I love to teach shopwork


Part of The Philippine Educator

I love to teach shopwork
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20 PHILIPPINE ED.UCA TOR:: . · ~-: -as : well " as- "in the calm days" of _their lives. (b) To encou;age the development- of -· • talents in the- arts, sciences and letters ~ so that prospective artists, scientists, ~- , poets and writers shall be introduced to '>:-r. their future callings. - ,. ( c)• To teach the children the beauty "' in _music, in nature, in paintings, in short, in literature and ;uts, so that their lives may be richer and their. hearts made -: more sympathetic. 10. To cultivate in our people a sympathetic understanding of. other nations through. a study of the contributions thal these nations have mad'e to civili. - zation. (a) To introduce to the pupils the study of other countries of the world. - • ' . . (b) To arbuse . the interest -of every child in the lives, customs, traditicms, culture, religions, etc., of other peoples of the earth, so that he may understand them better and learn to tolerate them. (c) To· instill in the child the idea that all men are alike . before 'God and _th(' laws of nature regardless of color, creed, looks, and therefore must be the same before all men. (d) To teach the pupils the contributions of each nation to civilization, which have helped make the life of man on earth more comfortable -and luxurious. (e) To develop the idea of one-world government in which all men are equal, so as to help achieve the goal of ultimate world peace . I LOVE TO TEACH SHOPWORK By CONRADO DE LOS REYES Rodriguez Vocational High School I love to teach shopwork. Teaching is a science and an art: In teaching, I know I am doing a humble share in . ~haping the destinies of mankind. I love to watch young minds, ' like lovely flowers, unfold into wonderful patterns of tomorrow's culture. I love to witness young hands, like those of a sculptor, fashion the designs and specimens of tomorrow's ex'ploits and achievements. I love to feel young hearts, like delicate chords of a violin, chant_ the romance;: of tomorrow's "-adventures. · I love to teach shopwork. In teaching shopwor.k, I feel the proximity of God. I see!TI to hear His voice saying: "Go on. Thy Father who is in Heaven <S"eeth that which is in secret and shalt · reward thee openly." Jesus Christ Himsel~. was a teacher and a wo.rker. In teaching sbopwork, I feel conscious of ¢e fulfillment of my solemn obligation to my God, to my country, and to my people. I. feel happy in tl~e thought that the "sweat and blood" and the gray hairs shall not ha-ve been shed and grown in vain. The shoproom, which is my laboratory, is the training center of future citizens. In the shop, through shopwork, a student is developed physicaly, mentally, morally, socially, aesthetically, and vocationally into an int~grated personality that is capable of contributing his utmost to the security and progress of the race. He is furnished with the necessary knowledge and . information, habits and sk_ills, appreciatio11s and general patterns of conduct befGre he is allowed to go. out into the world • . . the world of' work . . I. ' tove to teach shopwork. I realize that my country, born out of a tragic war, is in dire need of rehabilitetion .... moral and physical rehabilitation. I believ~ , that through shopwork, nay, throu~h hard work alone shall we ·be able to survive as an independent nation. I shall :.Vork witli them; :i shall teach fhem to love LABOR that we all might live to se~ a greater and happier Phi.lippines.