Experiment in the science class


Part of The Philippine Educator

Experiment in the science class
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THE EXPERIMENT IN THE SCIENCE CLASS By MARCELA B. GARCIA Curriculum Division I To cultivate the scientific method of making observations and by relying on evidence rather than upon propaganda, tradition or hearsay, and of exploring natural phenomena in terms of cause and effect relationships rather than in terms of superstitious beliefs" is one of the general aims of teaching science in the schools. This aim and objective· can be accomplished by real and worthwhile experi;nces in which tht> pupils take an active part, like experimentation, observation, field trips and record keeping. Of the a,·tivities named, the first is seldom used if not left out in most science classes. This is due to the following reasons: 1. Lack of experience on the part of the teacher. The teacher may be one of those teachers who lack a science training. 2. Lack of basic supplies and necessary apparatus. In remote barrios, the teacher will experience difficulty in obtaining the necessary equipm~nt for a good science experiment. At the opening of • schools in July, ever science teacher should have some of the folowing supplies and equipment m her room: Two or three empty bottles One or two earthen or glass jars Several thick glass tumblers Two cups Two saucers One tin or aluminum measuring cup A tin pan Two or more lamp chimneys Several flower pots Spoons of different sizes Butcher or paring knife Old screen wire Clothes pins Broken pieces of window pane 34 Pieces of tin, steel. or brass Some buttons Rubber bands Scraps of silk, fur or wool Old balls of various sizes Toy balloons Cardboard boxes Corks of differents sizes Nails, tacks, screws. or bolts Flash light A pair of scissors Test tubes Simple machines, such as egg beater, can openers hammers, pliers, screw driver, levers Science experiments especially in the elementary school is a "reliable asset'' to the children It enlarges the child's idea of a thing. However the value of the experiment to the child depends upon three things: 1. Purpose of the experiment to the child 2. Active participation of the child 3. ~cientific truth proved by the experiment A good science experiment should ha,·e a "pre-discussion, accurate performance, accurate recordings oral or written and valid conclusions." The teacher should select the experiment which will most clearly prove a certain truth to a particular group of children, i.e. the maturity of the children should be taken into consideration. For elementary school children we should avoid experiments in tended for fourth year students. The simplest experiments in eYaporation, condensation or the use of the magnet may be tried in a fifth grade class. The teacher should explain the purpose of an experiment before performing it. She should see to it that the pupils understand the purpose, and that ~· .... ' THE EXPERIMENT IN THE SCIENCE CLASS 35 they make it their purpose and not the teacher's. Each ·;tep in the experiment should be explained before the performance. The pupils should be given .the chance to explain the steps in their own words. The apparatus should be placed on a high place i/i the center of the class. If possible, several pupils should be allowed to . perfoLn the experiment. The pupils shotild describe in their own words what actually took place in the experiment. Suggested experiments for the elementary grades: 1. Get a board 8 inches wide. K ail a flat piece 6 inches wide vertical to it. Place the board on the ground east and west. The flat piece will make a shadow on the board at different places as th e sun rises and sets. The sun makes short or long hadows at different hours of the day. 2. Put fire to a small amount of waste paper in your backyard .. ''Vhen it is burning pour a bucketful of sand over the fire. Fire is put out by sand by keeping air away · from the fire. 3. When t.here i a thunderstorm. watch for the flash of lightning. How many seconds will it take for the sound of thunder to reach you? As soon a> · you see the lightning, begin to count, one number for each second. If yo~1 count 6 before you hear the thund er, then it takes 6 seconds for the thunder to reach you. The lightning must ha,·c been 6,000 ft. away. No sound is heard the \second it occurs. 4. Get a box with only a small holr on one end for light. Grow a plant in this box. The plant will grow toward> the light. Plants seek light. 5. Fill a glass with water. Place a piece of paper or cardboard o,·er th(' glass and remoq· : your hand ;.itc:· <! s..:cond. \Vater remains in the glas ·. Air presses on things. 6. Get a basin ralf full of water. Leaye the basin of water on the window, sill -~·r· where the slin may shine on it or where t.. the wind may blow over it. The water in the basin will disappear little by little. Water evaporates. 7. Get several flowers (rosal, tor example. See that the leaves arc attached to the flower stalks. "Put the flower stalks or stems in a bottle with wat'er which has been colored with black -.{)r red ink. Keep the flowers in the shade. After a day hold the flowers or leaves up to the light and split the stems lengthwJse. The stems will be black or red, whatever color you used. vVater passes through the stems. 8. Take a clean, dry, clear glass bottle with a cork. Put the bottle over a small branch of a tree and cork the bottle. A cut should be made on the cork on the side where the stem of the plant enters the bottle. Try the experiment on a dry day. After a day, water will be seen to collect on the inside of the bottle. The leaves give off water. REFERENCES: Clute, Robert L., Practical Lessons in Tropical Agriculture, Book I. Manila: World Book Company, 1914. Craig, Gerald S., Science for the Ele, mentary School Teacher. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1940. Dolman, Helen. Teacher's Manuaf and Science Handbook to accompany the Scientific Living Series. ::-Jew York: The L. vV. Singer Com· pany, 1941. '·The Home of Qu2Jity Eye Glasses" Modern Optical Co. OPTOMETRIS'fS & OPTICIANS Clinic 388 RonQuillo, Sta. CJ"Uz, Manila --o-Ea;s l> &ymen\ plan for t.•achers FOR MODERN OPTICAL NEEDS-SEE Kl""E'PSAKE OPTICAL-80 Escolta