Little Gods that starve


Part of The Philippine Educator

Little Gods that starve
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Little Gods That Starve ~J .... ,.4: . ·- ~ ~~ t - By ANTONIO N. NAVALTA ... :\.· Luna Elementary School, La. Union "It takes a week more before we receive our o salary for · this month, and . there are but a · few centavos left for family expenses." 1 "I cannot figure out what T will do with my son in college aslcing money for his fees when there are still seven days to count before ;ne receive our salary." "My brother came home for vacation a coupl-e of days ago purposely to ask ior · money ·to covt:r up rentals for his books, but what could I give?" These are a few of the remarks often heard from teachers a few tormentin~ d~ys before the end of the month. A week or so after pay day, one would hear them say, "I paid the amount of 1'50.00 for my child who is sick in hospital" or "Half of- my . salary was used to cover up my debts last time." Modesty aside, it is safe to say that teachers who should live ,decently to command the respect of the populace and his pupils and who should go to - school with appropriate attire and live up -to certain standards are living with an income barely sufficient to make both ends meet. Thanks to the resourcefulness and initiative which in him were traits developed during student days or during tlie trying days of the Japanese occupation, teachers have learned to "do things on the side." \"1/ith the ravages of war inflicted upon our . native land, the problems confronting a teacher nowadays are ten times more than his problems six years ago. Classroom handicaps such as books, devices and the like are of secondary importance as adjustments could be made so as to lighten the daily task of teaching His major problem is how he could possibly budget his meager earning in • order to meet all his needs and cover up all expenditures. With the present high pricesq>f commodities, it is almost unbelievable how an average classroom teacher would be abie to squeeeze his pocket in order to carry him through in a month's time. The teachers' problem on financial status is so far bearable, but it is feared it might get more acute in the" next few years. This is not to undermine the farsightedness of our law-makers to take up measures for the good of the masses, but what if they would deem it right and proper to decrease the monthly bonus or cancel it entirely for "economy's" sake? It would not be so bad if the cost of living would then return to pre-war level _ but what if not? What would the "forgotten public servants" do? Only God Knows. FIREARMS . ; * Will help you secure your license. * Pamphlet mailed free. Special attention given to Gov't. officials and employees applicants. AMERICAN GOODS CO. 178 David (10 meters from Escolta) Manila 28