN That DELICIOUS POPCORN CONFECTION Containing-Dextrose, Fresh butter, Prepared sugar IT'S A HEALTH GIVING VITA~1IN FOOD The more you eat, the more you want! THE CHILDREN LOVE IT Sold at all Leading refreshment stands Manufactured by MAURICE ENTERPRISES 680 TAFT A VENUE Manila