Index of art clippings


Part of The Philippine Educator

Index of art clippings
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Index of Art Clippin~s 1 (Recomme!Oded by The School Arts Magazine) Credit: SANCHO ENRIQUEZ 1: Mount selected material on cards of appropriate color, 10 x 14, large size, to be filed long edges horizontal, and 7 x 10, small size, to be fil ed short edges horizontal. Decide under which 'Of the general topic:~ each card would be most likely to be in demand. Write that topic in the upper left corner of the card, and place after it the index number of that topic. For example, WOODWORK 79. j In the upper right corner write the specific subject. For example, STILLLIFE CABINETS. In the center at the top add the index number, indicating other topics under which the card might be in demand. For example, 62, 46, for it is a good example of School Topic, and is related to Object Drawing. At the bottom of the card or on the back write such othe\ useful information as may be needed. File the cards alphabetically by general topics (left-hand corner), and under each topic alphabetically by specific subjects (right-hand corner), and keep them always in this order. To find every card in the Alphabeticon " that might be used to illustrate any one topic (for example, Color Study) select every card ha,·ing the index number of that topic at its head." 1 "Aiphabeticon System."' The Schoo! Arts Mapazi,e, VoL XXX, No. 3, ,November, 1930), pp. X-XL ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CLIPPINGS A-1. Advertismg 2. Animal Life 3. Architectu re B-4. Basketry 5. Bird Life 6. -Block Printing 7. Blue Prints 8. Bookplates 9. Bookbinding 10. Borders 11. Brush Drawing C-12. Calendar~ 13. Cement Work 14. Charcoal Drawings 15. Clay Work 16." Color Study 17. Construction _ Work 18. Costume 19. Cover Design 20. Cut Paper Work D-21. Decorative Arrangement E-22. Embroidery 23. Etchings F-24. Finger Painting 25. Fish Life G-26. Geometric Drawing 27. Gesso Work H-28. History of Art 29. Holiday Projects 30. Human Figure I-31. Illustration 32. Initials 33. Insect Life 34. Interior Decoration L-35. Labels ~ 36. Lace Work 37. Landscape 38. Leatherwork 39. Lettering 40. Lithographs FOR MODER:-\ OPTIC.-\L ~ EEDS-"EE KEEPSAKE OPTICAL-80 Escolta 39 ,. ,. · .. ' '• • I • ~. ·~: r~ -, ~ ~~s~ PHILIPPINE EDUCAT.OR j . M-41. Machinery 42. Metal Work 43. Money, Paper 44. Monogram, CaJligrams N-45. Natural ~orces 0-46. Object Drawing 47. Oil Pai~ting, Reproduction P-48. Paper Work 49. Papers, Official 50. Pencil Drawings 51. Pen Rendering 52. Photography 53. Picture Study 54: Plant Life 55. Poster Design 56. Principles of Beauty 57. Printing 58. Published Manuscripts R-59. Rosettes, Florettes S-60. Sand Tables . ' . / 61. Sewing 62. School Topics 63. Silhouettes 64. Sketches 65. Song 66. Spatter Drawing 67. Stencil Work 68. Surface Designs 6?. Symbolism T-70. Textile Decoraticr. 71. Toys 72. Trade Marks 73. Transportation U-74. Unpublished Manuscripts W-75. Water Color 'Work 76. Wash Drawings 77. Wax Crayon 'Nork 78. \Veaving 79. Woodwork 80. \\forking Drawi'lg LETTERS from . . .. (Continued from I>age 27) Dear Mr. Borja: Nevermind the apolo· gies. Get all your teachers to be members of the PPST A and subscribers to the PE, and you are forgiven.-Ed. Dear Mr. Laya: As one means of letting Americans know what we are doing ed~cationally, I am endeavoring to have our educational magazines included in th e Education Index and in the Education Digest. The editors of both ha ,-e \nitten requesting me to send samples of our magazines to be submitted to th <ir board of e<J ito•·s for study and decision. I belie,·e your magazine ~houlcl h .. included in th e bunch that I am sending. We need five (5) copies of your last issue-three for the Education Index and t"·o for Education Digest. The Education Index include classified index of all worth\\'hile articles in education. Our . magazines deserYe notice in America as a result of \\'hich they will most likely be subscribe fo r by individuals and libraries. ln order that the bunch may be sent to the States without delay, will you ple,ase send me the five copies of your last issue that are needed. Cordially yours PEDRO T ORATA I thank you very much for the sample copy of your magazine which you sent this school. Believe me, it is only now that I know of the existence of this Organ o( the Philippine Public School Teachers' Association. And as a consequence of this knowl ~dge I hasten to request you to enter my name for a year's subscription to this magazine, the cost of the subscription to be sent later (after pay day) . And if I may not be asking much, may you please send me copies of the first two issues of the PHILIPPINE E.QUCATOR? I wi h to make my file complete. You may be ·interested to know th at I am for a stron g national association of public school teachers. This being so, I have asked th e teachers here to join the organization and we hope to remit our yearly membership fees oon. (Continued on page SO) ~ •J,'!; •'}"'<'