Working drawing


Part of The Philippine Educator

Working drawing
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
. __ ·?;-WORKING ·-DRAWING R. Y. MENDOZA Supervisor of, Vocational Education, Maru1a "··· __ i WORKI NG DRAWING ' PROJECT SHEET I-WD f . To &aw the third-angle orthographic projection of a TABORET. I I. Drawing Tools And Materials Needed. ·Tools I. Dividers or Compass 2. T-square 3. 2-H Pencil 4. 30 x 6$ & 45-degrec Triangles 6. Th umbtacks 5. Drawing Boa rd M~terials I. Sketching P aper - 2. Drawing (coupon bond) 26 x 30 em. III. Convention of Lines III-A Lettering Vl~tble !tire --------- invisible /,ire _ _ ___ ___ l'rqjecflon line cl;mension /,'ne _ . - -- --- __ ccnler line tlse tnclinccl sin7le cornnrerc/ol Gofh/c lell-crs as /lluslrofed lu:!ow. These /,nc:s are commonly -used In indl./slr/ol or worl<in~ drc:rwln~s. A 13 C f) E . r G- II I J K L # N 0 P QR S' Tt/ V.W XYZ a b c de F 9. h /j A I m nop(j,.sfuvwxrz /2..345678 90 IV. Learning Units in This Project In making this drawing, you will have an opportunity to develop skills and !lbilities in the followin g: . 1. 2. 3. 4. s . . . .6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Abi-lity -to -mount pap.eF on. the drawing board Ability to use correctly ti1e triangles and T "square Ability to draw horizontal and ve·rtital lines · Ability to arrange properly views of an orthegraphic drawing Ability to usc dividers in transfering measurements from · the foot-rule or scale to the drav.•in g Ability to read an~ write metric IT)easufements Ability to letter legibly Ability to draw to scale Knowledge of thP conventions of lines Knowledge of the relationship between the working drawing and the object To know the meaning of ~he scale and third-angle orthographic projection_ 32 r~··'~ . ' ... .. WORKING' DRAWING 33 . ~ <: ~ · -, '• : Note: Below is the pictorial drawing of a taboret from which you are expected to draw the 'third-angle orthogiaphic; projection: PICTOP..IAL D~AWING. Of A TABOP..ET ~c.AJ..e ,PI : .10 c~ . I 1., i 10 ... V. Working Directions A. Drawing the sketch '· -,' l, With the use of a soft pencil, make your sketch of the above project in. the orthographic projection. 2. Draw only the top .and front views. 3. Indicate all the necessary dimensions and pertinent notes. 4. Check your sketch in accordance with the pictorial drawing above~ · S Practice lettering on your sketch oy indicating all the pertin'eqt notes and your name using the style of lettering given in the preceding· paragraph. 6. Present your sketch to the tea~her for checking. As soon as it is approved, you may start makirtg your regular working drawing of the article mechanically. B. Making the working dra~g me(:lWtically 1. Select the desired size of white paper. 2. Mount this on the drawing board with thumbtacks as demonstrated. 3. Select a convenient .scale to suit the size of your paper. . (Continue. t on page 46) !?OR MODERN OPTICAL NEED5-SEE KEF.PSAKE OPTICAL--SO Escolta ·· ...